Especially you, BecW2be, for introducing me to the lovely word "twatwaffle." I was trying to back out of my parking space in the parking garage after the madhouse that was the Miley Cyrus concert last night. This idiot in an oversized SUV came roaring out of seemingly nowhere, blaring her horn. I restrained myself from showing her that she was #1 in my book, but muttered "twatwaffle" under my breath. Both girls immediately jumped all over that, wanting to know what that meant. I told them it was a bad word, and I didn't want to ever hear them say it. My younger daughter piped up, "I thought a waffle was a tasty breakfast treat." Yeah, right honey.
Re: thank you, P&E
[QUOTE]That is simply hilarious. Are you worried that you're going to get a call from the school that one of your daughters has been calling her classmates twatwaffles though?
Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]
Oh, yeah, I'm worried. Makes it even more interesting that I'm a teacher in the same district.
That's hilarious! I don't think I can claim twatwaffle, though. Cuntcustard, windy occupation and douchecake, yes. Twatwaffle, well that was someone else's brilliance!
I hope you don't get called to the principal's office today for naughty repeated language!