Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

So excited!

It has always bothered me that the unity sand at weddings is supposed to symbolize being something that can no longer be separated, but at the same time, if you get literal, it is a physical change, not a chemical change, so it can technically be separated (FI and I are both welders, and pretty into chemistry and all the stuff that goes into metallurgy, hence the reason for this). SO- we are going to have a big punch bowl and do the small version of the baking soda/vinegar thing that everyone did in grade school to symbolize a chemical change (sry gals I'm a super nerd) that cannot be reversed. I'm so excited about doing this! However, I was thinking about it today, and although all of our friends know that we are dorks, if you were watching this, would this just be a big "WTF?" moment? Or just something that makes you glad you aren't a dork? Personally I think it would be fun to watch, but I'm biased...
Wedding Countdown Ticker "Love? above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong... All you need is love!" - Moulin Rouge

Re: So excited!

  • I know you said the nerd thing... but it's a wedding not a chemistry 101. I think they're other ways to symbolize unbreakable unity than the traditional sand ceremony than you're idea that would be much more suitable for a wedding.

    Maybe do the chemistry experiment together for your anniversary?
  • It would be memorable....I'll give you that!

    We decided to forego the unity sand/candle element entirely, FWIW.  I've just seen it so many times.
  • I think it would be more interesting if it weren't something we all did in elementary school but if you want to do it I think it's fine.

  • I think the more of your personality you can infuse into the wedding the better!  Everyone will remember it, that's for sure.  Maybe someone can explain why you're doing it and that it's replacing the candle.  I'm sure that once you tell people what's going on, they'll all think it's cool!  The most important thing is that it means something to your Fi and you.
  • You have to make your ceremony about you two.  Have a simple explanation of the meaning behind it and go for it! It's your wedding. I have been to a few where they did things I personally wouldn't have but I didn't judge them or have a WTF moment because it was special to them and that's why I was there if the first place.
  • Thanks gals! We met in Chemistry lab, so between that and being dorky I wanted to do something to savor the nerd without a friend putting Tribbles on the cake!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker "Love? above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong... All you need is love!" - Moulin Rouge
  • Lisa50Lisa50 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    I voted no, but not because it could/would be considered gross.  I would vote no regarding the inclusion of any unity ceremony at a wedding, other than vows.  Anything else is superfluous, IMHO.
  • I voted no because for me it would be a "WTF moment". Sorry.
  • I voted yes, but only if you're not in church.  Not a real church-y moment.  Of course, I'm not crazy about anything but the candles in church--and we didn't even do that. But yours sounds a lot more interesting, and I suspect your friends and family will know you and know this is you.
  • Best. Idea. EVER!!!!! I'm a super nerd too. I'm a junior biochemistry major and my fiance, well he likes explosions. I might try a variation of this, but I have plenty of time to go for it. I might include an explanation for your guests in case they don't get it. But I say go for it.
  • I think it's a great idea and as pp indicated, people who know you will totally understand and most likely think that it's a cool way to represent both of your personalities.

    I agree that you should maybe have someone explain why you are doing it instead of the typical unity candle/sand ceremony.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • That's going to be a long ceremony, Luc! The reason I voted no is not because I'm anti-nerd or against doing something different, but more because I feel like it would symbolize a volatile relationship, full of fury and explosion (but not in a good way!). Maybe you could come up with something else? I'm coming up bland at the moment . . .
  • Sea Monkeys?  Lucy, you are too funny.  If this is what you want in your ceremony because you think it symbolizes the coming together and unity of you and your FI who are we to tell you not to do it.  I agree with pp that you should have an explanation of the symbolism perhaps in your program.  I am sure the people that know you well will understand, but your third cousin Cindy who you haven't seen since third grade may not get it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • misslizzmisslizz member
    edited May 2011
    Have you heard of using two different colored waters and then mixing them to make a 3rd? I saw that one some wedding show last week.

    That can't be undone either.

    Not saying that your idea isn't cool, just thought I'd throw something out there.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So excited!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Have you heard of using two different colored waters and then mixing them to make a 3rd? I saw that one some wedding show last week. That can't be undone either. Not saying that your idea isn't cool, just thought I'd throw something out there.
    Posted by misslizz[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>There is actually a great way to do this by doing an acid-base redox reaction (it goes from clear to pink to purple :-D) but I'm not sure how to acquire the chemicals to do so. =p

    Wedding Countdown Ticker "Love? above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong... All you need is love!" - Moulin Rouge
  • I think this is a really cute idea! It would totally incorporate your personalities into the wedding :)
  • naomikbnaomikb member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    I entirely agree with you, the sand doesn't actually change.

    But I think baking soda & vinegar is a bit hokey.  I would try to pick something that is a bit more elegant and not so primary school/messy.  Maybe something to do with your welding?  Can you weld some rings together to make wedding rings or something?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: So excited!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: So excited! : There is actually a great way to do this by doing an acid-base redox reaction (it goes from clear to pink to purple :-D) but I'm not sure how to acquire the chemicals to do so. =p
    Posted by Murfle11[/QUOTE]

    This is totally what I was thinking! If you wanted to mix something I would try to minimize any smells escpecially if you're indoors. You should be able to order the PH scale indicators online. They turn a variety of colors after the chemical reaction. I love this idea but I do think that you need to put an explaination in your program as to why you're doing it. Especially if you guys are so into chemistry I think guests will get it!
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