Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Re: .

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    Is your wedding in six months, or in March? If it's six months, you'd have plenty of time to fix it. If it's March, and you plan on dying it before the wedding, you should probably do it now so there aren't any surprises right before the wedding.

    Have you done box color before? I used to dye mine all the time and it never turned out in any unexpected way. Just take your time, be sure about the color you want, and make sure you have enough; it's better to have to take a box back than to get halfway through your hair and run out.

    If you aren't super confident with doing it yourself, I'd splurge a little and have it done a week or two before the wedding.
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    Your hair sounds about the same color as mine. I've only dyed my hair at home once, and it didn't turn out how I expected. It wasn't awful, but it had a red tint to it that I didn't expect. Of course, I later read that well water can give hair dye a red tint, and guess what we used on my hair!

    I would be cautious about doing anything for the first time so close to the wedding/pictures that it couldn't be fixed. And anything hair related needs to be done at least 1-2 weeks ahead of time so it has time to grow in and look more natural.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Thanks ladies! I guess I worded that wedding is in September so I have 6 months.
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    If you do it at home, you need to likely get a toner to erase the red/orange tint that could happen. Have you tried looking for groupon, livingsocial, giltcity, bloomspot, etc, deals for professional hair color?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I agree with emee. there are tons of great groupon type deals in Portland.

    Also, do you have any friends that regularly do their own hair?  They can probably help you out.  My mom dyes her hair lighter (not highlights though, just all over), and it seems to work well for her.  Spending a lot of time in the sun (although in Portland, good luck with that) can also work wonders for picking out highlights.

    You could also pick up a demi-permanent dye.  I've used the L'Oreal Healthy Look  before, and I liked it.  It says it lasts for 28 shampoos.  I was just trying to cover gray, not lighten my hair or anything, and the gray stayed completely covered for about 6 weeks, and wasn't bad enough for me to completely redye anything until closer to 8-10 weeks.  
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    My natural color is this mousey dark blonde/light brown-ish color.  I've done all sorts of coloring to my hair over the years both at home and a the salon, and one thing that I've taken away from that experience is to leave blonde to the professionals. It's pretty much next to impossible to get a nice looking light blonde from a box without first bleaching the crap out of your hair, and it's just not worth the damage that causes. You will definitely be able to get the color fixed before the wedding, but your hair will be fried.

    Save up, look for Groupon deals, and get it done at the salon. If you go in within the next few weeks get a "base color" done, it'll be way cheaper than doing highlights (At my salon, getting a blonde base color costs only a little more than a rinse for brunette or red), but it will freshen you up, and it will carry you a little longer until the wedding than flat out trying to wait the 6 months with hair that you hate.

    *I felt sorry for my husband before I met him. Take a number.*

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