
Self Uniting Marriage License in Dauphin County

I just wanted to stop in and leave a post about our experience. I was truly terrified about getting our self uniting license after reading some horror stories and bad experiences.

I had absolutely no reason to be. It was so easy! We mentioned up front that we wanted a self uniting license and the very nice girl who helped us didn't even flinch. No weird questions. No strange looks. Nothing! 

The only thing I recommend is to double check everything before it gets printed out to make sure you have the correct license. She accidnetally clicked the wrong one at first, but no big deal it was just a few clicks to fix it. 

She walked us through the process of what we have to do after the ceremony (the things that an officiant would normally do) and how to send in our paperwork.

Hope this helps ease some minds out there. Smile

Re: Self Uniting Marriage License in Dauphin County

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    We also got a self uniting license and we were really worried and it ended up being very easy. I'm glad you had a good experience! Have a great wedding!
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    I seriously thought about getting one too, but I didnt because as you said there are some horros stories out there.  AND my husband is not a citizen and I am sponsoring his green card as my spouse so it just really really wasnt worth the risk for us, especially because we don't even live in Pennsylvania, its just where our wedding was because my Moms family is there and I grew up there.

    But if we didn't have this legal process depending on the validity of our marriage I totally would have done the self-uniting even though we are not quakers.  Save the bucks of hiring an officiant.  If you still want an 'officiant' just have any friend stand up there and pretend to preside.
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