Just Engaged and Proposals

My proposal made it on TV! :)

So, a few days before this, I sat my boyfriend (now fiance!) down and asked him to please tell me what he had in mind for the future. He said it would be about 2-3 years before we would be engaged. I expected it to happen sooner. So for the next few days, I was pretty bummed out that we were on such different pages. 


About three days later, he said he needed to film some card tricks for an online magic club that he joined (this wouldn't be abnormal for him). Of course, I believed him! So he set up a bunch of tripods and cameras and did a couple tricks. Then he started a trick that I had never seen before.. which ended up being quite a surprise!! Turns out he actually bought the ring SEVEN months before this!


We actually made it onto TV! It's a show called "Right This Minute" .. I love it!


Here is the link: http://www.rightthisminute.com/video/confessing-your-love-through-card-trick


and here is the full proposal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rczEBi0KcvU


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