Getting in Shape

Customized Fat Loss

Okay guys, I think you all know I'm not one to usually be drawn in by this crap...but the guy seemed to know what he was talking about and even though he IS selling a product it doesn't seem quite as gimmicky or "quick fix"


I'm starting to think It's not enough just eating at a deficit anymore, but I really need to start looking at WHAT I'm eating (maybe that's why this guys spiel seemed appealing).


Any other nutritional guide recommendations?

Re: Customized Fat Loss

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    Entropic, I can't speak to the link but going from my individual experience as well as what I've noticed from others on the Primal Blueprint forum, as you get closer to your goal what you eat absolutely matters a helluva lot more than how much you eat. You may not even need to be at a deficit as long as you eat clean and even cut back on your workouts (which sounds counter-intuitive but it's true). I've recently been eating clean (just regular foods, LOADS of veggies, no "snacky" foods, black coffee only, no chocolate or other daily "treats"), shuffled up my macros for a change, and cut back on the workouts a bit (basically just added another rest day). After a month I've dropped a whopping one pound according to the scale but my abs are noticeably different, and it's not just me seeing things. Yet I am eating at maintenance in terms of calories. I would suggest doing some of the things outlined above before signing up for a program.
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    GiaspoGiaspo member
    5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment First Anniversary
    edited April 2013
    I'm in week three of a primal focused diet and I have to say... I'm hooked. I've never felt better, and lost 4 lbs! It remonds me of the Zone 10 years ago (which I also loved). The carbs were easier to give up than the sugar (still working on that) but it definitely helps when making choices. I'm not sure what to do once real training starts, but it's working well for now. Unchaten, I have Qs too and may pick your brain. Edit: the 4 lbs was actually over the past 5 weeks of eating clean, and sped up when I started focusing on protein.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Customized Fat Loss</a>:
    [QUOTE] The carbs were easier to give up than the sugar (still working on that) 
    Posted by Giaspo[/QUOTE]
    </div><div>ZOMG this was me times a million. The thing to remember is to not give in. If I don't eat non-fruit sugar for a few days, I'm fine and then after a couple of days it's smooth sailing. But if I have sugar one day, I have to have it the next day and it snowballs from there. But the longer you stick at it, the easier the psychological addiction becomes.</div>
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    Thanks for all the input ladies - I was really interested in when he was talking about the "different body types require different types of fuel" - I actually found a book on Amazon that discusses that in particular and I might get it. I would never buy this dudes "system" but at least he doesn't sound like a lunatic.

    I guess I'm just frustrated with my progress because I still have so much more weight to lose - I'm not within 10-15lbs of my goal, and my goal is still a higher body weight than is "recommended". I like the idea of building muscle and shedding pure fat etc.

    @Kwith - your suggestion of seeing a nutritionist is a good one, unfortunately I've done that before and it didn't really help. The nutritionist wasn't looking at my lifestyle and my particular needs, she just sort of blanketed out "well this is good, and this is bad" etc.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Customized Fat Loss</a>:
    [QUOTE] I guess I'm just frustrated with my progress because I still have so much more weight to lose - I'm not within 10-15lbs of my goal, and my goal is still a higher body weight than is "recommended".
    Posted by entropicbeauty[/QUOTE]

    <div>Don't worry about these "recommendations." I've been off the medical charts in terms of weight since infancy (I was also off the height charts until about the age of 8). I'm easily 10lbs above "recommended" even though I'm very fit and healthy by all measurable standards. As long as you get to a happy place in terms of dress size or BF%, don't worry if you're above "recommended" for your height.</div>
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    Unchat - that's exactly what I am doing. When I did medical weight loss and lost a bunch of weight before, I got down to a size 10 and was comfortable I'm just trying to get back to that zone...though it would still put me at about 170/180 for 5'8", which is still technically overweight.
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    @Kwith: I'm thinking about getting a copy of Racing Weight.  Can the eating plans be adapted for vegetarians?  I'm not sure how specific the plans are, but I am not willing to stop being veg. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    @kwith and @unchaten... I have the book entitled "Nutrition for Marathoners" and it was eye opening.  Last summer I trained with a new outlook and it took some fine-tuning.  By the end I had a good feel for what worked for me and what didn't.  I think last week a runner was talking about Paleo and training (cnf maybe?) and said it's all finding what works for you. 

    I'm just hoping this lowers mybody fat % so that I don't get chafing between my thighs! 
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