Wedding Invitations & Paper

Invite for pregnant guest

Hi! I have a couple of guests who are currently pregnant, and will have the babies before my wedding, but after the invitations go out. They will probably not bring the very young babies to the wedding, but should I invite them anyway? If so, how would I word that on the invitation if they don't have names yet?

Re: Invite for pregnant guest

  • Jen4948Jen4948 member
    Knottie Warrior 25 Answers 10000 Comments 500 Love Its
    I'd address the invitations to the guests "and family."
  • Ok, thank you! The trickier one is my fiance's cousin's girlfriend, who is pregnant. They don't live together, so if she wasn't pregnant, the invite would be:

    Mr. John Doe
    Ms. Jane Smith
    His address

    So adding "And Family" would be a little awkward. I'm hoping they'll pick out a name soon so that I can just add it to the list, but do you think it would be weird to get an invitation addressed to your unborn child?
  • I think I would just address it to the adults and put a note in it saying theyre welcome to bring the new baby.
  • You could also address it:
    Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
    Babies Smith

    (for the first couple)

    John Doe
    Jane Smith
    Baby Doe

    (for the second)

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Thank you for the helpful suggestions!
  • In Response to Re: Invite for pregnant guest:
    [QUOTE]I think I would just address it to the adults and put a note in it saying theyre welcome to bring the new baby.
    Posted by misshart00[/QUOTE]
    This is what I would do. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • I am in the same situation. The couple I am inviting are having their first baby one month before the wedding (after invitations will have been sent out, and they are not sharing the name/sex of the baby beforehand) and they have already booked their flight to our wedding and plan on bringing the infant. I addressed the invitation to just them ("Mr. and Mrs. John Smith") and will be including a small note saying that we're looking forward to meeting their baby.
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