My fiance and I are on a tight budget, and thankfully we have a lot of talented friends! I was just wondering when the best time would be to ask them for help? We have set a date, but it is not for over 14 months so no invitations have been sent yet. We would love to ask one of our friends to do our cake for us (just a small one) and another friend to do my hair. When do you think is the appropriate time to ask them if they are willing to do it, right away or once we send save-the-dates or invites?
Thank you!
Re: Asking friends for help
Websites/blogs where our wedding has been featured:
Thanks for your replies!
I saw your update, but I'm still a little foggy on the terms - would you be paying them as vendors? Or just paying supplies? If you are hiring them as vendors, write up a contract.
I just wanted to remind you to be careful...your friends may be very talented, but it's a whole different thing when you're seeing their work for someone else than for yourself. If you end up hating something they do, feelings can (and likely will) get hurt. At that point you could easily find yourself without a stylist/photographer/cake creator/whatever AND without a friend.
There is nothing wrong with asking your friends who are talented if they would be willing to do different things for you for an agreed upon rate. You trust them and know what kind of work they do and know they would have your best interest in heart while doing the work.
I would ask them probably around the 10-11 month mark. This way if they aren't able to do it for you for whatever reason, you'll have enough time to find other options.
Regarding your question about "appropriate rate"...honestly there isn't one because they are not professionals. How do you rate an amateur? A thank you gift?
Are these friends also invited to your reception?
I hadn't considered payment or thought about this being inappropriate until I saw this post. Thanks for the reassurance!