Wedding Etiquette Forum

XP: Secret Mods?


Re: XP: Secret Mods?

  • Swazzle said:
    A friend of mine received the following message from TK: 

    "We removed moderators a few months back and have come to the realization that we need help! Our mistake, and we’re owning that!

    That’s where you come in, if you accept. We’ve handpicked you for the opportunity to secretly moderate our forums as we continue to improve the community. 

    Why secretly? Well, not everyone loves moderators, so we’re giving you the opportunity to enforce the rules and keep things cool while still being a “regular” user. There’s no moderation badge this time to show off to other members or assigned boards at the moment. But we will reward your efforts (who likes gift cards?!).

    The role details are still being worked on, but we wanted to tap you and see if you’d be interested in moderating."

    Really TK? What the hell is the point of having SECRET mods? AND bribing them?
    quoting in case you get booted. Thanks for posting - transparency is always valued. 
    You and all of us should probably copy and paste this letter due to the fact that if Swazzle does get booted it will most likely mean this and all other of her threads that she started will be deleted as well.  Since, you know, they switched to only IP bans now.

  • Just to add my voice to the chorus ... Transparency is VITAL in the chain o' command. All you're doing is destroying whatever goodwill might be left.

    Oh, and by the way, if I had been asked you bet your ass I would have come forward in the name of transparency.
  • NYCBruin said: this just one big game of Big Brother?!?!? Fuck
    No they sent us back to the 1600s.  It's witch hunting now.
    Shall we start now?  Who wants to be the first to guess who's been made a secret mod?
    If these people that were asked had any type of integrity they would come forward and publicly say this is wrong. But we all know that's not gonna happen.
    Of course not.  They are all getting gift cards and shit.  Why speak up when you are getting free stuff?  Oh, to be a good person and because taking bribes are bad, yeah I don't see that happening.

  • Yep, if I get the banhammer all of the threads with the letter will disappear.

  • @swazzle noooo you can't get banned I <3 you!


    Some different people should post on a few different boards...


  • Hi Everyone!

    We are slowly starting to contact individuals to moderate boards in an anonymous role for the opportunity for members to report spam/abuse without having the responsibility to cater to specific boards.  We're still going through our lists of people to moderate and are completely open to volunteer submissions too.

    The overall goal is to have a role where if moderator sees something that violates TOS (spam especially) while on any board, they can immediately place it into our moderation queue (like we've had in the past). We're keeping the roles secret so that they won't be attacked on the boards for reporting posts. All reported posts will still be reviewed by the TK team as well as any moderators that abuse the privilege.

    At the moment, we are still working on responsibilities and finalizing the reporting system. Since this process hasn't been completed yet, we decided not to share any information on the boards until everything has been finalized.

  • That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. 

  • @keptinstitches - I would have come forward also. I value transparency more than gift cards - and I think the users on this site value transparency also. 

    It's really hard to be part of an unregulated forum where rules aren't enforced consistently or applied fairly. I always wonder how bad ideas are propegated through big corporations. Like, did someone say "let's have secret mods!!" and someone else said "that's it!!" and someone else said, "I'm sure no one will ask questions or find out!!" and then they all went and had a party. SOMEONE had to have had a feeling this was a bad idea that wouldn't be received well.

  • This is what will happen:
  • NYCBruin said: this just one big game of Big Brother?!?!? Fuck
    No they sent us back to the 1600s.  It's witch hunting now.
    Shall we start now?  Who wants to be the first to guess who's been made a secret mod?
    If these people that were asked had any type of integrity they would come forward and publicly say this is wrong. But we all know that's not gonna happen.
    Of course not.  They are all getting gift cards and shit.  Why speak up when you are getting free stuff?  Oh, to be a good person and because taking bribes are bad, yeah I don't see that happening.
    Hopefully this doesn't turn into a witch hunt....

    I received this message about being a "secret mod"  I am in the process now of writing back to @KnotPorscha.  I was part of the group of "mods" that lasted a few days before they got rid of them so I'm not really sure how the whole thing was handled in the earlier mod days.

    I DO NOT believe Mods should be kept secret.  These ladies that have posted in this thread before me bring up excellent points that should be strongly considered.  If still chosen (and not banned from TK) I have no problem putting a name/face to the work I've done.  (ie deleting posts, handling harassment, trolls, etc).  I feel like I would do the job for what it is, not delete, issue warnings, etc just because I can and because I can do it without anyone knowing it was me. 

    As far as being bribed, that's shady.  Like I said idk what advantages there were to being a mod before but if the knot gods think we're doing a great job, I don't see why they can't reward us.  (Doesn't have to be a gift card, could be coupon code for the knotshop etc).  It's also unclear how that will work.  Do you get more gift cards for the mod things you do?  We don't need people banning, flagging, etc just to benefit themselves and fill their pockets.

    Hopefully they reconsider this crazy, shady, big brother approach to moderate the boards.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 3 words:


    This plan =/= those things.

  • kjlambkjlamb member
    100 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited August 2013
    face it KP and KJ. You messed everything up around here. 

    Shoot people at a Batman premier and.... to soon?.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I DO NOT believe Mods should be kept secret.  These ladies that have posted in this thread before me bring up excellent points that should be strongly considered.  If still chosen (and not banned from TK) I have no problem putting a name/face to the work I've done.  (ie deleting posts, handling harassment, trolls, etc).  I feel like I would do the job for what it is, not delete, issue warnings, etc just because I can and because I can do it without anyone knowing it was me. 

    As far as being bribed, that's shady.  Like I said idk what advantages there were to being a mod before but if the knot gods think we're doing a great job, I don't see why they can't reward us.  
    I agree with this. Having the mods be named will help to keep them accountable. Also, there was no "compensation" previously for being a mod other than having a higher quality board due to the work you'd done. That's what we all signed up for in the first place.
    Formerly known as flutterbride2b
  • @itzMS - You read my mind. 

  • NYCBruin said: this just one big game of Big Brother?!?!? Fuck
    No they sent us back to the 1600s.  It's witch hunting now.
    Shall we start now?  Who wants to be the first to guess who's been made a secret mod?
    If these people that were asked had any type of integrity they would come forward and publicly say this is wrong. But we all know that's not gonna happen.
    Of course not.  They are all getting gift cards and shit.  Why speak up when you are getting free stuff?  Oh, to be a good person and because taking bribes are bad, yeah I don't see that happening.
    Hopefully this doesn't turn into a witch hunt....

    I received this message about being a "secret mod"  I am in the process now of writing back to @KnotPorscha.  I was part of the group of "mods" that lasted a few days before they got rid of them so I'm not really sure how the whole thing was handled in the earlier mod days.

    I DO NOT believe Mods should be kept secret.  These ladies that have posted in this thread before me bring up excellent points that should be strongly considered.  If still chosen (and not banned from TK) I have no problem putting a name/face to the work I've done.  (ie deleting posts, handling harassment, trolls, etc).  I feel like I would do the job for what it is, not delete, issue warnings, etc just because I can and because I can do it without anyone knowing it was me. 

    As far as being bribed, that's shady.  Like I said idk what advantages there were to being a mod before but if the knot gods think we're doing a great job, I don't see why they can't reward us.  (Doesn't have to be a gift card, could be coupon code for the knotshop etc).  It's also unclear how that will work.  Do you get more gift cards for the mod things you do?  We don't need people banning, flagging, etc just to benefit themselves and fill their pockets.

    Hopefully they reconsider this crazy, shady, big brother approach to moderate the boards.
    I want to thank you for your honesty and for knowing this is wrong. I can only hope others that got the same message are are sensible as you.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • @thefuturemrsn3312 - Thank you for being willing to come forward. It took a lot of guts on your part. That being said, I agree with @itzMS that you're not a very well-known presence on the international boards.
  • NYCBruinNYCBruin member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary
    edited August 2013
    @KnotPorscha what criteria have you been using to select these secret mods? 

    ETA and this is a terrible idea.  Please see the over 100 posts explaining why.  But please answer my question about how you are selecting mods.
    Don't worry guys, I have the Wedding Police AND the Whambulance on speed dial!
  • edited August 2013
    @itzMS When the May2014 started to become more active I volunteered to keep an eye out if no one else was interested.  In the message I received today it did not state what board I would be looking after.  I would assume its still the May 2014 board.  I can't see why they would leave me to look over something else but who knows.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Swazzle said:
    @itzMS - You read my mind. 
    Mine, too. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • @itzMS When the May2014 started to become more active I volunteered to keep an eye out if no one else was interested.  In the message I received today it did not state what board I would be looking after.  I would assume its still the May 2014 board.  I can't see why the would leave me to look over something else but who knows.
    From what I read in KPs post is that you wouldn't be assigned to a specific board but that you, and all the other secret mods, would have the right to mod all boards.

    And thanks for coming forward!

  • Hi Everyone!

    We are slowly starting to contact individuals to moderate boards in an anonymous role for the opportunity for members to report spam/abuse without having the responsibility to cater to specific boards.  We're still going through our lists of people to moderate and are completely open to volunteer submissions too.

    The overall goal is to have a role where if moderator sees something that violates TOS (spam especially) while on any board, they can immediately place it into our moderation queue (like we've had in the past). We're keeping the roles secret so that they won't be attacked on the boards for reporting posts. All reported posts will still be reviewed by the TK team as well as any moderators that abuse the privilege.

    At the moment, we are still working on responsibilities and finalizing the reporting system. Since this process hasn't been completed yet, we decided not to share any information on the boards until everything has been finalized.

    @KnotPorscha, but how does this Secret Mod job differ from anyone tagging you in a thread and telling you there is a TOS violation?  If anyone didn't want to be identified as a snitch against the TOS, they just would ignore the post that violates TOS until someone else notifies you.  There are people here that have no problems being identified as Mods, so why hide who is a mod?
  • Hi Everyone!

    We are slowly starting to contact individuals to moderate boards in an anonymous role for the opportunity for members to report spam/abuse without having the responsibility to cater to specific boards.  We're still going through our lists of people to moderate and are completely open to volunteer submissions too.

    The overall goal is to have a role where if moderator sees something that violates TOS (spam especially) while on any board, they can immediately place it into our moderation queue (like we've had in the past). We're keeping the roles secret so that they won't be attacked on the boards for reporting posts. All reported posts will still be reviewed by the TK team as well as any moderators that abuse the privilege.

    At the moment, we are still working on responsibilities and finalizing the reporting system. Since this process hasn't been completed yet, we decided not to share any information on the boards until everything has been finalized.

    @KnotPorscha, but how does this Secret Mod job differ from anyone tagging you in a thread and telling you there is a TOS violation?  If anyone didn't want to be identified as a snitch against the TOS, they just would ignore the post that violates TOS until someone else notifies you.  There are people here that have no problems being identified as Mods, so why hide who is a mod?
    Or just send KP a PM.  We already have a system in place to anonymously report TOS violations: PM a KG.
    Don't worry guys, I have the Wedding Police AND the Whambulance on speed dial!
  • edited August 2013
    Hi Everyone!

    We are slowly starting to contact individuals to moderate boards in an anonymous role for the opportunity for members to report spam/abuse without having the responsibility to cater to specific boards.  We're still going through our lists of people to moderate and are completely open to volunteer submissions too.

    The overall goal is to have a role where if moderator sees something that violates TOS (spam especially) while on any board, they can immediately place it into our moderation queue (like we've had in the past). We're keeping the roles secret so that they won't be attacked on the boards for reporting posts. All reported posts will still be reviewed by the TK team as well as any moderators that abuse the privilege.

    At the moment, we are still working on responsibilities and finalizing the reporting system. Since this process hasn't been completed yet, we decided not to share any information on the boards until everything has been finalized.

    Am I reading this correctly in that SuperSecret Mods will not have OldSchool Mod duties and will not be a policing force? 

    Instead they will have the ability to alert you to TOS violations via the flagging system that was recently removed that you will then take action on?

    ETA @knotporscha


    You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
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