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Secret MODS?

@knotporscha, @knotjackie - so what is with this:

Seriously guys?  Any shred of trust that could have been regained just flushed down the toilet.  I look forward to  your replies.

Re: Secret MODS?

  • Seriously this is probably the most screwed up thing you've done. 
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • More secrecy.  So...that's how you win trust back when it was destroyed by secrecy? More secrecy?

    Do it right, TK.
  • ... and you thought you had a clusterfuck last month?
  • How many meetings did it take to come up with this terrible idea?
    Don't worry guys, I have the Wedding Police AND the Whambulance on speed dial!
  • I am so excited that I finally figured out how to upload gifs.  This ought to be good.  

    What amazes me is their (yet again) lack of preparedness.  They HAD to know that this asinine "secrecy" would not last long.  They HAD to know that fallout would quickly ensue.  How they did NOT formulate a response for these expected, PREDICTABLE backlashes is what boggles my mind.  A website completely void of respect and trust will get what it deserves.
  • I'm guessing they aren't going to respond, as they never respond when people point out the flaws in their plans.  Maybe if we tag them on everything we post all day we'll get a response.  This has worked in the past.

    Don't worry guys, I have the Wedding Police AND the Whambulance on speed dial!
  • So...they're hiring spies? 
  • kmmssg said:
    My new theory on this is that enough of us didn't leave during last month's fiasco so they are aiming for more.
    Agreed.  I said this on another of the XP boards.....

    This comes as no surprise to me.  I have felt for several weeks now that "new posters" have been created for the sole purpose of testing responses of both new and long time posters.  What I don't understand is the secrecy behind it.  Well, actually I do...I am sure the KG's don't want to incur wrath for what I assume is a blatant disregard of some of the former mods.  

    However, if a mod is meant to help with board glitches, prevent spamming, or monitor threads gone wild, how is a poster supposed to know who to page, and when?  Or is this meant to be some new chain of tattling command?  Will the secret agent mod monitor her domain and if she doesn't like what she sees,  bring it to the attention of one of the KG"s?

    And how will these secret agent mods be paid?  Will they get paid per banning?  Per hand slap?  Removing mods was clearly the least of their mistakes.

    Shall we guess who the secret agent mods will be?  My vote is for all those first time posters that just happened to ask hot button questions.  They obviously will all have new names, most of which will end in "double 0 bullshit".  
  • @mobkaz - double 0 bullshit - I do love that.  And that was me lovin your post by the way.
  • kmmssg said:
    @mobkaz - double 0 bullshit - I do love that.  And that was me lovin your post by the way.
    Back at ya, kmmssg.  
  • kmmssg said:
    @mobkaz - double 0 bullshit - I do love that.  And that was me lovin your post by the way.
    Hey now...
  • XPing here for greater adminly visibility.

    @KnotPorscha @KnotJackie

    Just to add my voice to the chorus ... Transparency is VITAL in the chain o' command. All you're doing is destroying whatever goodwill might be left.
  • KJ and KP have both been active in the last 10 minutes. 

    How long until we get a response and/or I get banned?

  • KP posted a whole bunch of nothing on E.
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  • Hi Everyone!

    We are slowly starting to contact individuals to moderate boards in an anonymous role for the opportunity for members to report spam/abuse without having the responsibility to cater to specific boards.  We're still going through our lists of people to moderate and are completely open to volunteer submissions too.

    The overall goal is to have a role where if moderator sees something that violates TOS (spam especially) while on any board, they can immediately place it into our moderation queue (like we've had in the past). We're keeping the roles secret so that they won't be attacked on the boards for reporting posts. All reported posts will still be reviewed by the TK team as well as any moderators that abuse the privilege.

    At the moment, we are still working on responsibilities and finalizing the reporting system. Since this process hasn't been completed yet, we decided not to share any information on the boards until everything has been finalized.

  • Hi Everyone!

    We are slowly starting to contact individuals to moderate boards in an anonymous role for the opportunity for members to report spam/abuse without having the responsibility to cater to specific boards.  We're still going through our lists of people to moderate and are completely open to volunteer submissions too.

    The overall goal is to have a role where if moderator sees something that violates TOS (spam especially) while on any board, they can immediately place it into our moderation queue (like we've had in the past). We're keeping the roles secret so that they won't be attacked on the boards for reporting posts. All reported posts will still be reviewed by the TK team as well as any moderators that abuse the privilege.

    At the moment, we are still working on responsibilities and finalizing the reporting system. Since this process hasn't been completed yet, we decided not to share any information on the boards until everything has been finalized.

    Instead, people will point accusatory fingers at each other trying to ferret out the snitch. This doesn't sound like a good plan. Transparency is always better.

  • HobokensFuryHobokensFury member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2013
    @KnotPorscha I really want to believe TK gods are smarter than what they write but it's getting more difficult with each post.  You had to know this was not going to turn out well and this post of a whole lot of nothing was going to make things worse.  Instead of helping the community out you have decided to create a witch hunt.  That's a great plan.
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  • The only mods who were challenged, as far as I remember, were the mods that abused their powers and violated the TOS that YOU laid out. I can think of one incident where an excellent mod was challenged because she misunderstood YOUR instructions for banning trolls. YOU stood by and let her try to dig her way out of the situation, when YOU could have spoken up and possibly resolved the matter. But YOU didn't because YOU were using those complainers. And they didn't get any gift cards, they got banned without notice.

    I wish I could give you a million love its!
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • It would be awesome if anyone who was asked to be a secret mod either came forward or simply declined. 


  • image
    @KnotPorscha pick me for the super secret mod squad
  • And what will protect the posters from overly sensitive or self righteous moderators?  Will posters have any inkling they are being reported, and for the reason of that report?  How or when will they be notified, if ever, if their 30 minute clock has been set?
  • Maire poppy for the win. I'm not buying for a minute that they are also looking for volunteers when they are emailing/pm'ing secret snitches.
  • Will the mods get unicorns to ride? 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • AddieL73 said:
    Will the mods get unicorns to ride? 

    If this is the case, I am in.

    I also need a burlap-wrapped mason jar filled with glitter and (dead?) butterflies to release.

  • So none of us are the secret mods. Who does that leave? Hhhhmmmmmm?
  • So none of us are the secret mods. Who does that leave? Hhhhmmmmmm?
    Let the witch hunt begin!
    Don't worry guys, I have the Wedding Police AND the Whambulance on speed dial!
  • One brave girl came forward on E.  She's someone no one's ever heard of. I'm guessing so are the rest of them.  Probably people that only post on the club or local boards because they're puppies and rainbows over there.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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