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OMG Finally The WEEKEND!!

Can I just say that this week took forever to finish! I'm so glad today is Friday! What are your plans for the weekend?!?

Tonight is running errands of course...we are going to CostCo and I need to make some Sangria for tomorrow. FI is doing CrossFit and signed me up for my bday so I've done that the past couple days and I definitely need a break already. My body hurts.

Saturday I'm dropping off my invitations at the post office!!! Woo Hoo!!! The reason why we have "4 attending" is because it's myself, FI, and my parentals lol. I got too excited! Then @lmhollister is throwing FI and I a couple's shower with our friends. It's going to be so much fun. I haven't seen some of my close friends in a few months so I'm glad we get to catch back up. 

Sunday is church and then we are celebrating my Dad's belated birthday since he has been out of town the past couple of weekends. FI and I also desperately need to clean the apartment before next week. 

Re: OMG Finally The WEEKEND!!

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    Sounds like you have some exciting things coming up this weekend Peach! Once the invitations are mailed it seems like there are so many fun things you get to do until the wedding. I really enjoyed that time - hope you will too!

    Tonight DH and I are planning to have a date night. I don't know what we're going to do, but we may go to a movie at the cheap seats or something just to get out of the house...but stay indoors because it's raining buckets in CO right now!

    Tomorrow i'm attacking my house. It's been well over 2 months since the wedding and I haven't gone through anything. I need to sell some things on craigslist and get my guest room back in order. Then we have a BBQ to go to at a friends house with H's parents. Should be a good time.

    Sunday DH has plans with his probably more cleaning/organizing for me. I'd also like to finnish my current read: Gone Girl. I'm just getting to the good I want to know what happens right.this.very.minute!

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    Sounds like you're going to have a busy and fun weekend @southernpeach89!

    Tonight I'm going to the grocery store, CVS and getting gas. I think we might be going to BF's old roommate's house to see their puppies. I'm still feeling a little crappy from antibiotics, so if I feel like shit, I'm staying home.

    Tomorrow we're closing the pool up. I'm also going to do some yard work and may convince BF to start re-seeding the lawn but it may be too early, I don't know. I fail at growing a lawn. Tomorrow night I'm going to convince BF to go out and play pool or something so I can get out of the house. Also if I feel better, I'm going to the gym.

    Sunday we'll finish up closing the pool (putting the cover on, etc) and then I'll cry. I might organize the pool shed/empty it out and try to sell it on CL. We want to build a patio where the shed is now, we don't really need the shed since in the summer I don't use the garage.

     Wedding Countdown Ticker

    image 59 Invited
    image 36 Yes
    image 2 No
    image 21 Unknown
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    Good morning and happy Friday, ladies!

    Tonight, H and I are going to get $13 tattoos for Friday the 13th if the shop isn't too busy! I think I'm going to get a black cat :) I have @Lennonkdc's pasta sauce in my crockpot so I don't have to cook dinner (aside from boiling water) and then I want to have a scary movie marathon.

    Tomorrow is my aunt's surprise 80's-themed birthday party in DE. I have nothing to wear so I need to do something about that. 

    Sunday will be football during the day (fly Eagles fly!) and then Big Brother and Dexter at night. 

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    @allusive007 -I'm sorry to hear about all the flooding CO has been getting. Hopefully it hasn't caused too much damage by you. One of my fb friends who moved over there had to evacuate her house b/c of it.

    @buddysmom80 -I hope you start to feel better soon. That's exciting about building a patio though! FI and I want a house so bad so we can do projects like that but we won't probably get one until next year. 
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    @southernpeach89 - Yay for mailing invitations! When ours went out it REALLY started to feel real and time flew by even faster. 

    @allusive007 - I hear you on the wedding stuff. I haven't done anything with any of it and it's be over 4 months hahaha

    @buddysmom80 - I hope you feel better, love!

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    @swazzle -I can't tell you how anxious I have been to get those in the mail. I've had them done for almost a month and I've just been staring at them. When they are gone...I may or may not perform such an act inside the post office:
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    @allusive007 - I need to have a weekend to clean and organize stuff...  and paint!  and work on the yard/flower bed for fall.  sounds like you'll have lots to do, but with all the rain you might as well stay inside and do it!

    last night it rained for the first time in almost a month.  nothing like the drought we were in before this year, but everyone was excited to see the rain.  I can't believe all the footage I'm seeing from CO.  I have family there in the Littleton area.

    tonight I'm going to a GNO (girls' night out).  we're having taco salad night (I'm bringing guac and fruit!) with desserts and games.  tomorrow morning I'm going grocery shopping and on a Target run.  I have some birthday money I'd like to spend on a few layering tops, and I like Target's ultra thin tees for that.  in the evening we have a wedding, so that will be fun.

    that's about it for me!  I need to give the shower a really good scrub.  we have one of the plastic kind that come in the Ideal Homes, and it gets junks in between the cracks.  does ANYONE know what to do so we don't get so much GUNK in there?  I am at my wit's end, here.  HELP.
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    @allusive007, Gone Girl was an excellent book. I will be interested in hearing what you think of the very end of it. It provoked a rather strong reaction in me, lol.

    I am very excited that it's the weekend. This week seemed to neeeeeever end. Today I'm going to a floor-dancing class with a friend, so that will be fun, and then I need to do a little bit of grocery shopping. The rest of today will mostly be studying.

    Saturday will be studying and cleaning day. BF is coming over in the evening, so I am going to make a real dinner for the first time since last weekend, I'm not sure what yet though. I will have to scour the recipes thread next; there were a lot of good suggestions in that one.

    Sunday I work all day, and when I get home I need to read some of the novels I'm hoarding from the library since they are all due in a few days. I am reading Someone Knows My Name right now and it is excellent. I haven't started Reconstructing Amelia yet, which I also heard was fantastic. So hopefully I can speed-read through those over this weekend, because I don't want to miss out on them!
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    Fun stuff @southernpeach89! I think I still have a couple boxes of stuff, @allusive007, and it's 18 months later!

    We don't have anything on our schedules except workouts. DH has a 14 mile run to do tomorrow, so I'll ride the bike to support him (carry his water bottles, gels, etc). It's a nice low-effort workout for me, then I'll try to do a 3 miler on Sunday. I have felt totally off for the last 24 hours, so I'm glad we can lay low tonight. I'll probably do some grocery shopping tomorrow, and check out a festival going on two blocks from our house. Free music and food sound great to me!
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

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    @swazzle -$13 tattoos? That's insane, I've never heard of tattoos that cheap. Where would you get the black cat?

    @CocoBellaF -Have fun at GNO! I haven't had one of those in a while! Your post made me want Guac.

    @Amapola14 -Floor dancing sounds like fun. What kind of dancing would it be? FI and I took a dancing class back in February and we learned a few things but his uncle is a pro ball room dancer so I feel like we could just take lessons from him.

    @cu97tiger -Fall festivals are getting started here as well. There is a big one this weekend not too far from us but we are so busy we can't go. There are also like 5 beer festivals going on right now too. 

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    @southernpeach89 YAY!!!

    @allusive007 I have a cousin in CO and she posted pictures of the insane flooding. I hope you guys are safe! Please be careful!

    @buddysmom80 feel better!

    @swazzle we are friends off right now. Hmph. Damn birds. Seriously though, I think RGIII was seeing triple the way he was throwing, and his receivers had hands caked in butter. I gave up on watching that game at the beginning of the 3rd quarter.

    For me, tonight I'm going to probably put together Bean's favorite breakfast casserole for tomorrow morning. This is the recipe. Other than that I plan on lying on the couch, eating a mini ice cream (the little $1 Eddy's cups), and watching Anna Karenina on tv.

    Tomorrow is Bean's birthday!!! My baby is getting so big! I can't believe that at this moment, 11 years ago, I was beginning labor. It's all flown by far too quickly. He and Donald are going to Kings Dominion, the best freaking amusement park ever. I'm bowing out, because it doesn't make a whole lotta sense to spend $60 on a ticket when I can't do much but walk around and eat expensive food. I'll be spending the day with my mom, maybe go get some underwear that doesn't cut off my circulation, and possibly to a Blue Grass festival in town. Then mom, my sister, and I are going to grab an early dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant.

    Sunday, I'll probably grab some groceries early on and then I'm sure we'll watch the Skins game in the afternoon. Laundry and meal planning afterwards, and being lazy.

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

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    @cocobellaF, is it one of those bathroom/shower inserts? Are you talking about the seams? I would put a good bathroom grade caulk along all seams.
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

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    @beanbot2002, @swazzle, and @southernpeach89 thanks for the love! I'm feeling better than I did last week, so that's good

    @beanbot2002 I love that breakfast casserole, I haven't made it in a long time, the last time was when my parents came out to visit, so probably a year ago. I use thick cut white bread that I pick up at Panera, but I'm going to try it with French Bread next time. Also wish Bean a very happy birthday!!! King's Dominion is an awesome amusement park!

    @cocobellaf: I take a sponge scrubber that you would buy for your dishes (the handle is hollow so you can put soap in it) and fill it up half with cheap dishsoap and white vinegar and keep it in the shower. Before I'm done in the shower (usually while I'm conditioning my hair) I'll scrub the shower with that and then after I get out, I'll spray it with shower spray. That seems to work. I also use heavy-duty scrubbing bubbles. My shower is tiled so I run into the same problem.

    @allusive007 I have been reading Gone Girl since May. I got a big chunk of it down last weekend when I decided to take all the apps off of my ipad and not get distracted when I'm reading. It seems to be working. I'm determined to finish this damn book!

     Wedding Countdown Ticker

    image 59 Invited
    image 36 Yes
    image 2 No
    image 21 Unknown
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    @southernpeach89 - Yep! A lot of tattoo places do that special on Friday the 13th. You can't get anything you want, they'll usually have a page of small designs for you to choose from. I'm thinking on the inside of my left foot. I have a claddagh on the inside of my right foot and I think that's a good spot for a small tattoo. 

    @beanbot2002 - You should have stayed up! The 4th quarter -- even just the last 2 minutes -- gave me a heart attack. 

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    @buddysmom80 It really is! We go a few times each summer. But this year we got so caught up with show season that we haven't been yet. Bean is super excited that he's tall enough this year to ride the Volcano and the Dominator, he was an inch short last year.
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

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    @swazzle I needed to calm down. So I watched Criminal Minds...where the good guys always win ;)
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

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    Happy Friday ladies!

    Today I'm just relaxing with the BF. Eating leftover Thai food. Maybe watching a movie. I dunno.

    Tomorrow we're off roller skating as a date day. Should be hilariously fun as we both fall over on our asses.

    Sunday I have no idea what I'm doing yet. I'm just glad it's the weekend!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    It's Friday! Friday Friday Friday! Yesterday was not a good day for science (nothing horrible went wrong, but nothing went right in the lab all day long), and today hopefully will be short because we've had to stay late every day this week.

    Tonight we have to do laundry and go to gaming. BF has to put his club adviser hat on today because one of our members was snippy to the people who have control over whether we get our regular meeting space. At least it only has to be a general slap on the wrist, but better to head it off at the pass.

    It's reunion weekend! We're going to the reunion tomorrow night, and Sunday we're going to the Minnesota Twins game. I've never been to a professional sporting event, so I'm really rather more excited about that than the reunion. We'll also get to see BF's dad and stepmom. Should be fun.
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    Yeah! Happy Friday!

    @swazzle - Do you guys have tattoos already? What do you have?

    @buddysmom80 - I hope you feel better soon...and hope you don't cry over the pool.  Always next year.

    @cu97tiger - Good luck with the workouts...I'm lazy (working 20 hour days will do that I guess) and haven't worked out all week.

    @beanbot2002 - Happy birthday to the little (or not so little, now) Bean!

    @cocobellaF - I am no help with the shower...seriously, you wouldn't want to see mine if someone else didn't clean it every other week for me.  I have it re-caulked (is that a word?) every other year too.

    @southernpeach89 - Congrats on getting the invites out this weekend!!!

    I'm going to sleep this weekend if I don't have to work.  :)  In between, I'll make some breakfast potatoes, walk my monster (i.e., the dog) and H and I will head up to Wisconsin to hang out with my sister and her husband to watch the Mayweather vs Canelo fight.  Anyone else watching it?  I'll be semi-watching it (more or less hanging out with my sister's kids while H watches it with my sister's H).

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    Tonight, the BF and I are going to Verizon to discuss opening a 3rd line for his new business. We are grandfathered into unlimited data, so we need to make sure adding a line won't mess up our other two since there are so many loopholes now that make you forfeit the unlimited plan per their new contracts.  I'm also kind of hoping if we can open the line, one of us finds a phone we like to upgrade as we can't upgrade without forfeiting the unlimited data also. I'm OK with buying a phone outright if I know I'll use it for a few years, but since he won't have a steady income for at least a few phones, he should get the discount if he can :) 

    Saturday and Sunday I'll probably be a bum! It's been raining SO much I can't envision wanting to go outside at all if it keeps up. The entire state is flooding at the moment.

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    @minskat30 - I have 3: a symbol on my back that means 'courage', a claddagh on my inner right ankle, and an infinity symbol with the word 'love' in cursive on my left wrist). My H has 4: the NJ Devils logo on the back of his leg, a half-sleeve on his arm that's based on Iron Maiden, the clown face 'Tillie' from Asbury Park on the front of one leg, and a skateboarding gorilla that just broke out of the zoo on the side of the other leg. 

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    @swazzle - Nice!  Where are you thinking of putting the new one?  I always wanted a tattoo but never had the guts to do it. The only thing I wanted was an angel with red hair for my grandmother.  I'd get one for my Dad too if I did it (they both had very, very red hair so I'd have two little red-headed angels).  :)
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    @minskat30 - Since it'll be small, I'm leaning towards the inside of my other ankle. I hope they're not busy when I get there after work!

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    @swazzle - I would need total liquid courage to do it!  Take a pic and share it when you get it done.  :)
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    CASK85CASK85 member
    5 Love Its First Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited September 2013
    @allusive007 - the flooding is so insane! My H is from CO and he is just in such disbelief. His cousin is a junior (senior?) at CU Boulder and I guess his gf's apartment flooded. A highway that my ILs travel on regularly got washed away, but luckily they weren't on it. I hope you stay safe <3 

    This weekend I am probably writing and working on Saturday. Sunday DH and I are going to the Packers bar that we love to watch the game - we will get there early because the place fills up fast on game day (start drinking at 9am? don't mind if I do!) Tonight we have no plans. . . probably will end up watching re-runs of British Top Gear and drinking a bottle of wine. 

    @swazzle - a Friday the 13th tattoo sounds fun! I've been agonizing about when/where/what to do for my next one. I am leaning toward the White Tree of Gondor once I finish my Ph.D. but I don't know about placement. 
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    @southernpeach89, it's actually a sexy dance class/workout, lol. I forgot to hyphenate apparently, but it's actually floor-chair. There is a pole-dancing class at the same gym, but I need to break in my fancy pole shoes before I can attempt that.
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    @Amapola14 -Oh man haha definitely different then what I was thinking at first. Those classes are fun though, I did one last year on my friend's bday and we had a blast just goofing off. Our teacher was so into it and very was hilarious. 
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    cschiano said:
    @allusive007 - the flooding is so insane! My H is from CO and he is just in such disbelief. His cousin is a junior (senior?) at CU Boulder and I guess his gf's apartment flooded. A highway that my ILs travel on regularly got washed away, but luckily they weren't on it. I hope you stay safe <3 

    This weekend I am probably writing and working on Saturday. Sunday DH and I are going to the Packers bar that we love to watch the game - we will get there early because the place fills up fast on game day (start drinking at 9am? don't mind if I do!) Tonight we have no plans. . . probably will end up watching re-runs of British Top Gear and drinking a bottle of wine. 

    @swazzle - a Friday the 13th tattoo sounds fun! I've been agonizing about when/where/what to do for my next one. I am leaning toward the White Tree of Gondor once I finish my Ph.D. but I don't know about placement. 
    There you go, making me love you even more!
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

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    Sounds like you have some exciting things coming up this weekend Peach! Once the invitations are mailed it seems like there are so many fun things you get to do until the wedding. I really enjoyed that time - hope you will too!

    Tonight DH and I are planning to have a date night. I don't know what we're going to do, but we may go to a movie at the cheap seats or something just to get out of the house...but stay indoors because it's raining buckets in CO right now!

    Tomorrow i'm attacking my house. It's been well over 2 months since the wedding and I haven't gone through anything. I need to sell some things on craigslist and get my guest room back in order. Then we have a BBQ to go to at a friends house with H's parents. Should be a good time.

    Sunday DH has plans with his probably more cleaning/organizing for me. I'd also like to finnish my current read: Gone Girl. I'm just getting to the good I want to know what happens right.this.very.minute!

    Where in CO are you at?! I'm in Colorado Springs. 
    I almost drowned trying to get to work lol
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    @minskat30 - No drinking before a tat! You'll bleed more! I will pop back in tonight assuming the shop isn't too busy to take me :) 

    @cschiano - That would be a bad ass tattoo! 

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