Snarky Brides

Start those special snowflakes young!

JCbride2015JCbride2015 member
Second Anniversary 5000 Comments First Answer 500 Love Its
edited January 2014 in Snarky Brides
I went to a Sweet 16 recently that was the most over the top thing I've probably ever seen.  Judging by the expectations set by this party, Birthday Girl is going to grow up into the speshulist snowflake bridezilla ever.  I couldn't really even understand what was happening as I witnessed it.

- Fi and I were vaguely included on his parents' invite through word of mouth.  We have had our own household for 5 years.
- Fi's first and last name were both misspelled on the escort card.  This is HIS family.  His first name is probably the #1 most common first name for men in the entire country.  I was listed only by first name.
- At a wedding hall, about 125 people present, super over the top decorations, pictures of BG everywhere, uplighting, the whole nine yards
- At least it was well hosted: open bar and buffet dinner
- The BG had attendants, like a bridal party (I've seen this at a couple other Italian sweet 16s and still don't understand it).  The girls wore matching white mini-dresses (slutty looking) and the boys wore shiny white pants, white shirts, and shiny ice blue vests.  They all had matching porcupine hair and orange skin, because, New Jersey yo.
- BG's friends seemed to have had a plan to wear the tightest black mini dresses, with midriff cutouts obviously, that they could track down.  All the girls were running around holding the hems of their dresses to juuuuust cover their butt cheeks.
- The DJ was so loud we couldn't hear ourselves talk.  Said DJ also spent a lot of time yelling things like, "Shake that butt!  Shake that butt!" to the crowd of 16 year old girls grinding on 16 year old boys.
- By the end of the night, BG was vomiting in the bathroom and most of her friends were wasted because, of course.

Of course FMIL thought it was beautiful and special.  Gag.  Fi said he has changed his mind and wants to never have children.

This was essentially a wedding without a groom.  We even had a full-on Viennese dessert hour afterwards.  Just goes to show that a party can be expensive and well hosted... but there's no accounting for taste.

ETA: forgot the biggest actual faux pas that occurred.  There weren't enough chairs at our table.  Really?  You spent probably $20k on a birthday party and didn't count chairs?

Wedding Countdown Ticker

"I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."


Re: Start those special snowflakes young!

  • I'm sorry but that part that had me wanting to slap the patents are the open bar at a sweet 16 party! Seriously??? I mean, where I grew up quite a few girls had overt the top sweet 16's but they weren't mini weddings... It seriously concerns me that there is a segment of our society who actually thinks this is acceptable
  • B0320 said:
    I'm sorry but that part that had me wanting to slap the patents are the open bar at a sweet 16 party! Seriously??? I mean, where I grew up quite a few girls had overt the top sweet 16's but they weren't mini weddings... It seriously concerns me that there is a segment of our society who actually thinks this is acceptable
    I was drinking Ketel all night just to get through it.

    But yeah, they should have controlled the alcohol better.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I'd probably have to drink to get through that too!
  • Holy crap, @JCBride2014, did you stop by my area cuz that was pretty much the norm when I was in high school and it's apparently gotten worse. Many, many speshul (rich) snowflakes!

  • cupcait927cupcait927 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments First Answer 500 Love Its
    edited January 2014



    ETA - My GIF won't GIF. Ugh.

  • B0320 said:
    I'm sorry but that part that had me wanting to slap the patents are the open bar at a sweet 16 party! Seriously??? I mean, where I grew up quite a few girls had overt the top sweet 16's but they weren't mini weddings... It seriously concerns me that there is a segment of our society who actually thinks this is acceptable
    I was drinking Ketel all night just to get through it.

    But yeah, they should have controlled the alcohol better.
    Where in the fuck was this that under aged kids were served and got so wasted they were vomiting in the bathroom?  Sheesh!

    I'm an Italian Croatian American and we don't have sweet 16 parties in my family.  None of my friends ever had one and I have never been to one, lol.

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • I don't know where the party she went to was, but I can tell you in the suburbs of NWNJ, it's not unheard of. I might have gotten drunk for the first time at a bat mitzvah. I also might have done illegal substances at the same party. And the parents knew full well what was going on.

  • I don't know where the party she went to was, but I can tell you in the suburbs of NWNJ, it's not unheard of. I might have gotten drunk for the first time at a bat mitzvah. I also might have done illegal substances at the same party. And the parents knew full well what was going on.
    *shakes head in disbelief*

  • Where in the fuck was this that under aged kids were served and got so wasted they were vomiting in the bathroom?  Sheesh!

    I'm an Italian Croatian American and we don't have sweet 16 parties in my family.  None of my friends ever had one and I have never been to one, lol.
    The bartenders looked like they were actually trying.  Fi's 23 yo cousin couldn't get a drink from them because she only had her license, not a second form of ID.

    But there must have been 21+ guests passing drinks to the teenagers.  And I absolutely blame the parents.  The bartenders can only do so much; once that drink is in someone's hand, it's up to the parents to supervise and make sure the drinks aren't getting passed.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I don't know where the party she went to was, but I can tell you in the suburbs of NWNJ, it's not unheard of. I might have gotten drunk for the first time at a bat mitzvah. I also might have done illegal substances at the same party. And the parents knew full well what was going on.
    Yeah, there's a culture among parents here that they'd rather have the kid drink with the family than out of the house.  I understand a half glass of wine with dinner to take some of the forbidden mystery away, but this was off the chain.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Ugh, what a train wreck! 

    I went to a friend's younger sister's sweet 16 party. I was seriously shocked at the kind of dresses these girls wore. All of them had their asses and boobs hanging out. 

  • Where in the fuck was this that under aged kids were served and got so wasted they were vomiting in the bathroom?  Sheesh!

    I'm an Italian Croatian American and we don't have sweet 16 parties in my family.  None of my friends ever had one and I have never been to one, lol.
    The bartenders looked like they were actually trying.  Fi's 23 yo cousin couldn't get a drink from them because she only had her license, not a second form of ID.

    But there must have been 21+ guests passing drinks to the teenagers.  And I absolutely blame the parents.  The bartenders can only do so much; once that drink is in someone's hand, it's up to the parents to supervise and make sure the drinks aren't getting passed.
    Huh?!  Is this a NJ thing, or was it a venue thing?  In PA all you need to get a drink at a bar is to be 21+ and have a license. 

    I am so confuzzled.

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • Huh?!  Is this a NJ thing, or was it a venue thing?  In PA all you need to get a drink at a bar is to be 21+ and have a license. 

    I am so confuzzled.
    That was a venue thing, normally you just need one 21+ ID.  But I've been to some bars (and apparently this venue) where they require a second form if they are worried about fake IDs.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Huh?!  Is this a NJ thing, or was it a venue thing?  In PA all you need to get a drink at a bar is to be 21+ and have a license. 

    I am so confuzzled.
    That was a venue thing, normally you just need one 21+ ID.  But I've been to some bars (and apparently this venue) where they require a second form if they are worried about fake IDs.
    Interesting.  So what are people supposed to use for a 2nd form of ID?  I have a passport, but I *just* got it last year.  Not everyone has one.

    Are these venues you are referring to all in NJ?  Do you guys still have the paper licenses or do you have the crazy plastic holographic ones like everyone else now?

    When I was in college I had many friends from all over the US who had fake NJ licenses because they were paper and so incredibly easy to fake, so I wonder if this is why the venues require two forms of ID?

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • They were paper until the early 2000s and then switched to holographic.  But if you already had a paper one, you could keep renewing it, so there are still plenty of paper ones out there.  Holographics were pretty new when I got my license in 2005.

    I'm not sure on the second form of ID-- I know some clubs/bars will just want to see a credit card in your name.  I think the cousin had her wallet with a bunch of credit cards in her name out in the car, so she either went to get it, or had other 21+ cousins just pass her drinks all night because she didn't feel like going out in the cold.

    And yeah, Cookie and I are both talking about NJ venues/culture.  It's crazy nutkins over here.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I get asked for a second form of ID all the time at bars because even though I am 27 I look 17! The lady who did my hair and nails for my wedding told me she was so confused when I came into the salon originally asking about bridal options/packages. She had seen me there a few times getting my hair done and almost all of them thought I was still in highschool!
  • I often worked the bar at the private room of a restaurant when I was in college. Back in the early 2000s, it was so easy to get a fake ID that I often asked for a second form (usually a credit card or military ID). Of course, I never got ID'd when I was underage and wanted a drink. Most of the bars didn't really care if you were a hot girl, and liquor stores would sell to you as long as you could see over the counter!


  • I...JUST...CAN'T...EVEN... I too blame MTV's my super sweet 16, gag me with a spoon!
  • Holy cow ...

    The attendant thing is not unheard of for quincineras (15th birthdays).

    But still, holy cow.

  • I never really understood that and the bday girl even has a date looks like a mini wedding
  • Wow... That is a ridiculously huge party for a birthday. I remember getting completely trashed and a little high at my friend's 16th birthday.... Of course there weren't parents there and when my parents found out I was grounded for a month.
  • I'm really appalled that the parents were there and were allowing this....and the world wonders why we say humanity is going to hell in a hand basket >.>
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I am Italian and live (born and raised) in NYC. This kind of party is very normal among some people in my circles.

    I went to one a couple years back where the birthday girl had a grand entrance......she rode a glass elevator up through the floor of the dance floor, then hovered above us for a minute, then came back down and exited the elevator onto the dance floor.

    And all the other teenage girl attendees were in slutty spandex dresses and sky high stripper shoes they couldn't walk in. It was a delight.
  • True story, the only time I've been drunk I was 4. We were at a family wedding and they had a champagne fountain. Being the first grandchild and the only girl, I was passed around from grandparent to great aunt to great uncle twice removed, etc. This was a huge hispanic Catholic wedding, so lots of people. Eventually I just fell through the cracks. I thought the champagne fountain was juice and got myself some. And got some more. My mother found me on my way to get a third glass. She chewed out the relative who had been watching me last and hustled me out of there. Apparently my speech was slurred and I couldn't walk straight. It's funny now, but mom never let the relatives play pass the baby again.

    I was 12. My parents were getting together with friends for a luncheon/pool party. There were several little kids in attendance, all under 8. They had water and juice. Dad made his "famous" strawberry daquaries. He also made a set of non alcoholic ones in case any kids wanted some. I had a non alkie, and went to politely ask for more.

     The gal who served me grabbed the wrong pitcher. I had three from the alkie, which, btw, Dad makes with bacardi 151 and other booze.

    Mom found me on the couch, narrowing my eyes at the tv. When she asked what I was doing, I apparently slurred something about the tv trying to get up and walk away, and I had to watch it to make sure it stayed put (wobble vision).

    The resulting freak out by mom was epic. I now enjoy an occasional daquari with my Dad as a responsible adult, though we joke about  the tv making a run for it.

  • One question here: Did she get a souped up black BMW and wanted a hot pink glitter one instead? I have seen some of those episodes on MTV and was so shocked at what went on at some of those parties and at some of the BG's attitudes. For my SS 16, I had friends over, ate food, talked, listened to music, ate more and that was it really lol. No new hot pink car, big dress or extravagant lighting/decor. It was one of the best parties I had. (Besides my 18th lol)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • cruffino said:
    I am Italian and live (born and raised) in NYC. This kind of party is very normal among some people in my circles. I went to one a couple years back where the birthday girl had a grand entrance......she rode a glass elevator up through the floor of the dance floor, then hovered above us for a minute, then came back down and exited the elevator onto the dance floor. And all the other teenage girl attendees were in slutty spandex dresses and sky high stripper shoes they couldn't walk in. It was a delight.
    Gag.  These girls and their parents need a good beating with a wooden spoon!

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

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