Wedding Etiquette Forum

Seriously, no words...


Re: Seriously, no words...

  • I can hardly think of a better fit for this image, lol.  
  • Oh my.

    I'm curious, do they have things picked out that the sponsors have to get for them or will they take what they can get?
  • Please donate one dollar. Just one.
  • Per the PP's- the sponsorship thing could be padrinos.

    My FI is Mexican and padrinos are customary, though not particularly common in his family. We would NEVER solicit them ourselves (nor do I think etiquette allows for it) but we actually do have one 'sponsor.' After our engagement, FI's sister asked if she and their mom could be the padrinos for our cake. It was incredibly sweet of them!

    But asking for sponsors? Eeek!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • eileenrob said:
    AddieL73 said:
    Are they Hispanic? I ask b/c both the people I have seen do this are, and the 2nd time it happened, I got the guts to ask WTF a sponsor was, and the bride-to-be explained that friends and family members donate to the cost of the wedding. I asked if it was cultural, and she said, "I guess." And then a whole bunch of her relatives started commenting that they would be sponsors.
    I have heard of this too, I believe the sponsors are called Padrinos?  Couples/family will sponsor the cake, the flowers, etc. but I don't think they go out on FB and broadcast to everyone that they are looking for sponsors.  I think it is a close family thing where these peopel OFFER to do this.  I had a good friend many years ago from a Hispanic family and she gave me a quick rundown.
    My husband is Latino and it was important to his family that our ceremony have padrinos- that word means godparents, they walked up the aisle, lit a candle, didn't have to do with paying. I didn't realize Hispanics did this (maybe it depends on the country of origin) because hubby's family didn't offer us any money (which was fine, we wanted and were able to pay for our wedding ourselves). So yes maybe it's a Hispanic thing but I don't think the term is padrino..
    It's also a Filipino Catholic thing.  Yes the "sponsors" are very important in the ceremony but it's more like godparents to help guide the couple to holy matrimony and give the newlyweds marriage advice.....nothing to do with financially sponsoring the wedding.  Also, I'm going with another PP and would comment to the FB Evite and ask if it's tax deductible
  • wrigleyvillewrigleyville member
    Fifth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited March 2014
    TheGrimReaper said: Please let her know I would like to sponsor her dressimage It's this one. I was engaged to my ex in February 2002. 9/11 was still very recent and still on everyone's minds. Everyone was trying to out-patriot each other. There were flags freaking everywhere. I think it's good to be patriotic, obviously, but people expected it and would ostracize me for not having a little American flag in my cubicle, a 9/11 sticker on my car, things like that.

    So you can imagine my shock and horror when the bridal magazines I purchased were FULL of gowns like this.

  • Mitch617Mitch617 member
    First Anniversary 100 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited March 2014
    Query: Is there any indication at all that they plan to actually invite all of the people they invited to this facebook group?

    Maybe only if they "sponsor"
  • I REALLY hate when people go all bananas like this, and at the end of said banana-going, they state "God Bless."

    God blessed you with the love of your life; He is not responsible for blessing your wedding fund-raisers.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I love how people add "god bless" after such rude and tacky things. Jesus is shaking his head right now. What they did is appalling. But entertaining for us at least ;)

    After 6 years and 2 boys, finally tying the knot on October 27th, 2013!

  • Unless it's a cultural things, I think I'm more annoyed at the people agreeing than the ones soliciting. 

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • TheGrimReaper said: Please let her know I would like to sponsor her dressimage It's this one.
    I was engaged to my ex in February 2002. 9/11 was still very recent and still on everyone's minds. Everyone was trying to out-patriot each other. There were flags freaking everywhere. I think it's good to be patriotic, obviously, but people expected it and would ostracize me for not having a little American flag in my cubicle, a 9/11 sticker on my car, things like that.

    So you can imagine my shock and horror when the bridal magazines I purchased were FULL of gowns like this.


    *******************************STUCK IN BOX***********************************************8

    Wow really? Did they serve freedom fries at their weddings too?
  • I see it a lot in Hispanic events. Not just weddings, mind you, but quinceaneras also. AND I've often seen it listed in the actual invitation. "Padrino of liquor, padrino of wedding favors, padrino of centerpieces, padrino of DJ" etc. It is pretty gross.

    What's funny is that it's very common with FI's family to ask for "padrinos" and both FI and his parents have been asked to cover stuff yet no one has even asked us how our plans are going (not that we are looking for money, we are covering everything ourselves, but they seem to have crawled into the shadows once they got theirs).
  • Oh please can we go back to the racecar thing??? Wonderbread can sponsor her dress, and along the train the slogan will read "If you're not first, you're last!!"
  • acove2006 said:
    I love how people add "god bless" after such rude and tacky things. Jesus is shaking his head right now. What they did is appalling. But entertaining for us at least ;)
    I agree. That is NOT what Jesus would do. 
  • Please please comment "So am I actually invited to your wedding or are you just asking me for money?"

    image   image   image

  • You should sponsor entertainment and hire an ettiquette teacher to come teach an hour class at the wedding.
  • How many extra tickets do you get for sponsoring the event? Will there be a complimentary event T-Shirt as well?
  • I should call Vagisil and have them sponsor her.

    Or Trojan...
  • Interesting...padrinho/a in portuguese means Godfather/mother. Unless someone tricked me into being a sponsor in 20+ years for my godson's wedding. (Kidding!)

    If this is a cultural thing by chance, the couple is doing it in the TACKIEST way possible. Let's all put a few bucks together to sponsor a dress with ALL the logos, flags and slogans mentioned above.
  • I've heard of a sponsored luxury or sports car before, okay, understandable. But to sponsor the whole event ? Who does that ? I'm confused. 
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