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Is it too early for wine?

It's not even 9 yet and I already need a glass! FSS yelled down the stairs that the dog pooped in the hall; in the 30 seconds it took me to get up there he had walked back down the hall and through the dog shit which was sooo fun to clean up before having coffee. FI left to take FSS to school and then go to work and calls 15 minutes later that the van broke down so I had to go rescue them. 

I got home ready to finally drink a full cup of coffee and got on fb to have two things manage to piss me off. One was FMIL posting some crap to FI ex wife about how she is and always will be her beautiful sweet wonderful daughter in law. The second was a pm to me from the ex flipping out about the fact that FI never calls her or makes time to talk to her and that I changed my number so she can't go through me anymore and if this is how we're going to be she will make sure we don't ever get custody. The last part was laughable though she already missed the court date :)


Re: Is it too early for wine?

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    I suggest blocking both your FMIL and your FI ex-wife on your FB.

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    I suggest blocking both your FMIL and your FI ex-wife on your FB.
    I second this. It will only cause unnecessary stress. (although to be honest I would still try to "stalk" them on FB because I can be crazy like that smh).


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    I'm actually not friends with FMIL on fb, but her post to the ex showed up in my news feed. Now that the custody issue is done I'm gonna talk to FI about blocking his ex I only added her to get ammunition for court. 
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    afox007 said:
    It's not even 9 yet and I already need a glass! FSS yelled down the stairs that the dog pooped in the hall; in the 30 seconds it took me to get up there he had walked back down the hall and through the dog shit which was sooo fun to clean up before having coffee. FI left to take FSS to school and then go to work and calls 15 minutes later that the van broke down so I had to go rescue them. 

    I got home ready to finally drink a full cup of coffee and got on fb to have two things manage to piss me off. One was FMIL posting some crap to FI ex wife about how she is and always will be her beautiful sweet wonderful daughter in law. The second was a pm to me from the ex flipping out about the fact that FI never calls her or makes time to talk to her and that I changed my number so she can't go through me anymore and if this is how we're going to be she will make sure we don't ever get custody. The last part was laughable though she already missed the court date :)

    I feel your pain on the Dog business of the #2 caliber. One of my pups decided to dump a steamer in my kitchen yesterday after being outside for 20 minutes. It made me late to work and I had to cling on to the notion of not puking while I cleaned. It wasn't his fault as he is sick *poor guy* but I was still miffed on the inside.

    Your FMIL and FI's ex should probably get a room. I would block her on FB in a heart beat especially if she is trying to communicate with you through that option. She has no business communicating with you like that and threatening custody issues. Whether or not your FI talks to her is not your problem (which you already know of course).

    Here have all the wine:

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    I'm a little late but it is never too early for wine. (((Hugs)))
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    The way I figure it...if you ever feel it's too early for wine - mimosa's for the win! :-)

    And ugh...I've had similar situations with my FMIL and my FI's ex girlfriends. Always mentions of them calling her mom, them being her daughters. One ex following me a little too closely on FB because of being "friends with a friend" status on FB. I eventually had to block the ex. And I talked to my FMIL. I just told her that "Hey, I get you're close with them and I have no right to tell you to do otherwise - but please know it makes me uncomfortable that you the girl who cheated on your son with his best friend back in high school still calls you mom. I take a great pride into the fact that I'm marrying into your family and I'm really looking forward to the day you are my mother in law." 

    I don't think much has changed with her relationships with both of his ex's - BUT she is respectful enough not to talk about it with me and to stop talking about our wedding with these women who seem to always want to weigh in. "Boo has really gained weight with her" "Boo was never going to get married -so you're kidding right?" etc ect. And honestly - that's all I wanted. 

    Long story short - I feel your pain lady!
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    I think I may need to keep stuff for mimosa's in the house at all times now! I settled for adding Bailey's to my coffee this morning!
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    my suggestion would have been an irish coffee, but you already took care of that! 

    FMIL will always have a connection with the ex (especially if their relationship was good), so as much as it burns to hear her say sh!t like that--especially on a public forum, try to look past it.  She should not post stuff like that where you can see it, I agree it is disrespectful so I am sorry you had to see it :(

    Moms & siblings do tend to get attached and when they break up sometimes it is hard on the family.  I have an ex-SIL who I am still very close to, and while I love my new SIL, I still will always be friends with ex-SIL and have always thought of her as my sister.  My mom and dad feel the same way.  So while we never say stupid crap like that in front of new SIL, we still care for her and her family a great deal.

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    erinlin25 the main reason FMIL upset me so much was because she is always telling FI that she never supported him marrying his ex, she's disgusted with her behavior, etc then turns around and sends the ex lovey dovey BS on fb and regularly tells me that his ex is family and FSS's mom we have to invite her and her family to the wedding. She's even gone as far as to suggest rather than splitting holidays FI and I should host holidays for my family, his family, and include the ex. Just too much crazy to deal so early in the morning!
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