I've only received 50% of my RSVPs back and I'm starting to panic a little. I really hope people aren't planning on waiting for the absolute last minute to tell me if they are coming or not!
I've received 85% of my RSVPs back so far. I sent my invitations early because 60% of our guests are coming from out of state and Canada and we wanted to give them plenty of time to plan. 10% of the 15% that I haven't received a RSVP for are out of state, so I'm pretty sure they're not coming. I'll check with the other 5% next week. You should check with yours, calling is the best thing because people will just show up. I know it is unbelievable, but they do it.
Our RSVP date is next Saturday. We invited about 130 people and are waiting on replies from 11. I'm sending reminder messages today. At this point, people know if they are coming or not. Just send the damned response!
We are having an incredibly small wedding, only 28 people are coming, so we just had them email us whether or not they were going to make it. They're all close family and friends, and knew they would respond and how to get them immediately if they didn't. I'm glad we went small, chasing people would not be helping my stress level at this point.
I'm down to six since this morning. Got responses to two facebook messages (2 people coming, 3 people not) and a family member is doing recon for me on four other RSVPs. That should just leave one couple's response.
I know why I haven't gotten it. The couple is getting married three weeks after my wedding. The bride and I worked together for three years. We got engaged on the same day, talked about wedding planning for two months, and then she got a new job in August. We have talked occasionally since then but haven't seen each other. We've caught up about wedding planning over the phone, email, etc. I had a feeling we weren't getting invited to the wedding when we were not invited to the engagement party/shower in December. She has acknowledged the invite we sent her, thanked us for it, and said she loved it. But nothing since then. She's either (1) too busy to reply or (2) feeling awkward about the fact that we invited her and they didn't invite us. I really don't care, I just want to know who is coming so I can do the damned seating chart!
I've also only received 50% back and our RSVP date is April 4th. A lot of the people we haven't heard from are people in the wedding party and close relatives we know are coming. I'm hoping most of these people let me know tomorrow at my shower. It's like, c'mon people, yes I know you're coming but I can't read your minds to know what you want to eat. Fingers crossed we get a lot of responses in the mail next week or we'll be making a lot of phone calls. Frustrating!
Remember to delegate, ladies!!! I gave out lists of people who I hadn't heard from the weekend before the RSVP deadline to my parents and my MIL so they could hear back from them sooner rather than later. I'm done! (better be - only 5 days left). I had people RSVP via the knot website, so two weeks after the deadline, I removed the RSVP page so it couldn't be accessed.
Last day of the RSVP date we got about 12 in! Then I got an additional 3 today. Still a lot of people missing, but I expect to get their RSVPs in early next week. I asked one friend and he was like, "of course I'm going, sorry I forgot to RSVP." *Sigh* But we're in a better place now. Up to 190!
I'm not positive, actually. It looks like I'm at 85%, however, I think I may be counting some of my fiance's family wrong. He's Armenian so the names aren't like Bill and Christina. I think I've been getting some RSVP cards back with names that aren't matching what I have on my guest list. And just like if you aren't familiar with anglo names, you won't automatically know that "Bill" is short for "William" or "Tina" for "Christina" I think I have a lot of people double counted.
I'm going to send it over to my fiance today so he can double check and hopefully, we'll be able to pull out some duplicates and increase our rate. There's still a few friends and family on my side I haven't heard from. I'm going to give them until tomorrow before I start calling.
We invited 300 and have heard from 286. Our RSVP due date was on Saturday so we're hoping to receive a few more today (who sent their RSVP on the due date).
My rsvp date was 4/3. I sent out 71 invitations. I have received 53 back. The others I have called or had someone ask abouy whether or not they are coming.
So this morning my fiance was talking to his mom and she says super nonchalantly that's she's counting 116 RSVPs from her family... I have about 90. She says, "Oh, well they just told me they were coming, so maybe they didn't send the card in."
#%*$! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? But as frustrating as that is- it is good news. We're going to compare lists tonight and then, after chasing down a few people on my side, we should have everyone.
Our final count is 206... my fiance still hasn't reconciled the two lists to see who we are missing. I have no idea who those 16 people are whom I didn't receive RSVPs for. I have no idea who I have marked as missing has sent an RSVP in to her- or whether or not they even received invitations.
We had 142 people who were invited, and now our list is at 110. Part of me is upset because I don't want the room to feel empty, but the other (bigger) part is like well now I don't have to pay for those people
We invited 140, had 110 RSVP yes, and then about 100 showed up from what I can guess. I had at least 5 no shows, a couple that told me yes and then never ever responded to any messages if they were coming or not and then asked if we had already gotten married once my mom posted on FB about it. I'm guessing there were about 10 no shows that said Yes though.
Re: What is your RSVP rate?
I know why I haven't gotten it. The couple is getting married three weeks after my wedding. The bride and I worked together for three years. We got engaged on the same day, talked about wedding planning for two months, and then she got a new job in August. We have talked occasionally since then but haven't seen each other. We've caught up about wedding planning over the phone, email, etc. I had a feeling we weren't getting invited to the wedding when we were not invited to the engagement party/shower in December. She has acknowledged the invite we sent her, thanked us for it, and said she loved it. But nothing since then. She's either (1) too busy to reply or (2) feeling awkward about the fact that we invited her and they didn't invite us. I really don't care, I just want to know who is coming so I can do the damned seating chart!
#%*$! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!? But as frustrating as that is- it is good news. We're going to compare lists tonight and then, after chasing down a few people on my side, we should have everyone.
I had at least 5 no shows, a couple that told me yes and then never ever responded to any messages if they were coming or not and then asked if we had already gotten married once my mom posted on FB about it.
I'm guessing there were about 10 no shows that said Yes though.