It's so quiet in here these days. I feel like unless it's an OLW, chat thread, or a newbie asking about engagement stuff/acting BSC, it's almost dead in here. So, survey time!
1) Tell us about something you're really proud of, and why you're proud of it.
2) Tell us about something that's going on in your life that you're really happy about.
3) Tell us about something that's going on in your life that you're really unhappy about.
4) How are things between you and your SO at this very moment?
5) Are your nails polish right now? If so, what color?
6) When is your next vacation and where are you going?
7) What is your favorite quote from the Harry Potter Series? If you're not into HP, what's your favorite quote in general?
8) Are you close with your family?
9) What is your favorite season and why?
10) For those of you that are already married, what would you redo about your wedding? For those not married, tell us something unique that you KNOW you want for your wedding.