October 2014 Weddings

How much work are you taking off before the wedding?

How much time are you all taking off from work?  As of now I have the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off before my Saturday wedding and the Monday after.  We are going on our honeymoon the weekend after our wedding so I will go back to work for 3 days and then I'm off for another week and a half.  I've been slacking MAJORLY at work and I cannot seem to focus on anything so I was really thinking about taking the whole week off before the wedding.  I can't decide what to do! Luckily it's pretty easy to take time off last minute at my job... so I've seriously been contemplating it. I'm sure I will have tons to do!
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Re: How much work are you taking off before the wedding?

  • As of right now I'm working through Wednesday before. So taking off Thurs/Friday - wedding Saturday - then we leave for the honeymoon on Monday. Will be gone for a full week, and then I'm taking 2 more days on the back end of the honeymoon to ease back into reality. All in all will be 2 full weeks.
  • My wedding is Sunday October 5th I am taking off the Friday before the wedding and I go on my honeymoon October 7th and I come back from my honeymoon October 13th but I won't go back to work till the 15th. I need this break from work so bad and to marry my man! I am going to be so sad when its over!
  • My wedding is Sunday Oct. 12, Wednesday Oct. 8th is my last day of work, and I won't be back until Oct. 27th.  We're spending 11 days in Mexico for our honeymoon. :-)
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  • I was taking only the Friday before, plus the next full week for the honeymoon. I already have Wednesdays off. I now have to take that Tuesday off for a medical procedure so now I'd be working Monday and Thursday before the wedding. I'm kinda thinking I'm not going to want to go in on Thursday so I may end up just working Monday of that week prior. My department is taking me out for drinks that day so I'll definitely work then.
  • I'm taking off Oct 3-Oct 12. I get married on the 5.
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited September 2014
    I'm taking the Thursday and Friday off before the wedding and working from home for the Monday through Wednesday before. For the honeymoon, I'm taking 6 total work days off. Monday after the wedding through the following Monday.

  • I teach in a modified year-round school district that has a two-week October break, but unfortunately they changed the calendar this year and instead of the wedding landing right in the middle of our two-week break, it's at the end, so I'm taking the next wek off for the honeymoon, but I can't take more than 5 days in a row off unless it's for an illness, so no buffer days after the honeymoon :[
  • I'm taking Thursday/Friday before the wedding. Then we HM Monday-Monday so I'm taking the full week off after the wedding plus Monday and Tuesday the following week. I'm off for almost 2 full weeks!!! It's going to be amazing.
  • I'm taking only the Friday off before; leave on Sunday, married on Tuesday, back home on Saturday.  I also took a 'random' day off in November to get my name changed over.  So I'm taking a total of 6 days off.

  • hkda2003hkda2003 member
    100 Comments 25 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited September 2014
    I'm a nanny, and the children's grandparents arrive on the 10th to take over. I get married on the. 18th. So I'll only need to be there if they reallllly need me to drive the kids around bc their grandparents don't drive. After the wedding, grandparents are staying until mid November, so I only have to work Tuesdays and Thursdays until then. But that's besides my 2nd weekend job. I will have off October 25th and 26th for my mini honey moon. I need a day off soooooo bad!! My last day off was 18th days ago, and the next one is October 11th!
  • My wedding is October 4th. I took off 9/17 for wedding stuff. I'm working all week this week, full day Monday and Tuesday next week, then until noon on the 1st. After that I'll be off until the 6th.
  • October 12th is my day. Im just taking the Friday before and the day after off. I just started my job in  March so I dont have much PTO. We are planning on honeymooning in April of next year!


  • I'm taking Friday the 3rd off, married Sat. 4th, taking off Monday- Wedneday the next week for honeymoon and back on Thursday the 9th. 
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  • I'm also getting married on the 4th, and taking off 1-14 :)

    I'm not sure if I most excited about getting married or just having so much time away from the office!

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  • I'm in grad school, so I have two part time jobs. I'm taking the entire week before and week after off of one job. The other job I'm off at 1pm on Wednesday, so I'm taking Thursday off and I'm already off on Friday. After the wedding, I'm taking Monday/Tuesday. We're waiting to take our honeymoon until I graduate with my masters in May so we can take a 1 week-2 week honeymoon and I don't have to miss class or bring homework along.

  • I'm taking a full two weeks off (Saturday to Saturday), and the wedding is the Saturday in the middle.  We work five or six days on, and three days off - which means I only have eleven days of work left!!
    **The OMH formerly known as jsangel1018**
  • JennyColada That's my exact schedule too! Yay for Sunday brides!
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  • As a side note I just did a tally for my manager and I'm requesting 75 hours of PTO from now until the wedding on 10/11.  I just looked and only have 5 more days of work left!!
  • Getting married on the 4th and taking off from October 1-17. Back to work on the 20th. I've never been out of the office for more than a week at a time (except when traveling FOR work) so this is a serious treat!
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  • I am working next Monday, and then have Tuesday through the following Thursday off. 

    I would have happily worked on Tuesday, but I have a furlough day at work, and decided just not to come in to work again after that.  So in total, I have 8 days off work for the wedding and honeymoon.
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  • Our wedding is Oct 11, We are both taking off from the Wednesday before to the Wednesday after. We don't leave for our official honeymoon until the Saturday after Thanksgiving and then we will have 12 days off since its combined with a holiday.
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  • I'm taking the Wed/Thurs/Fri off before the Sunday wedding, and also the Mon/Tues off after. We're not going on our honeymoon until May, and we wanted a day or two after the wedding to spend with some OOT guests/have to ourselves/ease back in to work, etc...
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  • As a side note I just did a tally for my manager and I'm requesting 75 hours of PTO from now until the wedding on 10/11.  I just looked and only have 5 more days of work left!!
    Woo hoo! Yep I just keep telling myself to get through this week and then I only have one more full week of work left! I'm almost there! PLUS tomorrow is Friday!! yay
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  • I have a hard time with my PTO planning.  I started with my current company 2 years ago, so I *only* get 15 days; FI started with his company 1 year ago so he *only* gets 10 days.  We both came from a company where we had 25 PTO days (plus we worked from home 2 days a week), so it's a huge adjustment for both of us! 

    After the wedding, I will have 1 week left, I'm hoping to maximize it by taking the week of Christmas off (which would only use 3 PTO days <we get Christmas Eve and Christmas as holidays>) and then rolling over 2 days and using them early in the year (they have to be used before March 15).

  • My last day of work is Oct. 17th.  I'm still job-hunting in my new city, so that will be my full-time job after the wedding.  FI's already taking off from work/school the week before the wedding, so we're heading straight home so he doesn't miss any more. 

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  • bekt14bekt14 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited September 2014
    I only have 5 days of vacation left this year, so I was planning to take 4 days off for the wedding/honeymoon, and have one day for Christmas. 
    My boss just came into my office and said that he wants to give me more vacation time so I can spend the holidays with my family (who live far away). I'm PMSing right now and super emotional, I almost started bawling right in front of him. 
    I'm so thankful! I was really sad that I wouldn't have any vacation time over the holidays this year!
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  • I took friday off before and we are gone the whole week after for the HM. I will be off a total of 6 days. I am very excited. 
  • @bekt14 that's so awesome and sweet of him!!!

  • I'm on a half day Tuesday (Oct 28), off wed and Thurs for Friday wedding. I go back to work Nov 12.

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  • I'm taking the whole week off before our Saturday, Oct 11th wedding only because my family from out of town is flying in and I'm beyond excited to spend that time with them, but I'm going back to work the Tuesday after the wedding, and we are postponing our honeymoon until February.


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