Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

Bouquet Toss


Re: Bouquet Toss

  • chasseuse said:
    We are skipping the tosses as well, but we are not doing the anniversary dance. Too many of the VIPs have deceased spouses and would be uncomfortable.
    ^^^ What she said!

  • chasseuse said:

    We are skipping the tosses as well, but we are not doing the anniversary dance. Too many of the VIPs have deceased spouses and would be uncomfortable.

    ^^^ What she said!

    What would single guests or those who have just been through breakups of relationships do during an anniversary dance? I recently broke up with my BF of 3 years because I had to move 1600 miles away and he didn't want a long-distance relationship. Right before then we were talking about getting married. I'm not dating now because the breakup was very painful for me. So where would that leave me during an "anniversary" dance, especially since I never get invited to weddings with plus ones?
  • Honestly, single people don't get to participate.  I was recently invited to a wedding without my guy (he was still my boyfriend at the time), and they did an anniversary dance, and I didn't participate.  Either you do a bouquet toss and the people in relationships sit out, or you do an anniversary dance and the single people sit out.  It's no fun for anyone, which is why we're cutting it out altogether.
  • Jen4948 said:

    chasseuse said:

    We are skipping the tosses as well, but we are not doing the anniversary dance. Too many of the VIPs have deceased spouses and would be uncomfortable.

    ^^^ What she said!
    What would single guests or those who have just been through breakups of relationships do during an anniversary dance? I recently broke up with my BF of 3 years because I had to move 1600 miles away and he didn't want a long-distance relationship. Right before then we were talking about getting married. I'm not dating now because the breakup was very painful for me. So where would that leave me during an "anniversary" dance, especially since I never get invited to weddings with plus ones?

    When I was single, I would take advantage of the short lines at the bar during this dance.
  • No tosses for us either. We find the tradition TERRIBLE. I've tried to avoid them for yours. At my brothers wedding they were like screaming my name over the mic trying to find me. I was sitting outside smoking a cigar drinking bourbon with my now DH. We toasted and laughed as they embarrassed themselves trying to call me out. 
  • abbyj700 said:
    No tosses for us either. We find the tradition TERRIBLE. I've tried to avoid them for yours. At my brothers wedding they were like screaming my name over the mic trying to find me. I was sitting outside smoking a cigar drinking bourbon with my now DH. We toasted and laughed as they embarrassed themselves trying to call me out. 
    This was done to me at a wedding too. They DJ was yelling my name. It was a small wedding, and I had no time to hide. It was extremely embarrassing. 
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