Is there anything wrong with sending an evite for rehersal dinner? I am starting to put togther our invites now and figured i would start to look at rehersal dinner invites at the same time. But I have been to a few lately that were evites sent. Is there a right way or wrong way to do this?
Re: Rehersal Dinner - Evites vs Paper Invites
When I was with my now ex-BF, we did start talking about getting married. I wouldn't have expected his mother (a widow) to throw a rehearsal dinner for us, but had she done so, she'd have definitely preferred paper invitations regardless of how formal or big it was, because she didn't have an Internet connection in her house. She was one of those Luddites who was afraid of it and didn't understand how to use it.
So we did paper invites for the rehersal dinner. I did simpl diy cards that I could run through my printer. My thing is that I know my bridal party, they can be forgetful at times. So to have something on their fridge to remind them of the rehersal date & time was very helpful. Also only one person in the bridal party had ever been to the church where the ceremony was at. So having a paper invite made it easy for them to grab it & go to their car & enter the info into their GPS for directions. We also had some OOT guests that were invited to the dinner portion so this gave them a simple way to access the location information. Because have you ever had the moment where you are like"just a minute, I can't find that email...scroll scroll scrolll"
If we had done a super formal dinner inviting all OOT guests and at a really nice restaurant then I would say do a formal invitation.