November 2015 Weddings

INVITATIONS were sent out...


Re: INVITATIONS were sent out...

  • arrrghmateyarrrghmatey member
    First Anniversary 500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited September 2015
    I'm having my fair share of family tiffs/drama and I just don't care anymore.

    My aunt and her husband on my dad's side of the family aren't coming because my dad does not get along with his sister. Two of my cousins are also not coming because they are closer to my aunt. I'm honestly okay with this though, because I'm not close with them at all. I just had to make sure I invited *everyone* to prevent anyone from throwing a fit and claiming I didn't invite them to my wedding for personal reasons. I could really care less about whatever shit is going on between them

    An uncle on my mom's side of the family and his wife aren't coming because another aunt (the sister) would become very upset that they came to my wedding and not any of their kids' weddings. So they RSVPd no. Really, people? 

    But seriously, I'm just done with the stupid family drama. I could care less if some of these people not come. The people who are important to me will be there and that is what counts. Besides, they're going to miss out on one hell of a party.
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  • How many people did everyone invite? We sent out 40 invites for a total of 73 guests.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Our guest list was 170. So far we've gotten 93 accepts and 37 declines. Guestimating a final guest count of 130-135, which will be perfect. I basically had to invite my entire large extended family even though I was 95% sure they wouldn't come (mom and dad's orders so we wouldn't have any complaining later). Such a waste of invitations....
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  • Just stuffed 30 invitations for about 65 people! Hopefully, we will be mailing them by the end of the week! Sending out my photographer paperwork this week also with her check. I still have to find a stylist to do my hair.
    11/21/2012 - Chapter 1: The Text
    10/23/2014 - Chapter 2: The Proposal
    11/21/2015 - Chapter 3: The Wedding

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • We sent out 79 invitations for 142 people and so far are at 107. RSVP date is next week and then we'll start calling the stragglers.

    This was a wedding filled weekend for me - I had my first fitting on Friday and I had my bridal shower and bachelorette yesterday!! So much fun, all my best friends made it and we had an amazing time. I can't believe how soon it is! 41 days!!!!
  • Invitations went out Friday and should be arriving this week! I tried on my dress again and it still fits! Woot! A little annoyed because I had straps put in since the dress was originally strapless and a few of the beaded embroidery were loose. Nothing super noticeable but nonetheless.
    11/21/2012 - Chapter 1: The Text
    10/23/2014 - Chapter 2: The Proposal
    11/21/2015 - Chapter 3: The Wedding

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Yay for your dress still fitting!!!!

    I had my first fitting saturday and my dress was BIG - which was a relief for me because I am on this crazy diet, so it shows it is working I am excited about that :)

    So far we have 148 attending the wedding and 25 no's... Waiting on about 80 more....

    The RSVP date is Wednesday. Looks like we are going to be calling some family and friends :)

    Does anyone else think they are going to have to do that?
  • I've already started. Our RSVP date was October 1st--had to have a little earlier due to work schedules and being out of town for a couple of weekends before the wedding, so I needed the extra time to track down the slackers. Good thing, too, because we were still missing about 35 RSVPs/15 parties. A lot of them I didn't have phone numbers or e-mail addresses for because they're family of FILs or cousins of mine I don't talk to regularly. So I enlisted the help of my mom and FMIL to track down the people for whom I didn't have contact information. Everyone else I could get in touch with and I checked in on. 

    Some people forgot the deadline. Others are still waiting on their schedules. I gave those people an ultimate cut-off date of October 17th since we need to have our numbers into the venue at the 3 week mark.
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  • our RSVP deadline is today..

    we are still missing a few but I think we will be at 180 when all is said and done we are at 170 now.

    I am happy with that, its a nice size party - and all our nearest and dearest. 

    Alot of FI's family isnt coming because of "travel" it is a 15 min drive to the ferry and then a ferry ride...

    But whatever floats your boat if you do not want to spend our day with us your loss, its going to be one hell of a party..

    Now the dreaded - - SEATING CHART begins...

    How is everyone else?
  • We have everyone in and confirmed 122! That's pretty perfect for us and pretty much everyone we know and love. No big surprises in Nos.

    Our seating chart was shockingly easy, everyone who's coming sort of fits into groups of 6-12 (or can split up into those divisions) pretty easily. So we gave our assignments and list to our calligrapher for the place cards today!

    Meeting with florist next weekend and photographer after that and then we're pretty much DONE. We finalized our choices for the ceremony last night (note to self, do not listen to hymns while drunk on Wine Wednesday lest FI come out of the shower to you belting at the top of your lungs).

  • We haven't got anymore back. A lot of them have verbally said they are coming so I guess I need to count them in. Still have a bunch that I haven't heard from. Deadline is the 19th so I still have time. I got my first RSVP that added 2 people. I guess they have kids I didn't know about. Oh well, such as life. Are y'all giving an exact count to your caterer or going above? If going above, what amount do you go?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • libride2015libride2015 member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2015
    We are giving exact count - to me, if you cannot put the card in the already stamped envelope and send it back and/or answer me when I reach out to you multiple time to see if you are coming, you do not deserve a seat. 

    Thats how we are looking at it! We are at 188 - and missing 15 RSVPs. I am going to try and reach out to them for one more week and then I am giving up. 

    **edited, when I get aggrivated, I misspell :)**
  • Invitations went out on Friday and by Monday I was already receiving RSVPs. So far, we have 21 people attending and a couple of verbal "yes" but I am waiting for actual confirmation. My deadline isn't even until 11/7. We invited about 65 people so its pretty exciting to have that many people already decided that they were coming.
    11/21/2012 - Chapter 1: The Text
    10/23/2014 - Chapter 2: The Proposal
    11/21/2015 - Chapter 3: The Wedding

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I haven't gotten back many RSVP but have had a lot say their coming. How do y'all think I should count that for the caterer? Do I just count them as if they will be there?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @Denise40 I would try to get verbal confirmation from those people, though if you feel certain they're coming I'd include them for your caterer. You do still have this week and we got a lot of responses the last day and a few days after, so I'd give them some time.

  • Never assume. 

    I would call and DOUBLE check with them all and just say, "I just wanted to double check that you are attending the wedding, we didn't recieve your formal RSVP"
  • I second getting in touch with them personally to get a definite yes or no unless you are willing to pay for their meals on the assumption they are coming and then they do not show up.
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  • Thanks everyone! I sent out messages today. Heard from a few that said they forgot but to mark them down.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • anyone else's future MIL try and add people even after the invites were sent and create drama and is still creating drama about the rehearsal dinner? does it end.
  • libride2015libride2015 member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2015
    anyone else's future MIL try and add people even after the invites were sent and create drama and is still creating drama about the rehearsal dinner? does it end.


    FMIL is taking rehearsal dinner very seriously - which is nice - but its getting crazy and unnecessary. Our latest "issue" was the fact that she wanted to invite the officiants - but my parents call them "yellow pages officiants" because we are having an interfaith wedding, the Rabbi and Pastor are not our regular Rabbi and Pastor - we met them once and are paying them a lot of money for their services...

    She still thinks we should invite them.  

    FI side of the family is SO large and they wanted to invite everyone- so my parents made a deal with FI parents that anyone over 150 - FI parents would pay for - that also includes the centerpieces for the table.. They agreed... so they are paying for 50 people and 5 centerpieces. 
  • anyone else's future MIL try and add people even after the invites were sent and create drama and is still creating drama about the rehearsal dinner? does it end.
    Nope. I'm very fortunate that my FMIL is very non-intrusive and 'gets it,' even though this is the first wedding on FI's side of the family in his generation. She never once asked to add people onto the guest list, and let FI decide who to invite on his side of the family. Even when I asked her for addresses of some family, she didn't try to add people on. She's very respectful. I'm so happy we get along great.

    You and your FI just need to set boundaries with your ILs and stick to them, unless they are paying for the wedding.
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  • I know its kinda far out for 11/7/15 wedding - but the weather is out - and it says cloudy with rain....

    I am HOPPPING it changes :( - #sadbride
  • It's just rain in the morning last I checked! Not sure what time your wedding is planned though.

    Honestly, if I can get some dryness in the afternoon for my photos outside, I don't really care if it rains the rest of the day. My friend had rain the morning of her wedding but then it cleared up. And overcast is great for photos because you won't be squinting!

  • According to the Farmer's Almanac, its supposed to be rainy for my wedding (11/21) I'm going in with the idea that the weather could be ANYTHING. Rain, snow, sleet, hail, sun, wind, ect because it honestly could be where I am (New England). 

    Anyone receiving wedding gifts in the mail already? I received one and OMG I can't wait to use them but we are holding out till after the wedding to use it because its so expensive.
    11/21/2012 - Chapter 1: The Text
    10/23/2014 - Chapter 2: The Proposal
    11/21/2015 - Chapter 3: The Wedding

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I wouldn't put too much stock in what the repots say the weather will be like 2 weeks from now. It more likely than not will change. I wouldn't start being concerned until 5 days out. And if it does rain, hopefully you have a backup plan to deal with bad weather. At the end of the day, you will still be married to your best friend.

    We stopped getting gifts in the mail since I had my bridal shower a couple of weekends ago. They are all in a big pile in our office, waiting to be opened until after the wedding (and after I get the thank you cards sent).

    My bachelorette party is this weekend. I SO need it after the past couple of weeks.

    All of the RSVPs are in (126 guests). Seating chart is done. Final meetings with the Days-Of coordinator, florist, and photographer are done (and they're all paid). Final meeting wight he DJ is next week, at which time we will pay the balance for DJ and lighting. Cake is all done. Welcome bags for hotel guests are assembled. Shuttles for me and FI, bridal party, and guests are all arranged.

    The only thing I have left to do is print out the place cards and confirm our hotel reservations in HAwaii for the honeymoon (which I am about to do). Yaaaaay. Hope the next 3 weeks goes by FAST.
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  • We have 72 confirmed either by mail or verbal and 2 not sure depending on how surgery goes. Counting us 74, 10 vendors so I told caterer 86. Sent that final check out. Meet wth DJ on the 3rd to finalize. Meet my coordinator at venue in about a week. Pick up dress Saturday. Bachelorette party is Saturday. The only big thing left to pay is coordinator. The rest is har/makeup, officiant, favors
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We got a few gifts! 2 checks and 1 gift from those who cannot come; then a couple from those who didn't want to schlep the gift to the reception (which I'm SO thankful for). I put them away but haven't used them yet.

    We're meeting with photographer to do a walk-through of the venue on Saturday and meeting with the priest next Sunday to finalize everything. Everything except the church and florist are paid for completely! And those will be done by Nov 1.

    2 weeks from Saturday...ahhhh!

  • missa011missa011 member
    100 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper Fourth Anniversary
    edited October 2015
    @libride2015 - good news! Forecast changed from 77% chance of rain to 25%, with 59 degrees and partly cloudy!!
  • missa011 WOOOOHOOOO!!! Mine now says 56 degrees and mostly sunny with 10% chance of rain.


  • arrrghmateyarrrghmatey member
    First Anniversary 500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2015
    High of 71 degrees and a low of 43 degrees, zero percent chance of rain right now for me. I really can't ask for better weather.

    But, my wedding is still 2 weeks away, which is a lot of time for things to change.
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