Wedding Woes


I'm only here until 12:30 and then I'm off all week next week.  WOO!! I don't have a ton planned.  It will be nice to have downtime with the kids. 

What's on tap for the weekend?

Mini-afternoon date with DH today, DefConn's Christmas party, and then I'm not sure about tonight. 

Tomorrow: Shopping and wrapping

Sunday: Baking day, putting together gifts for DH's team. 


  • I'm only here a half day, too.  Just got some stuff off my desk, so I should be in good shape.  (Knocks on wood.)  Going straight to Wooz's class holiday party, meeting my mom there.  We are then going straight from there to a matinee of the Good Dinosaur, and then we're picking up DS.  No idea about dinner tonight.  I'm coming down with a cold and would be happy with takeout, but I have no idea what time DH will be home, what everyone will be in the mood for, etc.  Hot and sour soup sounds perfect right now, though.

    We were going to take the kids to see Santa tonight, but I wanted to get there early, and DH's half day fell through.  So I think we'll end up doing that tomorrow.  My mom is staying over, and I have zero ideas for breakfast tomorrow.  DH suggested going out, and I think I like that idea. 

    Riding tomorrow morning.  Wooz officially graduates from Level 5 in swim class tomorrow afternoon.  Hopefully Santa tomorrow evening.  Santa rode through our neighborhood on a fire engine last night, and the kids loved it.  Wooz was with several other girls and they went insane--when we got home, she was clearly overexcited and flipped her shit.  I sent her straight to bed, out of necessity more than punishment.  DS was adorable, when the truck passed by he said "Bye, Santa!  Bye!  BYE!!!" 

    I got every single present wrapped last night.  I was up too late, which I'm paying for now, but it's done.  There are a few more gifts trickling in, but the vast majority of my wrapping is over and done with. 
  • We had M2's last gymnastics class of the session.  I'm glad DH had the day off to see it.

    We're going to my folks this weekend for Christmas.  I've got a pile of food baked, a jar of homemade cranberry vodka, and I've got cranberry bread in the oven.  The kids are packed and so am I.  DH took everyone to the mall for a bit so I'm doing a little work then hitting the treadclimber in peace.
  • T-minus 5 hours and I'm headed out to Cali.

    I got my hair done last night. I went to a new hairstylist and I LOVE IT!! Then FI and I met a friend for dinner. I finally got home about 8, did laundry, picked up the house, wrapped presents, packed and was in bed by 9:45. I was pretty damn proud of myself haha. I can't wait to see my family tomorrow.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • 2 hours of work left for this week.  No big plans for the weekend.  Nephew has a wrestling meet tomorrow and we'll go to cheer him on.  Otherwise, wrapping presents, cleaning and relaxing.  I work 3 days next week with Thurs and Fri off.
  • I have another hour-ish of work, and I'm heading out for the year. I need to finish up one thing for my boss, and then I'm done. 

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