Wedding Woes

Bingo Wednesday!

mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
First Anniversary First Answer 5 Love Its First Comment
edited April 2016 in Wedding Woes
It's Coach Purse Bingo Night.  My favorite tradition.  :D  My sister's neighbor's friend is in some service organization and they put on Coach Purse Bingo twice a year.  It's $30 and 100% worth it even if you don't win.  All 3 of us are going together for the first time (along with various neighbors of my sister). 

Last night kind of sucked.  Mostly small annoyances, but DH and I need to talk about stuff.  

I haven't been sleeping well this week at all.  I'm sure that also does not help the above issue. 

If you like true crime podcasts, The Generation Why podcast is pretty good. 

Re: Bingo Wednesday!

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    Good luck tonight mrs.conn!

    DS's tantrums over getting dressed are getting old.  I know he's two, but I want to tell him that it's just putting on a shirt; we're not putting him in the damn stocks for the day, so get some freaking perspective.  You'd think the shirt was made of pure fire, the way he carries on.  And don't even get me started on sunscreen.   

    Wooz has her first ever sleepover Saturday night, and she is over the moon excited.  Here's hoping we don't get a 12:30 a.m. phone call that she's crying and homesick.

    I like to think I'm pretty good at Excel, but there has been a request to modify one of my formulas to do something tricky, and I'm stumped.  My boss doesn't know, his boss doesn't know--that's how I got stuck with this project in the first place.  Which is all well and good when I know what I'm doing, but I'm getting pretty freaking frustrated right about now, and AND statements are not something I've used often enough to be an expert at. 

    I swallowed my pride and emailed DH.  I'm 50/50:  half thankful that I have him as a resource, half wishing I had figured it out on my own by now.  I don't know what his schedule is like or what he's working on, so I'm still working on it in the meantime.  I really want to be able to email him and say "Never mind, got it!"
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    bleve0821bleve0821 member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited October 2016
    Normally, I love Hump Day, but this week is stupid.  Toothless appears to be going downhill, so he's going to the vet for chest x-rays, and Hiccup, the puppy, was diagnosed with advanced heartworm, even though she's been on prevention since I rescued her over 18 months ago.  I feel like a complete failure as a petmom, and the timing couldn't be worse. I want to just cancel the honeymoon. And girls night in NYC this weekend.

    My uncle was moved out of the ICU to a rehab facility that specializes in patients who have been on a ventilator for extended lengths of time, but the facility is shitty and he's not doing any better and still isn't breathing on his own.

    FI wants his mom to do a reading in the ceremony, which I have no problem with, but I can't find a way for my mom to be involved, too, and I don't want to just ask her to witness the license signing, or whatever. Really, that's the least of my worries, but it's just one more thing. And I have so.much.crafting left to do.  I'm the worst procrastinator.

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

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    Also, I have this really strong urge to sell the house, pull up roots, and move the family to the mountains.  I have all of these romanticized ideas:  we'll raise chickens and have fresh eggs for breakfast!  We'll plant a huge garden and grow tomatoes and whatever, fertilized with our own chicken manure!  We'll buy a house half the size of this one, the kids can share a room with bunk beds!  (Which they would love today, but in a year or two, I sincerely doubt it.)  We'll make smores under the stars every night!

    None of it is realistic.  (Plus the schools aren't that great.)  I think it's just symptomatic of needing a vacation.
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    Heffalump said:

    DS's tantrums over getting dressed are getting old.  I know he's two, but I want to tell him that it's just putting on a shirt; we're not putting him in the damn stocks for the day, so get some freaking perspective.  You'd think the shirt was made of pure fire, the way he carries on.  And don't even get me started on sunscreen.   

    Ugh.  I remember those days.  :(  I hope he grows out of it before you lose it. 

    Also a story from this morning,

    DefConn has been wanting DH to take him to school.  It didn't work out yesterday because I had to take the kiddo in early to school and since we drive right past DefConn's school, there was no reason to take him back home for DH to take him to school.  

    DH has a phone interview/meeting with the recruiter at 2:30p today,  so he was all "Eh, IDK about taking DefConn to school tomorrow since I gotta get to sleep ASAP when I get home."  I texted him this morning and heard nothing from him, so I assumed that I was taking DefConn to school.  

    I'm getting him dressed and DefConn is all, "So can you just send me outside to wait for daddy to come home so he can take me to school?"  I'm all, "Um, no I'm not just 'sending you outside to wait' and I texted daddy and haven't heard from him, so I might be taking you to school."  Cue the tears.  On and off, the rest of the time we're getting ready.  

    I get us in the car, he's full on meltdown at this point.  I call DH and he's still at work.  DefConn's crying, I'm pulling out of the drive, and DH is all, "I'll come home and take him!" So I drive around the neighborhood behind us to get back home.  DH gets home a half hour later and takes him. 

    The kid walks into school and doesn't even so much as wave bye to DH.  Completely ridiculous all the way around. 
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    Heffalump said:
    Good luck tonight mrs.conn!

    DS's tantrums over getting dressed are getting old.  I know he's two, but I want to tell him that it's just putting on a shirt; we're not putting him in the damn stocks for the day, so get some freaking perspective.  You'd think the shirt was made of pure fire, the way he carries on.  And don't even get me started on sunscreen.   

    Wooz has her first ever sleepover Saturday night, and she is over the moon excited.  Here's hoping we don't get a 12:30 a.m. phone call that she's crying and homesick.

    I like to think I'm pretty good at Excel, but there has been a request to modify one of my formulas to do something tricky, and I'm stumped.  My boss doesn't know, his boss doesn't know--that's how I got stuck with this project in the first place.  Which is all well and good when I know what I'm doing, but I'm getting pretty freaking frustrated right about now, and AND statements are not something I've used often enough to be an expert at. 

    I swallowed my pride and emailed DH.  I'm 50/50:  half thankful that I have him as a resource, half wishing I had figured it out on my own by now.  I don't know what his schedule is like or what he's working on, so I'm still working on it in the meantime.  I really want to be able to email him and say "Never mind, got it!"
    OMG, I know. I'm dealing with a Threenager and getting dressed is the eternal battle...

    We are going into the last week of tax season so we are waiting for the flood of people who realise that, "hey, I need to file my taxes before the 2nd". I'm looking forward to the jug of margaritas awaiting me at the end! 
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    @Heffalump, my current fantasy is to have a place away from the house where I can go to escape living with all boys, where shit stays where I put it, and no one eats all my Skinny Pop before I can have a second helping. 

    I also need a vacation...but alone.  :D 
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    @Heffalump, my current fantasy is to have a place away from the house where I can go to escape living with all boys, where shit stays where I put it, and no one eats all my Skinny Pop before I can have a second helping. 

    I also need a vacation...but alone.  :D 
    Oh, there's definitely that, too.  :)  Shoo the kids out the door to go play in the woods, DH can drive into town for whatever, and there I will be, with a cup of coffee and a floor-to-ceiling view of the mountains.  Ahhhhhh.

    Sadly, the money part of the equation is the one I haven't figured out yet.  Here's hoping for a heretofore unknown, disgustingly wealthy, very elderly great-aunt.  ;)
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    6fsn6fsn member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    Just made an appointment to put the cat down.  M2 was in tears yesterday about it.  Tomorrow is going to suck.
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    I'm sorry, 6.  ((hugs)) to you all.  Poor M2.  :( 
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    Sorry, 6.

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    Sorry, 6. My sympathies to you and your family. 

    I love hearing about everybody's children. I don't have any but think their daily antics are adorable.

    I have a mosquito bite on the top of my foot that is driving me crazy. I am trying a sock bun for the very first time, I am excited to see the curls tonight. They are sanding and painting inside at work so I am sitting outside. My life is boring.  :p
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    Sorry, 6
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    6- sorry to hear about the kitty. I hope the kids are ok. :(

    Morning! So for the past week, around 3 pm I start getting a headache and last night it morphed into an earache. I ended up going to bed at 9 pm because it hurt so bad. I think it's allergies, and pretty much everyone in this house has some sort of allergy related issue. But I did get a better nights sleep, so m feeling good. 

    Story from this morning: DD gets breakfast at daycare but every morning she has to have a snack at home. What she really wants is a full breakfast so she'll try to grab other things, but I figure I'm paying for her to have breakfast there so she can hold out. This morning she had her granola bar. As I'm putting the kids in DH's car she comes walking down the hallway with her arms folded over her, but the second I hand her the blanket she takes for nap time she moves her arms and I see that under her shirt she's hidden things. Girl tried to smuggle an applesauce, another granola bar, some fruit snacks, and a package of crackers to DH's car where she presumably was going to snarf this down in the 10 minute ride to daycare. Weirdo. 
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    Deep breaths.  Deep. Breaths.  I keep reading all these articles about lice and how they're not that big of a deal.  Their logic makes sense, but there is this visceral reaction I cannot shake.

    Immediately after, I got an email from DC that vision screening results are available at the front desk, and I was like

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    Heffalump said:
    Also, I have this really strong urge to sell the house, pull up roots, and move the family to the mountains.  I have all of these romanticized ideas:  we'll raise chickens and have fresh eggs for breakfast!  We'll plant a huge garden and grow tomatoes and whatever, fertilized with our own chicken manure!  We'll buy a house half the size of this one, the kids can share a room with bunk beds!  (Which they would love today, but in a year or two, I sincerely doubt it.)  We'll make smores under the stars every night!

    None of it is realistic.  (Plus the schools aren't that great.)  I think it's just symptomatic of needing a vacation.
    Living in the mountains isn't all its made out to be. We have beautiful views, but we also have an hour drive to the nearest Target; a lack of efficiency in pretty much anything you want to get done; extremely limited choices for healthcare, food, schools, everything.

    There are some really great things, but I didn't realize how much having a choice in these areas is really important (particularly healthcare).
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    Sorry to hear 6!!!

    This week - People in general are annoying me... 

    Last night went to IKEA and for Chinese with the eldest.  Not looking forward to installing the cabinet I purchased solo, but life will go on.. 

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    @6fsn - sorry about the cat, it's definitely rougher with young kids. 

    I'm WFH today due to the weather and modified school schedule. Roads are still a mess, traffic is awful, and we got another 2 inches of rain (and some hail) in about 20-30 minutes earlier this morning. Pic taken mid storm from our back porch - the slight blur is because of the torrential downpour. That band moved through, but we're expecting more. 
    DK went into his office today, so hopefully he doesn't get stranded trying to get home. 

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    Heffalump said:

    Deep breaths.  Deep. Breaths.  I keep reading all these articles about lice and how they're not that big of a deal.  Their logic makes sense, but there is this visceral reaction I cannot shake.

    Immediately after, I got an email from DC that vision screening results are available at the front desk, and I was like

    Stop washing your kid's hair! This is what my stepmom recommends to parents whose kids have lice in their classrooms (she's a hairdresser). The lice like little clean heads. Also, if you do get lice, get the comb, it's the best thing to get rid of the suckers permanently. 
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    I'm sorry for your family's loss, @6fsn .

    I have been home sick for the past 2 days.  Fever set in Saturday night, all day Sunday, all day Monday, went to doc on Monday, told him it felt like the worst bronchitis I ever had, he said he'd heard me wheezing worse, gave me antibiotics, Walmart texts me when prescriptions are ready which is OSSUM, still have fever on Tuesday am, but around 2-3 pm, fever goes away and I start to feel human again.  However, my lungs are still sore and coughing is really bad this time.  Doctor thinks I've actually triggered an asthma attack, which was developing into bronchitis, that we caught early b/c of the fever.

    Also, everything is a stressball.  E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.  So, that's it.
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    VarunaTT said:
    I'm sorry for your family's loss, @6fsn .

    I have been home sick for the past 2 days.  Fever set in Saturday night, all day Sunday, all day Monday, went to doc on Monday, told him it felt like the worst bronchitis I ever had, he said he'd heard me wheezing worse, gave me antibiotics, Walmart texts me when prescriptions are ready which is OSSUM, still have fever on Tuesday am, but around 2-3 pm, fever goes away and I start to feel human again.  However, my lungs are still sore and coughing is really bad this time.  Doctor thinks I've actually triggered an asthma attack, which was developing into bronchitis, that we caught early b/c of the fever.

    Also, everything is a stressball.  E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.  So, that's it.
    did they do a flu test? flu triggered bronchitis for me. I'm still coughing quite a bit - this is after a course of antibiotics and steroids. 
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    @6fsn I am very sorry to hear about your cat.  Making these decisions never gets easier, even when we know it's for the best.  

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

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    I didn't have any other symptoms other than a fever and cough.  And this is my normal MO: allergies --> asthma trigger ---> bronchitis trigger, it's just that it usually hits in June.  Which is good, b/c this June is hella busy.

    I really think Dr. is right.  I had to go clean out a closet on Saturday that was dusty as hell and I wouldn't be surprised to find out it was moldy and mildew filled on top of it all.  Which are all huge triggers for me and I was coughing pretty hard.  I'm on my inhaler regularly scheduled and it's slowly getting better.  I hope I don't have to go back on steroids, I loathe those things.

    I have a love/hate relationship with my doctor.  He's been my doctor since I was 13, so I get lectured like his kid sometimes.  This one was, "I'm glad you've lost weight, but I'm sure it wasn't the healthy way, was it?" b/c he knew about the divorce.  And, "You sound like you're keeping yourself busy, so that's good, but what are you doing for fun?  Community work is still work you know."  I just scrunched my face at him and he laughed and said I was more like my mother every day.
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    edited April 2016
    @6fsn, I'm so sorry for your loss. Furbabies crawl into your heart and stay there.
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    I'm sorry to hear about your kitty 6 :(

    Nothing really new here. Tonight I have Bunco, so I should find out about the train-wreck wedding that one of the ladies' step-daughter was having. I'll update on that tomorrow.

    I'm meeting with the lady who is potential going to be doing the decorations for the wedding tomorrow. We will see how that goes. When I talked to her last she told me to, "Bring ideas and we will go from there." My thought was, "Isn't that why I'm hiring you, so I don't have to come up with ideas?"

    Wedding Countdown Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    6fsn said:
    Just made an appointment to put the cat down.  M2 was in tears yesterday about it.  Tomorrow is going to suck.
    I'm sorry, 6.  :(

    Heffalump said:
    Also, I have this really strong urge to sell the house, pull up roots, and move the family to the mountains.  I have all of these romanticized ideas:  we'll raise chickens and have fresh eggs for breakfast!  We'll plant a huge garden and grow tomatoes and whatever, fertilized with our own chicken manure!  We'll buy a house half the size of this one, the kids can share a room with bunk beds!  (Which they would love today, but in a year or two, I sincerely doubt it.)  We'll make smores under the stars every night!

    None of it is realistic.  (Plus the schools aren't that great.)  I think it's just symptomatic of needing a vacation.
    Living in the mountains isn't all its made out to be. We have beautiful views, but we also have an hour drive to the nearest Target; a lack of efficiency in pretty much anything you want to get done; extremely limited choices for healthcare, food, schools, everything.

    There are some really great things, but I didn't realize how much having a choice in these areas is really important (particularly healthcare).
    You're right, I know.  I needed to hear that.  We know some people who used to have a B&B up there (we met them when we stayed there, pre-kids), until they sold it and moved last summer.  We're FB friends, and this winter the guy was posting about how it was the first time in 20 years that they didn't have to shovel snow, worry about the pipes freezing, or worry about losing power.  When we were up there in February, the forecast turned worse, so we just threw our stuff in the car and left early.  The grass is always greener, I guess.  I think we're due for a visit, though.  :)
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    Heffalump said:
    6fsn said:
    Just made an appointment to put the cat down.  M2 was in tears yesterday about it.  Tomorrow is going to suck.
    I'm sorry, 6.  :(

    Heffalump said:
    Also, I have this really strong urge to sell the house, pull up roots, and move the family to the mountains.  I have all of these romanticized ideas:  we'll raise chickens and have fresh eggs for breakfast!  We'll plant a huge garden and grow tomatoes and whatever, fertilized with our own chicken manure!  We'll buy a house half the size of this one, the kids can share a room with bunk beds!  (Which they would love today, but in a year or two, I sincerely doubt it.)  We'll make smores under the stars every night!

    None of it is realistic.  (Plus the schools aren't that great.)  I think it's just symptomatic of needing a vacation.
    Living in the mountains isn't all its made out to be. We have beautiful views, but we also have an hour drive to the nearest Target; a lack of efficiency in pretty much anything you want to get done; extremely limited choices for healthcare, food, schools, everything.

    There are some really great things, but I didn't realize how much having a choice in these areas is really important (particularly healthcare).
    You're right, I know.  I needed to hear that.  We know some people who used to have a B&B up there (we met them when we stayed there, pre-kids), until they sold it and moved last summer.  We're FB friends, and this winter the guy was posting about how it was the first time in 20 years that they didn't have to shovel snow, worry about the pipes freezing, or worry about losing power.  When we were up there in February, the forecast turned worse, so we just threw our stuff in the car and left early.  The grass is always greener, I guess.  I think we're due for a visit, though.  :)
    Absolutely go for a visit! I never though I'd actually enjoy hiking or the outdoors as much as I have living in the mountains.

    I don't want to hate too much on the area, because it does work for a lot of people, and the community is great. But two years here was long enough for H and I (we're also really far from family); we'd always lived in at least moderate-sized cities or suburbs, so it was a real culture shock for us that there was one family doctor in town, one dentist, one sports medicine practice, etc. so those didn't work for us the nearest alternative was 45 minutes to an hour away.
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    VarunaTT said:
    I didn't have any other symptoms other than a fever and cough.  And this is my normal MO: allergies --> asthma trigger ---> bronchitis trigger, it's just that it usually hits in June.  Which is good, b/c this June is hella busy.

    I really think Dr. is right.  I had to go clean out a closet on Saturday that was dusty as hell and I wouldn't be surprised to find out it was moldy and mildew filled on top of it all.  Which are all huge triggers for me and I was coughing pretty hard.  I'm on my inhaler regularly scheduled and it's slowly getting better.  I hope I don't have to go back on steroids, I loathe those things.

    I have a love/hate relationship with my doctor.  He's been my doctor since I was 13, so I get lectured like his kid sometimes.  This one was, "I'm glad you've lost weight, but I'm sure it wasn't the healthy way, was it?" b/c he knew about the divorce.  And, "You sound like you're keeping yourself busy, so that's good, but what are you doing for fun?  Community work is still work you know."  I just scrunched my face at him and he laughed and said I was more like my mother every day.

    Sounds like time for a round of Prednisone!  Ugh!
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