Hashtag Help

Double letters in Hashtag?

Are double letters ok in a hashtag when they are from two separate words? For example, WillowWedding with the double "w".

I'm worried that guests will forget to put in one of the w's but I never use Instagram so don't know how big of an issue this is (plenty of guests do use IG, which is why I'm having one). 

Re: Double letters in Hashtag?

  • Personally, I don't see that a double letter would be a problem, especially if the last letter and first letter have distinct sounds and it's not a weird spelling. "Willow" and "Wedding" are two fairly commonplace words and the two consecutive ws are pretty distinct (IMO).  Capitalizing the different words when you establish the hashtag will also illustrate the distinction and cement it in your users' minds.  If your guests forget to add any letters, they will probably be just as likely to forget one of the ls in Willow or the ds in Wedding.

    BUT... if you are worried that guests will forget one of the ws, you could add a y or something and make it something like AWillowyWedding.

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

  • @AtomicBlonde thanks for the response. I'll make sure to use capitals whenever I write it out.

    I appreciate the alternative suggestions but WillowWedding was just an example. Ours is similar but not actually that. 
  • I think you're okay, assuming that hashtag will make sense your guests (I.e. Willow is your last name and not your favorite tree). If someone does miss a W just search for #willowedding as well to find more photos. 
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