Wedding Woes

Monday, Monday

How was everyone's weekend? We had a massive ice storm Saturday, which thankfully I finished my 18-miler and got home just before the storm hit. Sunday we looked at more houses (all were pretty hard no's, although one was nice). I'm just so over the home buying process. We're at the point where we have to extend our lease (I put it off as long as possible because I hate this stupid apartment) and we can't put it off anymore. 

But there's a house I love we're trying to see this week, so fingers crossed. 

Re: Monday, Monday

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    Fingers crossed for you, Charlotte!!!

    I had a pretty good weekend. I've been in a bit of a funk lately. H came home early from work on Saturday (about noon) and told me to stay in bed. He made me lunch. Dude who cannot cook even a little bit made a nicoise salad and garlic soup. I was so impressed and it was really good.

    Yesterday we had that leather class. We both made belts. H had a lot of fun and we're going back for the "small leather goods" class so H can make knife sheaths.

    But it's still cold and snowing in Chicago. I like winter but FFS, GTFO.

    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    Schools are closed today because the roads are shite! This is the first snow day, in April...

    I'm up to my ass in paperwork because I work in an area that deals with flooding and construction. Yay to the busy season!
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    Saturday Chiquita and I went out to lunch and then shopped for my brother's birthday gift.   DH is continuing his quest to clean up the garage and put some of FIL's garage cabinets in there for storage. 

    Sunday we hung out at my parents' for a joint birthday celebration for my brother and me (our birthdays are 8 days apart) and the kids had a blast.   Chiquito said, "I had fun!" and that's pretty cute to hear out of a 3 yo.

    It's COLD and rainy.   I'm of it.  Spring, feel free to show up for more than 36 hours at a time OK? 

    DH emailed BIL saying that he and the kids are welcome to stay here when we celebrate Chiquita's first communion but we didn't appreciate that it was feeling like we were used as a 'home base' the last time that they stayed.   We shall see if the gloves come off that weekend but I'm crossing my fingers that we can all behave like grown ups. 
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    Bought my niece the game 5 Second Rule for her birthday. It is like the Ellen game on her show where you have 5 seconds to name 3 things in a given category. We all had a lot of fun playing with it. Some questions were a little old for her (9 y/o) but she still had fun and the adults did too. 
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    6fsn6fsn member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment

    The weekend- Friday night soccer got cancelled.  We ended up having cocktail hour with neighbors and a bunch of kids.  Then dinner on the patio and playing outside until dark.

    Saturday DH took 6let and M2 to soccer games.  I took Max to baseball practice and soccer.  It rained all through the afternoon games and nothing sounded good so we ordered pizza and had a movie night.  Not even good pizza.  Papa John's

    Sunday church then lacrosse.  It was a downpour so DH stayed home.  I got drenched and froze my ass off. 

    This morning Max went to a playdate and I'm catching up on laundry and whatnot.  I got back from a run and had a skype message from my boss.  I messaged back and he called.  I couldn't catch me breath.  I was going to say it probably sounded like a phone sex call, but it probably sounded more like a 911 call.

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    I just realized that the only salad dressing I have left at work is roasted garlic.

    So for lunch I'm having garlic soup and a salad with roasted garlic dressing and garlic and onion croutons.

    I almost feel bad for my coworkers.

    I like this sentiment. 
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    All of the snow that most of your got was rain for us.  We have been inundated with rain since last night.  There were also some really gusty winds in addition to the down pours.  It seems to be passing now.  It is supposed to warm back up into the 60s again.  I hope it sticks around!

    DD took 3 little mini steps on her own yesterday.  I don't even know if she realized it!  But H and I both got to witness them!  My heart was jumping with joy when I saw her take those steps!  She hasn't tried any more since though.  It is coming though!

    Overall our weekend was really great.  We had to alter our Saturday night dinner plans since DD was a tired wreck for church and we knew she wouldn't be happy sitting in a restaurant.  So instead we drove over to the mall, while DD fell asleep in her car seat, filled up the car and then got some BBQ to take home.  By the time we got home DD was waking up and happy again!  That kid loves her cat naps!  She also ate BBQ like it was going out of style!

    Tonight we need to head over to Lowes to pick up our internet order.  They were having a sale on mulch and soil this weekend, but we couldn't get there in person, so I purchased online for the sale price and we will pick it up tonight.

    Charlotte - I hope the house works out for you!  I fell in love with our house just seeing it online and it was just as good in person!  So many times you think a house online will have all your check boxes until you get there in person and you wonder if its the same place!

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    All of the snow that most of your got was rain for us.  We have been inundated with rain since last night.  There were also some really gusty winds in addition to the down pours.  It seems to be passing now.  It is supposed to warm back up into the 60s again.  I hope it sticks around!

    DD took 3 little mini steps on her own yesterday.  I don't even know if she realized it!  But H and I both got to witness them!  My heart was jumping with joy when I saw her take those steps!  She hasn't tried any more since though.  It is coming though!

    Overall our weekend was really great.  We had to alter our Saturday night dinner plans since DD was a tired wreck for church and we knew she wouldn't be happy sitting in a restaurant.  So instead we drove over to the mall, while DD fell asleep in her car seat, filled up the car and then got some BBQ to take home.  By the time we got home DD was waking up and happy again!  That kid loves her cat naps!  She also ate BBQ like it was going out of style!

    Tonight we need to head over to Lowes to pick up our internet order.  They were having a sale on mulch and soil this weekend, but we couldn't get there in person, so I purchased online for the sale price and we will pick it up tonight.

    Charlotte - I hope the house works out for you!  I fell in love with our house just seeing it online and it was just as good in person!  So many times you think a house online will have all your check boxes until you get there in person and you wonder if its the same place!

    Sadly, this is what has happened a few times; something looks great online and then it's totally different in person. I'm really trying not to get my hopes up that it's either got a pending offer already, or it's terrible in person. 
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    @OliveOilsMom those first steps are precious! Sometimes I rewatch the video of B taking his first group of steps together, I was so excited and he was so cute. Then pretty soon they run around like crazy kids and you miss the pre-walking days hehe
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    aww yay first steps @oliveoilsmom! Such a proud moment. 
    @charlotte989875, the house hunt is a frustrating one.  Trust me, I know!

    My friend I wanted to reconnect with met up on Friday night for dinner instead.  We had a great dinner. Her H didn't say much.  Which is typical of him.  But it wasn't awkward and turned out nice for a first connection. 

    Saturday H and i found a really great spot at the new bar & grill that just may be our new favorite, and then saw "truth or dare" (stop judging!!!!)
    Sunday was laundry, cooking, working out, cleaning.  Really a fun life for me.

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    Your H is so sweet!  Happy Anniversary ILoveBeachMusic!
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    My weekend was just OK.  We had DefConn's party on Saturday.  It was fun and he had such a blast with his friends. 

    My mom has to have surgery ASAP due to her continuing health issues and I've got some other personal stuff going on, so I'm kind of a mess at the moment. 
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    Virtual hugs @mrsconn23 for your mom and for whatever is going on in your life. Glad that DefConn had fun with his friends this weekend. Hang in there.
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    6fsn6fsn member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
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    Sorry to hear that @mrsconn23 - sending her healing vibes (and peace vibes for you!)
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    So sorry to hear that @mrsconn23. Internet hugs and bourbon for you. 
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    Fingers crossed @charlotte989875

    Yay for first steps @OliveOilsMom!

    This weekend was eh. We had a patient change their prescription and then threaten us if we didn’t fill it, so I almost had to call the police at clinic, and then I got home and one of the homeless individuals who lives at the end of our street stole a package so I had to call the police. One of our neighbors went over and took the package back from him which I was grateful for, although I probably wouldn’t have recommended it. I came home to a cluster. Then we went up the mountain for a movie night with FIs parents. 

    I’m officially sick, which I knew was coming, but thankfully it’s not too bad. I have four more days of clinic. So close. 

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    Hugs and good thoughts to you and your mom, mrsconn.
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    Hugs and good vibes for your mom @mrsconn23

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    Hugs for you MrsConn and healthy vibes for your mom.
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    Hugs to you and your mom MrsConn
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    Is today any better, @mrsconn23?

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    My weekend was chock-full but great!

    The wedding went really well.  We intentionally staffed it with some newbs and without our Event Director and with our ops person only for set up to see how the newbs stepped up, and they did and it was great!  We have an insane summer coming, so we need to force our staff to bring it early.

    Then, on 5 hours of sleep we went to convention and our friend won the nomination for Attorney General!  We're so excited still today!  In addition to being someone we know (and one of H's biggest champions) - she's the only candidate for AG who has made a commitment to having an ADA officer on her staff, and with everything my parents go through in hospitals - I'm basically a one issue candidate on this.

    H did well too, but I volunteered for our friend so I didn't really him all day.  So all in all Nerd Prom was a win!  I can't believeI have a voice still.

    @ShesSoCold that sounds like a great weekend to treat a funk!  Hope you're feeling better!

    @ILoveBeachMusic that is really sweet, and well deserved.

    Yay Olive Oils baby!
    I just read up on her, and her record sounds impressive (especially tackling the same-sex marriage ban)! (I hope that's not creepy) I'm super excited for you guys. How's the campaign going? 
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    I had my usual endocrinologist appt. on Fri.  I have them 3x/year.  Overall, good news.  Kidneys still in perfect condition.  My blood sugar and cholesterol numbers were decent, but could be better.  But the amazing thyroid levels were in a normal range!!!  GTFO, lol.  I have very little natural thyroid function.  I take mega-doses of medicine for this but, for almost my entire adult life, it's rare my thyroid function is in a normal range.  It's a constant battle.

    I barely remember what I did all weekend.  It's a blur of a ton of work being done for our rental unit next door.

    I was sick yesterday morning (Monday) and didn't go to work.  I now realize I'm posting this on the "wrong" day, lol.  But spent the afternoon going to Home Depot and doing more work on that unit in the evening.  A LOT of cleaning.  Y'all, don't ever move your appliances away from their spot.  The horror.  My H should be finishing everything up today and it will FINALLY be ready for the new tenant.

    Today is catching up at work, but I (fortunately) don't seem to have missed much. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    mrsconn23 said:
    Is today any better, @mrsconn23?
    Yes, thank you for asking.  My mom has her next appt scheduled and should hopefully get a surgery date then.  And some of my personal stuff was worked out last night. 
    Just catching up - hugs for you and your mom, @mrsconn23! And I am glad today has been better :)
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