Hey girls,
My FMIL got a dress that was very sexy looking and thought it was too flashy so she returned it. I thought the dress was beautiful in the pic she showed me and the color was nice but she wasn't comfortable in it. I am not sure if I am supposed to coordinate the BMs dresses with the mothers. The BMs dresses are two colors, one is a slate blue/grey the other one is a very pale blue, they look great together. My moms dress is charcoal. FMIL said she was thinking of getting champagne. Would that look weird in contrast to everyone else, or will it be too close to my dress. My gown is ivory/champagne, but there are so many different shades of that color it might not even look similar at all. I just don't want her dress color to stand out to much and look out of place I guess? I suppose it wouldn't really matter it is just hard to picture everything in my head right now lol.