Wedding Woes

"Why would you say that?!" and then *long stare*

Dear Prudence,

My husband and I have become friendly with another couple, “Nadine” and “Jason.” Their kids are of similar ages (under 5), and we have a lot in common. Nadine and I see each other semiregularly, and I find her warm and friendly, if a bit naïve. Jason is also nice but has been incredibly flirty with me the past few times we’ve met, both in front of our partners and when they’re out of earshot, which has led me to believe they’re in an open relationship. He even took my husband aside one night and said, “Hey, dude, let me know if I cross the line with your wife,” to which my husband said, “She’ll let you know if you do.” Nonmonogamy is not what my husband and I are into right now, and definitely not with them. So far I’ve either deflected his flirtations or just walked away, which hasn’t really deterred his borderline sexual jokes and prolonged eye contact. If this were in a vacuum, I’d say something like, “Friend, I’m picking up some vibes from you that I don’t reciprocate” and leave it at that, but that seems too fraught at this time (he’d probably act stupefied and might even throw me under the bus with his wife). As it is, I’m not sure what to do—continue to make plans just with her? Try to find new friends? Say something to one or both of them? I should also mention he’s a beloved local politician in our small Midwestern town, and our paths will likely continue to cross professionally and in the community.

—Not Picking Up What He’s Putting Down

Re: "Why would you say that?!" and then *long stare*

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    I would hope LW gets the courage to stand up for herself.  But if she does not, I think its ok for her to go back to her H and say, "Look, I've tried in my own way and Jason is not getting it.  Can you tell him to lay off?"

    As a side note, there was a sentence that stood out to me in her letter.  "Nonmonogamy is not what my husband and I are into right now."  This makes it seem as if they had an open relationship previously and for whatever reason closed it up.  I also think LW should discuss with her H about if he wants to open it back up and why.  Because if I were as uncomfortable as LW says, I would have been pulling back from the friendship totally.  Is H wanting the friendship to continue? And for what reasons?  Just because Jason is a local politician doesn't mean he has to come over for dinners for them to stay cordial.

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    Yeah I'd probably just keep laughing it off. I'm not a super big fan of unnecessary conflict like this. Or turn the joke back around and see what they say. Like, "Oh man! Don't let Nadine hear you say that!" or "I doubt Nadine would approve of that!". 

    If these people are new friends and are actually seriously interested in a sexual relationship with LW and/or her partner, it will come up, seriously. Maybe Jason and Nadine are feeling LW out with the jokes to see if she's receptive. I would think that if he/they/whoever really did want to have a different relationship, eventually the jokes would stop and they'd actually go for it. And that's when LW should be respectful and nonjudgmental.

    There's also a chance that this guy is just flirty by nature and he has no interest in LW at all. 

    I've got a friend like that. Nearly every woman in my circle has gotten a "Um, does Dave have a crush on me?" feeling from him. He'll send a text after a night out with the group to say that I looked nice, for example. That reads as flirting, but it's really not, just who he is.
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    edited April 2019
    DW is very expressive and touchy-feely (and like me, a little socially awkward), and it sometimes comes off as flirtatious. One of our acquaintances got pissed off and accused DW of hitting on her. She wasn’t, it’s just how she is. Since that, she’s dialed it back, though.

    Edited to add: LW is making a huge leap from “This guy is a little inappropriate,” to “They both want to sleep with us.”
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