Pre-wedding Parties

Virtual Bridal Shower Guest List

Hi! I am the MOH (and only bridesmaid) for my best friend's wedding in October. Due to COVID, her ~100 guest wedding is turning into immediate family, best man, me, and our SOs only. They may have more guests at the backyard reception after, but that is unclear at the moment.
I still of course want to throw her a bridal shower, but it will have to be virtual. My conflict is the guest list. Would it be wrong to invite friends and relatives who may not be invited to the wedding if I say "no gifts" (which the bride would be fine with)?
Any input is appreciated!

Re: Virtual Bridal Shower Guest List

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    The original party was going to be at a tea house, so that is a perfect idea! Thank you so much for that! 
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    I definitely think a virtual tea/brunch is the best way to go. You don't even need to call it a shower, so no confusion. 
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    I think a virtual tea sounds like fun! By not calling it a shower, it shouldn't confuse anyone that gifts won't be expected.
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