Wedding Woes


Very excited for the weekend, whats everyone doing?

Re: Friday

  • Not to jinx myself, by my workday is going well and I should (hopefully) be out on time.  Fridays are my half day, but one of my busier days, so I wind up staying too late often.

    Then I have to finish my weekly scanning gig job a Costco, but that shouldn't be more than two hours.  With any luck, I'll be home and can relax by 2PM.

    My H and I are going out on for drinks with a new friend on Saturday.  It's a locals bar with great Bloody Marys.  One of those that looks like it is growing a "garnish garden" at the top of it, lol.

    I'm going to an Irish-Italian parade on Sunday.  It's a day parade and the weather is going to be sunny and perfect.  They have a lot of walking groups who give out fake carnations and roses.  My previous cat Nip loved playing with those.  I'm not sure about Maple Bar.  We adopted her right before the pandemic started.  They cancelled this parade in 2020.  I don't think they had it last year either.  So this is my first opportunity to get a carnation and see Maple's reaction to it.  She is a serious stalker/hunter, even of inanimate objects, lol.  I suspect she will like them also.

    The float riders, in addition to the typical beads, pass out all kinds of grocery items.  Which is fun, albeit odd, lol.

    Typical grocery items:  cabbage, carrots, potatoes, canned tomato paste, boxed spaghetti, apples, oranges, bananas, packs of ramen noodles, Moon pies, little bags of chips, individual microwave popcorn bags
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • ei34 said:
    @mrsconn23 A lot of the sex ed stuff has gotten better from when we younger, but it's still a lot for students to take in at school.  The Living Environment (what they're calling biology now) class I co-teach learned about the reproductive system earlier this week, and my incredible co-teacher spent the first five minutes having the students say the "giggle words" (penis and vagina) over and over until they were ready for the lesson.  

    @STARMOON44 glad you had that time

    @Casadena thank you for the update- oh boy, good luck with the "mommy only" phase and what a sweet gift for your niece!

    Growing up these couple of days were a big 3 celebration- St. Patrick's Day, then today is my youngest sister and brother's birthday (they're twins), and 3/19 is St. Joseph's Day, it was just a festive stretch.  We're celebrating at my parents' house tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.  My mom and I are taking oldest Communion dress shopping after working today and I'm excited for that too.
    Don't you also have twins?  Is that hereditary?  I've heard a lot of old wives' tales that it is, but wasn't sure if that was true.

    I had a coworker when I was younger, who had a twin.  And their maternal grandmother had been one also.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • ei34 said:
    @mrsconn23 A lot of the sex ed stuff has gotten better from when we younger, but it's still a lot for students to take in at school.  The Living Environment (what they're calling biology now) class I co-teach learned about the reproductive system earlier this week, and my incredible co-teacher spent the first five minutes having the students say the "giggle words" (penis and vagina) over and over until they were ready for the lesson.  

    @STARMOON44 glad you had that time

    @Casadena thank you for the update- oh boy, good luck with the "mommy only" phase and what a sweet gift for your niece!

    Growing up these couple of days were a big 3 celebration- St. Patrick's Day, then today is my youngest sister and brother's birthday (they're twins), and 3/19 is St. Joseph's Day, it was just a festive stretch.  We're celebrating at my parents' house tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.  My mom and I are taking oldest Communion dress shopping after working today and I'm excited for that too.
    Don't you also have twins?  Is that hereditary?  I've heard a lot of old wives' tales that it is, but wasn't sure if that was true.

    I had a coworker when I was younger, who had a twin.  And their maternal grandmother had been one also.
    I hear that it is hereditary on the female line.  So my grandfather was a twin, but none of my cousins have had twins or aunts and uncles on that side have had twins.

  • I've also heard that twins are hereditary.   We also see more frequencies of them now not due to hereditary traits but due to multiples from IVF.    

    It's going to be a busy night.  Chiquito has Cut Scouts and I need to get more food made for tomorrow dinner.  Then tomorrow Chiquito has his 1st reconciliation, I have a haircut and then people are coming over.  

    Corned beef is in the fridge and smells fantastic.
  • I was in the office yesterday for a full day (the first time in 2 years) and it wasn’t that bad. The free lunch was nice but it means I missed Prudie. The weather is beautiful and hoping yo get out early and take baby M to the playground. He loves being outside so much. Nieces 5th birthday party is tomorrow but other than that just relaxing!
  • kerbohl said:
    I'm getting "new" kitchen cabinets this weekend.  We are getting cabinets from someone doing a reno, and they are really close to my house so transportation shouldn't be a big thing.  I don't know if we made the right decision to go used, but we got quoted for getting custom cabinets and it was way too high.  I know I'm a little on the cheap side, but I don't think it is too out of line to say that something is too expensive and to decide to go used.  Plus also ... I don't think our contractor really understands that we want it to look "old", not modern.  Like, modern functionality, but if my kitchen looked like it could fit in a medieval castle, that's what I'm looking for.  
    Anyways, the ones we are getting are from 1978 and have the door handles in the middle, and look really retro.  But I really like them.  We'll refinish the doors, and I think they should look awesome.
    I've been lurking the past few months .... I hope everyone is doing well!
    I have a tenant who is possibly/probably moving out sometime in the near future.  Her kitchen desperately needs new cabinets.  New paint/stain won't help.  The materials themselves are in poor shape.  I sometimes see used cabinets, usually being given away or sold for cheap, after someone updated their kitchen for their own style.

    I've started keeping my eye out!  We've never tried used cabinets before, but it would be a massive savings, so I'm hoping to get lucky.  They'd need to look and be in decent condition, but that's about it.  Otherwise, we'll be putting in basic stock Home Depot cabinets, which aren't anything special.

    Keep me updated on how they work out for you and any tips/tricks you acquire along the way.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • ei34 said:
    Both of my grandmother were twins, my parents both have siblings that are twins, and I have three sets of cousin twins (two on mom's side, one on dad's).  All fraternal.   Yes, I think it's genetic. 
    It's actually a running family joke:
    "I think I'm going to try to a 3rd" 
    "...or a 3rd and 4th" 
    Oh my goodness!  That is a lot of twinning going on.  Sounds like a valid family joke, lol.

    My curiosity turned me to Google.

    Identical twins are not hereditary at all, it's purely chance.

    But fraternal twins are, because there is a gene that makes fraternal twins more likely to happen and this gene can be passed down.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • kerbohl said:
    I'm getting "new" kitchen cabinets this weekend.  We are getting cabinets from someone doing a reno, and they are really close to my house so transportation shouldn't be a big thing.  I don't know if we made the right decision to go used, but we got quoted for getting custom cabinets and it was way too high.  I know I'm a little on the cheap side, but I don't think it is too out of line to say that something is too expensive and to decide to go used.  Plus also ... I don't think our contractor really understands that we want it to look "old", not modern.  Like, modern functionality, but if my kitchen looked like it could fit in a medieval castle, that's what I'm looking for.  
    Anyways, the ones we are getting are from 1978 and have the door handles in the middle, and look really retro.  But I really like them.  We'll refinish the doors, and I think they should look awesome.
    I've been lurking the past few months .... I hope everyone is doing well!
    I have a tenant who is possibly/probably moving out sometime in the near future.  Her kitchen desperately needs new cabinets.  New paint/stain won't help.  The materials themselves are in poor shape.  I sometimes see used cabinets, usually being given away or sold for cheap, after someone updated their kitchen for their own style.

    I've started keeping my eye out!  We've never tried used cabinets before, but it would be a massive savings, so I'm hoping to get lucky.  They'd need to look and be in decent condition, but that's about it.  Otherwise, we'll be putting in basic stock Home Depot cabinets, which aren't anything special.

    Keep me updated on how they work out for you and any tips/tricks you acquire along the way.  
    It will either be a success or a horror story that I tell you!  I'm worried that it will take more headaches to fit them in properly to fit my kitchen than it would have been to just get new.  I'm hoping we can still make it work though.  I know I have to have at least one custom cupboard made - the uppers won't work with my window.  So I think we'll have our contractor take the current cupboards, use the doors and maybe some of the wood and custom make something that does fit.  Hopefully it works out.
    And worst case scenario, I can't use the other two upper cabinets, but they were "nice to haves" anyways.  The cupboards we got were for a kitchen much bigger than ours.

  • There's another warehouse on fire around my area.  It's actually really close to my FIL's house.  This is absolutely bonkers. 

  • mrsconn23 said:
    There's another warehouse on fire around my area.  It's actually really close to my FIL's house.  This is absolutely bonkers. 

    Is this arson?

  • @mrsconn23 another one or the WM one still going??
  • kerbohl said:
    mrsconn23 said:
    There's another warehouse on fire around my area.  It's actually really close to my FIL's house.  This is absolutely bonkers. 

    Is this arson?
    That's the question a lot of people are asking.  But the one today is under construction.  Also, it thankfully started raining. 

    But I really don't know what the hell is happening.  Is it cheap materials? Unskilled labor? Not enough safety protocol?  Or is someone(s) wanting to cause trouble? 
  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments First Answer 500 Love Its
    edited March 2022
    @Casadena, keeping my crossables crossed for a good report next Friday. Glad you’re getting some neice time in!
    @kerbohl, my aunt has those cabinets with the handles in the middle.  She wanted new, but couldn’t afford it, so my handy parents helped her resurface them too and they look fantastic. Brand new. Ready for another 40+ years!
    @mrsconn23 the sex ed classes from my day never left an impression on me.  All I could remember was some school girl going home, getting her period and becoming all embarrassed by it until it was explained what that was. 
    @STARMOON44, enjoy the last of your time off!
    didn’t know about the fraternal and identical twin fertility thing.  I have a few friends who did IVF and had fraternal twins though, come to think of it.

    last night our lil team took 3rd place in trivia. I’m proud because aside from one coupled team, we were the smallest (3) of 13 groups.  Most were 6+ on each team. Then we went to a bar after that, sat and talked and drank till midnight. Back to their place to sleep, woke up and had breakfast.  My friend is Polish and took me to her local polish deli.  Holy going apeshit on groceries batman! Got some unique stuff. Everytime my friend put something in her cart, I’d grab the same thing.  She knows what she’s doing.  I was like “every thing YOU get, I want to get!”. I’m going to have to google polish deli’s around me.  Also, fruit is WAY to high right now. So now I’m enjoying the rest of my day off. In bed, watching Beth & life.  Or is it Life & Beth? I dunno. 
    Edit words

  • kvruns said:
    @mrsconn23 another one or the WM one still going??
    It was a second one.  WM is out.  I think there was an update from ATF today about it. I didn't watch.  The whole building is a loss.  Insanity. 

    The one today was actually pretty close to me.  There's a business park under construction off 74 and one of the warehouses that was going up caught fire. At least it started raining soon after.  
  • edited March 2022
    ei34 said:
    @mrsconn23 A lot of the sex ed stuff has gotten better from when we younger, but it's still a lot for students to take in at school.  The Living Environment (what they're calling biology now) class I co-teach learned about the reproductive system earlier this week, and my incredible co-teacher spent the first five minutes having the students say the "giggle words" (penis and vagina) over and over until they were ready for the lesson.  

    @STARMOON44 glad you had that time

    @Casadena thank you for the update- oh boy, good luck with the "mommy only" phase and what a sweet gift for your niece!

    Growing up these couple of days were a big 3 celebration- St. Patrick's Day, then today is my youngest sister and brother's birthday (they're twins), and 3/19 is St. Joseph's Day, it was just a festive stretch.  We're celebrating at my parents' house tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.  My mom and I are taking oldest Communion dress shopping after working today and I'm excited for that too.
    Don't you also have twins?  Is that hereditary?  I've heard a lot of old wives' tales that it is, but wasn't sure if that was true.

    I had a coworker when I was younger, who had a twin.  And their maternal grandmother had been one also.
    It is hereditary through the mother but for fraternal twins only. It is because a woman tends to replicate her mother's cycles ( when she starts periods, starts menopause, if she has babies late or early and if she releases more than one egg at ovulation=fraternal twins).

    Thanks for the update @casadena. Have fun with niece. I gave the grandtwins a name puzzle for their second birthday and plan on giving the baby one. Hard to believe he will be 1 next month.

    We are in Chicago for a quick weekend trip. Next weekend we head to SC for a 2 week vacation. With next month being birthdays and a meeting for my husband I don't think we will be at home for a weekend until the end of April.
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