Wedding Woes

Monday Catchup

VarunaTTVarunaTT member
First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its First Answer
edited July 2022 in Wedding Woes
So that we can keep our condolences to Jen going in the other Monday post.

It's a short week for me!!  My BFF of 20+ years is coming into town Wednesday night and will be here until Sunday.  I'm soooooo excited and happy, my entire soul needs this break and company.  I'm having a small get together of nearest and dearest on Saturday since he's in town, that should be a lovely time.  I think when I last counted, there were over 100 years of friendship with me represented in the attending guest list.  This will be good for me too.  L is also supposed to attend, however I'm kinda over that for various reasons.  Still good to keep a new friend, but not working at it anymore.

Oh man, I had a good friend come over Friday night.  We used to work together and I was catching her up on the shitshow that is my current employer.  We have this new person, who my friend thought sounded familar.  I went to look new person up, couldn't find a pic on our website, so googled the person.  Um...they have stretched (or someone in management has stretched, this is a possibility) their resume story.  They said they had an undergrad degree from (excellent school) and were actively in law school in England.  HAHAHAHAHAHA, NOOOOOOOOPPPPEEE!!!  They have a paralegal certificate from (excellent school extension campus) and are getting basically their pre-law undergraduate degree from England, as well as only 1 year of experience in this field.  I had found this new person intimidating b/c of their supposed resume and longer.

Otherwise, SSDD.  The weekend felt long for some reason, but that was really nice.  Quite a few naps and I'm feeling a lot better.  I think moving my allergy shots to every 2 weeks is a better option for me until this pollen infested summer is over.  Also, a client just called me beautiful and it wasn't creepy or weird, it was just sweet and my ego appreicated it.

Re: Monday Catchup

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    Weekend was pretty good. H did a bunch of work on the bathroom on Saturday and I hiked and cleaned. Then we did a fun date night that did me in, so I spent most of yesterday trying to revive myself. We ended with a nice sunset on the porch and then a movie. Work today and just waiting to hear about next steps for background checks and what not. Still torn on a two week notice or if I should just end it. 

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    @climbingsingle is it me or did that thread about the passive aggressive step dad groom disappear? 

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    Just feeling down today. Caught a cold either from traveling or daycare germs (tested twice and Covid negative) but feeling tired. And work is a struggle. Our team doesn’t function well together and a lot of stuff feels like a fight. One person in particular but she’s a director and it’s just frustrating. I normally tolerate it better but with being sick and exhausted it just sucks. 
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    @levioosa It's still there but you actually have to click to go into the page for that board. I've noticed that it's been doing that here lately. Very strange. 

    Had a busy few days. Went out to LI last Thursday to get more SAAT needles in my ears. My allergies are gradually getting better so that's exciting. 

    Friday-Sunday we were camping with friends. We had fun however there were so many people at the campground that were just overly loud and obnoxious. Like, I expect some loud and rude people but this was over the top. Also I totally forgot to put the cooler in the car Saturday night and we woke up to a bear toppling the cooler over at 6am Sunday morning..haha. Thankfully he seemed more interested in the cooked sausage we had in the cooler and was on his way quickly. 

    N is away volunteering at the survival school this week so I'm holding the fort down myself. Cannot lie that I'm already stressed about watering all the things and taking care of the pool stuff. 
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    They finally said today that since spring didn't go as normal, people with allergies are basically suffering extra - which explains why BK and I have just been meh.

    It's funny what kids think of when you ask how their day/weekend was.

    Saturday we went to the lake. I got BK "paddle pals" so she'd feel more comfortable going around. She's not comfortable doing where her feet won't touch, so we've gotta work on that.
    I suggested to M about swimming lessons again, but we'll see. If she doesn't wanna do gymnastics again, maybe we'll consider swim in spring.

    Anyways, we all crashed afterwards lol

    BK asked for BBQ hot dogs for dinner - which luckily we had but frozen - so I quick thawed them in the sink for a couple hours.
    After dinner she begged to go to the park. She needed a bath anyways.

    She's into playing hide and seek. So first couple times I hid easily.
    Last round? Hahahaha ... I hid so well and kept sneaking away so she couldn't find me lmao

    Sunday we hit the mall. I needed a bra - I got 2 - then I bought myself Sailor Moon Vans.
    See here:
    Katie on Instagram: "90s kid mood Adult money. #vansxsailormoon"

    BK apparently wanted to see Victorias Secret {not even where I buy bras} but we figure because pink colouring lol
    She said later she wants a bra so that's where we're at lmao
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    Weekend was good. Went to my friend's lake house on Saturday. It was cloudy at first but cleared up so we floated. We didn't get out until almost 6! I got a little sunburned but not badly. Her H grilled burgers so we sat on the deck, ate dinner, drank wine and watched the fireworks - I have no idea why they had them the weekend after the 4th instead of the weekend of the 4th. We went to a yummy breakfast place then sat on their deck for a little bit before I drove home. I wish I had stayed and floated some more but felt like I needed to get home. Hope I can go back again this summer! Their policy is people can invite themselves and if it doesn't work for them they tell you. So nice of them to have that open door policy!
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    Anyone partaking in Prime Day?

    Whatcha lookin for?

    I'm just eyeballing what in my saved box for deals
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    Work was a dumpster fire today.  Just .... just a lot.

    Also, question of opinion.  So, my SIL has been dating a guy for over a year.  He is always busy, and her birthday is this week and he didn't make plans with her.  So, throw away that maybe he's just not a planner.  But she also hasn't met his parents or friends, and he has specifically mentioned that she can't be added to his social media.  She has only ever posted one picture of him.  His apartment that she goes to is also very very sparse.  So ... he's cheating on her, right?  Or am I just paranoid for her sake?

    I might see him this weekend, and I sort of want to ask him for his social media info so I can add him since "they've been dating for a year so he must be serious about her" just to needle him.  

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    I just got some good news!  I have an Amex card and, occasionally, they send me pre-approved offers to get a personal loan.  I did it once before and they actually have shockingly good interest rates, for an unsecured loan.  My previous one had something like a 9% interest rate and this one has (I think) 10.7%.  No prepayment penalty or any other fees.

    These are real pre-approved offers.  They don't even do a hard credit pull.  I fill out a one page, online form requesting it.  Technically, it's not a guaranteed approval.  But the impression I have is, as long as nothing is out of whack on the application, they approve you.

    Last time, I was approved in seconds.  This time, they sent me a message back they would be reviewing my application.  I just got a phone call that I was approved.

    The funny thing is, I assumed it was some telemarketing or scam call and was about to let loose on the guy, lol.  I then got nervous again toward the end of the call when he was talking about that, to finalize the loan, I would need to set up a bank account to send the funds to...

    But he goes on to explain I need to call the CSR number on the back of my credit card and provide my bank account info that way.  He, himself, never asked me for it.  Go Amex!  Because even though I know I applied for this loan and that was what he referenced at the beginning of the call, I wouldn't have wanted to disclose that banking info from a phone number that had called me.


    Here is why this loan is extra useful for me, right now.  I apologize this is going to get nitty-gritty into how credit scores are calculated.

    I'm going to be applying for a new HELOC to replace my current one, in the next 1-2 months.  I have two credit cards with a high utilization rate because the balances are interest free until the beginning of September.  I need to pay those balances off to save on interest, but it will almost definitely improve my credit score also because it will improve my utilization rate.  My credit score is already pretty good.  But hey!  Higher is always better and also might score me a better starting interest rate.

    As an aside, HELOCs...unlike mortgages...generally have an adjustable interest rate that is typically set to "X points above Prime".  But they base how much over Prime your interest rate will be, on how good your credit score was when you closed on it.

    I was originally going to pay off the balances with my current HELOC, but utilization for credit lines is taken into account also.  It's just not as strongly factored as it is for cc's. 

    But loans with a set amount and set payment are totally different financial vehicles that don't have a utilization rate in the same way, so it's not factored in.  I can use that money to pay off those two credit cards instead, without making the utilization worse on my HELOC.

    Close on my new HELOC.  Pay off my Amex loan.  Yeah, of course I'll pay for a few months of interest.  But I'm gambling it's well worth it, to get a better deal on my HELOC, which will have a balance long-term.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Anyone partaking in Prime Day?

    Whatcha lookin for?

    I'm just eyeballing what in my saved box for deals
    I'm sure I will be.  I'm rarely looking for anything specific, but I enjoy the hunt and end up buying stuff.

    However, this year, I will be scoping out patio sets.  Hurricane Ida destroyed my previous one.

    Target started their version of Prime Day, today.  They have outdoor furniture on sale.  I saw a "maybe" for the patio.  But I also saw some cute furniture for the front porch.  The front porch furniture could definitely be improved upon.  Might be time for an upgrade, while I have outdoor furniture on my mind anyway.

    They also seem to be having a special for their audiobooks and streaming music.  3 months free for audio and 4 months free for music.  I think those are usually only 1-month free trials.  I'm planning to sign up for both of those and check them out.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    banana468 said:
    kerbohl said:
    Also, question of opinion.  So, my SIL has been dating a guy for over a year.  He is always busy, and her birthday is this week and he didn't make plans with her.  So, throw away that maybe he's just not a planner.  But she also hasn't met his parents or friends, and he has specifically mentioned that she can't be added to his social media.  She has only ever posted one picture of him.  His apartment that she goes to is also very very sparse.  So ... he's cheating on her, right?  Or am I just paranoid for her sake?
    He's not cheating on her.  He's cheating WITH her.   
    That has “her being the side” all over it IMO. Just the not meeting any family/friends and no social media is a red flag for me.

    i really hope I don’t participate in prime days. I don’t need a single thing.
    well I think I don’t need a thing until that deal pops up and amazon tells me I, infact, DO need that thing.

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    kerbohl said:
    Work was a dumpster fire today.  Just .... just a lot.

    Also, question of opinion.  So, my SIL has been dating a guy for over a year.  He is always busy, and her birthday is this week and he didn't make plans with her.  So, throw away that maybe he's just not a planner.  But she also hasn't met his parents or friends, and he has specifically mentioned that she can't be added to his social media.  She has only ever posted one picture of him.  His apartment that she goes to is also very very sparse.  So ... he's cheating on her, right?  Or am I just paranoid for her sake?

    I might see him this weekend, and I sort of want to ask him for his social media info so I can add him since "they've been dating for a year so he must be serious about her" just to needle him.  
    The guy I dated in my early 20s who sounded a lot like this ended up being married and I was naive enough to miss all those signs.  
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    Oh yes, I almost forgot about the guy I very briefly dated in my early 30s that was still married. He even gave me a fake name! I had my suspicions so I ended it after only 3 dates, only to run into him and his wife right after I'd been 
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    When I was in college, everyone still had landlines.  Cell phones were uncommon for college students, but not necessarily unusual for people with "full-time job" money, lol.

    My lab partner and I hit it off and became friends.  She had a great job at UPS.  We were hanging out on campus one day, when one of her coworkers came over to say hi.  She introduced me to him.

    I ran into him on campus a few days later.  At the time, I thought it was coincidental.  But now that I'm older and wiser, I'm pretty sure he was purposely waiting for me.  Because it was outside the same building, at about the same time, as when I first met him.  And he was walking past.  He was standing around.

    He asked me out and I agreed.  We exchanged numbers, but he only gave me his cell phone because he's "hardly ever home", so that's the best way to get in touch with him.  He called me later that day to set up our dinner date for the next night.  But suddenly had to "rush" to get off the phone and I could hear another voice and noise, in the background.  I went out with him before I talked to my friend.  Thankfully, nothing physical at all happened.  Not even a kiss.  I wasn't sure if I was that interested in him.

    But the day after my dinner date, I had class with my friend again.  I mentioned my date with her coworker, but that I wasn't sure if I was interested, and what did she think/know about him.  She immediately got a weird look on her face and said something like, "Ummm...I don't know him that well, but I think he's living with his fiancee and their 2-year-old son."  I told her about him not giving me his landline number.  She said quickly that she wasn't sure and maybe they had broken up, but said she would find out for me.  She told me the next day that "oh, yeah!", he is definitely still living with his fiancee and their son.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Another vote for your SIL is the other woman and he’s cheating WITH her. 

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    Yeah, thanks for the confirmation!  My big red flag is the not meeting parents, but with Covid some people had a built in excuse.  But at this point, you can do a video call, you can meet outside .... even the most paranoid, the excuses are up.  Hell, I met hubby's family before we were dating, and his mom a month afterwards.  To wait a whole year?  I'd dump him over this.  Plus he is a gym bro, but you know, people have their type.  My type is NOT a gym bro.

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