Wedding Woes

Classic: Start doing it in the living room.

My elderly MIL moved in with us after suffering chronic health problems. Since she came to live with us, I noticed she treats me with hostility every time I am intimate with my husband. Each “morning after” she will either refuse to look at me, make unnecessarily biting comments, or just glare at me when she thinks I’m not looking. I thought I was imagining it but after several months of living together, this is definitely the reason why. I’ve become paranoid about making love and we are very careful about being quiet—almost to the point of silence—but it hasn’t helped. I feel terrible asking my sick MIL to move out because of this, and I’m too embarrassed to have a discussion with her. Is there any solution to our problem?

Re: Classic: Start doing it in the living room.

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    Build an in law cottage in the backyard so she doesn’t know when you do it. 
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    Build an in law cottage in the backyard so she doesn’t know when you do it. 
    If I was living with my MIL (::shudder::) and it came to the point that I wanted her in a cottage on my property the cottage would be miles away at the local assisted living center/nursing home.

    If MIL can't tone down the hostility particularly after the discussions it may be time to make sure she knows when LW has arrived and that the MIL's son is to be thanked for it at a medium pace.
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    Build an in law cottage in the backyard so she doesn’t know when you do it. 
    I saw real estate listing a few years ago that was kind of a crazy configuration like that, lol.

    It was a 2-bedroom house on a large lot.  And the owner had built 5 "studio apartments" on the lot.  But the "apartments", looked more like glorified sheds.  The kitchens had a sink cabinet and then one more cabinet (with uppers) on each side.  It was a normal sized 18 cu ft. refrigerator.  But there was no oven/stove.
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    I mean, I have some questions. But MIL can be nice or she can move out. 

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    I have so many questions @short+sassy , 5?! What on earth did they need that for?
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    Jstump2 said:
    I have so many questions @short+sassy , 5?! What on earth did they need that for?
    Rental income.  It had an impressive ROI (Return on Investment), around 20%.  According to the owner, she rarely had people leave and when she did have a vacancy, it was scooped up quick because they were (relatively speaking) cheap rents.  Plus utilities were included, so that was one less thing a tenant had to worry about.

    I was considering the deal and had a lot of back-and-forth e-mails with the owner, because they were FSBO.

    There were two negatives for me, that I couldn't bring myself to get past.  All utilities were included in the rents for the studios.  And it had to be that way because there was only one electrical and one water meter for all of them.  It's usually super expensive to try and break that kind of thing up and have things separately metered.

    She included the average utility bills and, if I could have counted on that, it would have been fine.

    But crazy things can sometimes happen with utilities.  Just one constantly running toilet can cause a water bill that's hundreds of dollars.  If someone stops paying their rent, you are legally required to keep paying the utilities when that's included. 

    The other problem for me is it was in Pascagoula, MS, which is about 3 hours away.  Great location that was a few blocks from the beach.  It's also a bit of a military town because there is a small Naval base there.  So I could see why those studios would be attractive to young, single soldiers.  It's just themselves.  Not many belongings.

    I'm going off memory, but I think the studios rented for $600 and the 2-bedroom house rented for $800.  So $3800/month gross.  And she was selling it for around $180K.

    But the whole thing did look just as weird as it sounds.

    A 2-bedroom house with a large yard.  Except the backyard was dotted with 5 shed-looking buildings.  Probably 10-15' of space between each one, but they also weren't in a line.  More like a line of 3 and a line of 2, but with buildings offset from each other, like a triangle.
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