Sooooo, our photogs are a husband and wife team. I effing LOVE their work and would really want no one else to shoot our wedding but those two. Yesterday I was checking my FB and saw a comment that the husband photog left saying they start their first round of implanting next week for their IFV. At first I was like, "Oh my gosh! Congrats!" Then I realized my wedding is 9 months away!!!! And if those little guys attach to her uterus...they are 9 months away as well! =( I am soooooooooo bummed out. I know I'm being selfish but wth. I want those two to shoot our one else. FI and I plan on talking to them soon to ask what would happen in the event that she goes into labor on our wedding day or something like that.
Ok, bridezilla moment over.
Re: =/ My photog...
On another note...OMG! I can't believe you're wedding is coming up so soon. I know it's in September but I'm telling you things will fly by so quickly. if you need help with anything let me know. I know how crazy things are while going to school and planning the wedding.
On another note once again....can you believe the quarter is pretty much over? How many credits do you have left after this?
my read shelf:
my read shelf:
Kas- I know! It is coming up quick here. I remember when I first joined and I was still 2 years out...without a real set date yet too! It has gone by fast now so I can't even imagine the next few months. It just feels like yesterday all you girls (most who aren't even here anymore) were getting married.
Yeah, thank god this quarter is almost over. I HATE school sooooooo much right now. I'm completely over it. After this quarter (if I pass everything...physics is kinda iffy right now) I should have 28-30 more units I think. I have 4 more upper division bio electives and 2 more physics (yuck) classes. Almost there. What about you? What do you have left?
Oh gosh, school. I think I have 30 units left. I am NOT looking forward to another whole year of school and possibly 1 quart after that. I am DONE! I hate school. I'm going on my 3rd year at CSUSB just for my BA.
my read shelf:
Rhonie- I'm so glad you stop in once in a while.
I am sorta in the same boat as you, one of my bridesmaids is in contract to do a surrogacy, well at first the first implant was to happen in august which would have been plenty of time between but that one didnt take so they are supposed to do another one soon or they did it just recently if that one goes she will give birth a month before my wedding... if that one doesnt go she has to do one more which means she would be preggo in my wedding.... slightly stressful!
but again not to make this about me... I get you bre, just talk with them
Keith & Lucinda |10.02.10