I was checking the nest post secret, and there are some mentions of OSB. so I googled it and found out it means one-star bandits. why do people get so pissy about their post only being rated one star? what do the stars mean, anyway?
the nest is weird.
Re: OSB?
Five stars means "You are amazeballs. Have the sex with me please."
At least, that's what I always imagine.
I don't even know what stars you're referring to. Is it something specifically on TN? I've never been there, I'm told it's scary.
"You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
[QUOTE]yeah, at the top of threads there's stars. for example: <a href="http://community.thenest.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/29015603.aspx" rel="nofollow">http://community.thenest.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/29015603.aspx</a>
Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]
Ah hah! That seems... random.
I'm all over the radioactive Cheetos though. You're all right, that place is weird.
[QUOTE]One star means "I hate you you useless tool. Go die." Five stars means "You are amazeballs. Have the sex with me please." At least, that's what I always imagine.
Posted by alixzafiris[/QUOTE]
Alix, I 5 star this post - I'm cracking up!
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Can't we all be adults here? The stars seem kinda pointless to me. And yes, TN is a bit weird, some boards are ok, some are not.
[QUOTE]I don't understand how it works. If I don't like you, so I one-star your post, can't your friend who does like you just give it 5 stars? I don't get it.
Posted by danieliza1127[/QUOTE]
See, I would abuse this. On days when I liked someone, I'd give them all fives. On days when I didn't like what they said, I'd be tempted to give all of their responses a big old one. Luckily I'm fickle and it would all balance out, but still :)
"You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
What does that mean on Alix's star spangled sliding scale?
"You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
how do you like me now!? :P
[QUOTE]OH NO that was just a bunch of 1 stars how do you like me now!? :P
Posted by vallyhoo[/QUOTE]
I'll one star you, you...you... one star bandit?
"You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
"You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
or I have a husband for sale