September 2012 Weddings

Been MIA

Ever since December I kind of disappeard off the boards.  I've been crazy busy with school, but I miss you ladies so much.

Wedding update:
I'm on the bridesmaid dress hunt, and it's not going go so hot.  Not a lot of designers have the color that I'm looking for.

Men's Wearhouse has a pretty awesome coupon right now for tuxes, so I think FI and I are going to book tuxes on Friday.

And lastly... I was going through random pics in my parents' basement with my mom and FI a couple days ago.  In a stack of pics was an old pic of me in my wedding dress.  Yep.  FI saw me in the dress!  I was freaking out, but he was saying, "I only got like a 2 second look at it, and from what I could see, I really like it." So I guess it could be worse.  He could hate what he saw.

Anyway, I'm gonna try to be on the boards more often now.  School has hit a stride that I think I can start to keep up again.  I know I need to update my siggy, but that will have to wait until I get to a computer with pictures on it.

So In Love

Josh and Renata's Wedding

Planning Bio

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