
What do you think?

I am trying to figure out the details of my invites. I really like e-pics enevelope liners like below. I want to use one of our b&w ones. But FI thinks we will look full of ourselves. Since if you remember (can pib) our STD's had pictures of ourselves and so will our thanks yous. He also thinks it will be a bit odd that we arent having the kids in any of the pictures with us. Our enevelopes will be white with vintage stamps and handwritten addresses to get a better picture.

Re: What do you think?

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    edited December 2011
    I'm inclined to agree that that's a lot of photos of you guys.  I guess if your FI is uncomfortable, my suggestion is to pick one or the other out of the invites vs. thank yous.  Maybe you could do a patterned envelope liner - something similar to your table runner.  Ultimately though, you should do what you guys want.  People generally love seeing pictures - and I doubt that most people would have all three paper products together.  So if you really love them do them.  If that makes sense. 
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    mgoss228mgoss228 member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I think the idea is really cute and unique, but you should only do it if your FI isn't completely uncomfortable with the idea.

    I don't think it makes you look full of yourselves, if your invite had a collage of yourselves that would be a whole other story, but a cute b&w pic of you two on the inside of the envelope is fine IMO. 

    I also don't think it is odd that your kids aren't in any of the STD, invite, or Thank You pics.  You and your FI are the ones getting married, and I'm sure anyone who is invited has already seen pics of your little ones.  Kids in the family only need to be on Christmas cards (other holiday cards, etc).  Smile
    OMH est. May 7, 2011
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    edited December 2011
    I've never heard or seen the idea. It's cute but kinda silly because an envelope will just get thrown away. Also, if you like your e-pics so much you could find a way to display them at the wedding. Also you could find a spot for cute family pictures there too. You could do a table saying "We do" or "Our Family" or something like taht and a random assortment of family pictures.
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    edited December 2011

    I think its really cute but unnecessary and it is a lot of pics of you. If you have the time/budget to do it, I say go for it.

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    edited December 2011
    I agree with PPs on all the points.  Cute, but not necessary and it does strike me a little bit as too much of you guys (no offense!).  If you really want to do it and have the time and money, what if you did it at 50% opacity so it was like a watermark sort of picture - more subtle? 

    One thing to think about with the envelope liners is how the envelopes are opened.  I don't know about anyone else, but I have a envelope opener/cutter that I slide along the top, so from the looks of it, if I opened one of those: A)I wouldn't see the pic very well and B) I'd actually cut it in half opening it.  Hope that makes sense?
    Family fall photo session with Ashley Hoyle Photography
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    edited December 2011
    It's a llittle overwhelming to me. Plus, like Tygirl said, how many people destroy envelopes when opening? She is all nice and neat and uses a letter opener so would slit across your heads, I do the same motion but usually with my finger so I rip a giant jagged line!
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    jennuinnejennuinne member
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    edited December 2011
    Yeah, you and FI might be decapitated!  
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    alyssa324alyssa324 member
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    edited December 2011

    great advice girls Thanks a ton :)

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