So at our wedding we are having our wedding cake, sheet cakes, cake balls, and I'm surprising my fiance with a grooms cake. Do we NEED to have mints and nuts at our wedding? I really don't feel like we need to but wasn't sure if that's something that you should have or not
Re: Mints and Nuts?
[QUOTE]I don't think weddings require mint and nuts. I've never heard of that before in my life. And what the heck is a cake ball?
Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]
Ditto. I've never heard of that either.
generic blog link.
[QUOTE]I don't think weddings require mint and nuts. I've never heard of that before in my life. And what the heck is a cake ball?
Posted by cfaszews25[/QUOTE]
It's like a truffle only instead of a truffle it's cake and it has a hard outside like a truffle too... Our cake lady makes them and they are AMAZING!! I really wanted the cake balls so thought they could sort of take the place of mints/nuts since I don't want to pay for both!
Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
I think cake balls are little bits of cake rolled up like a ball, put on a stick and dipped in chocolate, but I could be wrong.
Fatty girl blog
Also, I think my mom bought mints and nuts, but I don't think they ever got put out. I'm pretty sure no one noticed.
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
Way cooler." - anna.oskar
[QUOTE]You know that none of your marrieges are valid because you DIDN'T HAVE MINTS AND NUTS! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!
Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]
I'm doing Team in Training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Mints and Nuts? : It's like a truffle only instead of a truffle it's cake and it has a hard outside like a truffle too... Our cake lady makes them and they are AMAZING!! I really wanted the cake balls so thought they could sort of take the place of mints/nuts since<strong> I don't want to pay for both</strong>!
Posted by cbratthauer[/QUOTE]
I am confused, you just want a bowl of mints and a bowl of nuts? Wouldn't that cost like $6? But I still do not see any need for them.
Fatty girl blog
[QUOTE]You know that none of your marrieges are valid because you DIDN'T HAVE MINTS AND NUTS! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!
Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]
Non-Southerners just don't get it. Same as mint in your (sweet) tea.
Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
Cake balls sound so yummy!
[QUOTE]Are you having a dessert only reception? If you are, I don't think you need mints/nuts, but I'd add some cheese/crackers and maybe a veggie tray. What you have listed is a ton of sugar.
Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]
No we are having a full dinner, and hor's dourves before-hand as well. But we have A LOT of people invited also.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Mints and Nuts? : I am confused, you just want a bowl of mints and a bowl of nuts? Wouldn't that cost like $6? But I still do not see any need for them.
Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]
Sorry I didn't mean like the small hard mints, I meant like the soft cream cheese wedding mints or whatever they're called.
1. make a cake (use a box, you're not going to be able to appreciate a from-scratch cake in this recipe, so I wouldn't bother)
2. crumble cake with frosting (1 box cake to 3/4 - 1 can frosting)
3. form into balls and put on wax paper on a cookie sheet, cool in fridge or freezer so they harden a bit
4. dip in melted chocolate
5. decorate as desired and let chocolate shell harden
You can experiment with all kinds of cake/frosting/shell flavors.
And I'm totally jealous that you're having cake balls at your wedding. NOM.
Must be a regional thing?????
cfaz/anna- I make cakeballs. I make them really well. Next time you come over I am making cakeballs for you. I hope you like my story. The end.
Fatty girl blog
I think this is a regional thing, because this seems like the most random question ever. Who gives a sh/t about mints and nuts?
If you don't want them, don't get them.
[QUOTE]My friend make oreo cake balls for a party once. It was one of the happiest times of my life.
Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]
I've seen recipes for those, but have yet to actually make them. They look amazing.
I'm mostly afraid to make them, because then I will be relegated to wearing mu-mus for the rest of my life, because I would turn into the Goodyear blimp.
Maybe the cream-cheese mints are regional? I'm from IA/IL border and we had these at our wedding, but only b/c I think they're delicious and I wanted them.
I don't think it's a requirement
Mrs. Blog | Ms. Bio

They're common around the cake or snack table in Southern Indiana, but not required. OP, I think you're perfectly fine not having them. I've never been to a wedding that didn't have them and think DAMN WHERE ARE MY NUTS!
I know and she made a big huge bucket of them. I ate the for like a week after and I could not stop myself. They sound sooo amazing right this second though. I think I may be in trouble.
I wish my mouth was full of cakeball right now. (heh)
Fatty girl blog
[QUOTE]I think yall are crazy who've never seen mints and nuts at a wedding They're common around the cake or snack table in Southern Indiana, but not required. OP, I think you're perfectly fine not having them. I've never been to a wedding that didn't have them and think DAMN WHERE ARE MY NUTS!
Posted by Birdie1483[/QUOTE]
I was going to post it must be a regional thing because I have NEVER been to a wedding in this area without mints and nuts. However the weddings I have been to outside this area never have them. Glad I am not the only one in this area that has noticed they are BIG here.
[QUOTE]Are you from Southern Indiana??
Posted by Birdie1483[/QUOTE]
Yep, on the Sunny side of Louisville.