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Just an update & the story.


Re: Just an update & the story.

  • I don't really care what people use this board for I came on here for advice and I got it. That is what I used this board for, you used it differently, great. I got my advice from a wedding website and went on my way. Ladies asked for an update, I updated. That is all this was!

    Well I think that is great you found people on here. I didn't care to use this as that sort of thing. I used it as a resource and nothing more. I respect what you all do on here. I just wasn't interested in the knot to be anything more than a resource for the future so that is why for me I didn't stick around.
    You came here asking a bunch of internet strangers when your BF would propose.

    Um. Ok then. 
    Swazzle said:
    I have no idea who you are either but congrats.

    I'm kind of stuck on the fact that you put up 4 Christmas trees. 
    You mean that's not normal? I think my mom and I do 3 at my parents' house every year and there might be a fourth.
    Dead serious.

  • Well I think that is great you found people on here. I didn't care to use this as that sort of thing. I used it as a resource and nothing more. I respect what you all do on here. I just wasn't interested in the knot to be anything more than a resource for the future so that is why for me I didn't stick around.

    Well I think that is great you found people on here. I didn't care to use this as that sort of thing. I used it as a resource and nothing more. I respect what you all do on here. I just wasn't interested in the knot to be anything more than a resource for the future so that is why for me I didn't stick around.
    Congrats @friendshipcaughtonfire! It sounds like a sweet proposal and one you'll remember for the rest of your life. 

    That being said, I suggest you just stop talking. You're not helping your case any, especially if you don't plan on coming and hanging out with us. 

    For future reference, if people ask for an update on an old post and you are NOT an active member of the group or have a desire to be, I suggest you go to your original post and announce there. Those who wanted the update will still get it and those who don't know who you are aren't left asking you to identify yourself. Because apparently it's a great offense to be asked for a reminder on your back story. 

    Fuck these goddamn quote boxes.

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • I don't really care what people use this board for I came on here for advice and I got it. That is what I used this board for, you used it differently, great. I got my advice from a wedding website and went on my way. Ladies asked for an update, I updated. That is all this was!


    Well eff you, too, OP. (I decided to revise from fuck to eff, you know, so I don't hurt your feelings or nothing.)

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • Swazzle said:
    Swazzle said:
    I have no idea who you are either but congrats.

    I'm kind of stuck on the fact that you put up 4 Christmas trees. 
    You mean that's not normal? I think my mom and I do 3 at my parents' house every year and there might be a fourth.
    Dead serious.
    My mom loves Christmas - it's her favorite time of year. Also, we have three generations of crafters and handmade ornaments, so we need multiple trees to display all the ones she wants up. I know there's a 2 foot tree with little tatted ornaments on it, a 5 foot skinny tree with angels my mom made, a 7-ish foot tree in the family room with a bunch of my mom's favorites on it since that's the room she's in most, and a 10-11 foot tree in the formal dining room (which we have never used as one) with more ornaments. 
  • I'm a complete and total Scrooge. One Christmas tree is too much for me. I have a physical reaction to the idea of seeing four trees in one house. 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • Admittedly, if I had a big ass house, and I was filthy rich, I'd put up a bunch of christmas trees. Think: The White House. They have like 20 trees or something?
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @Dolce313 - Seriously? You're going to be that poster? No one was mean. If you think anyone was, your a little too sensitive for the internet hon. There is literally an entire board for posting proposal stories so it's a little odd when someone chooses to post their story here who isn't really an active member of the board - that's why posters are asking who is she, why did she post this here.
    I think a friendly reminder would have sufficed. 
    "The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."  ~Albert Einstein
  • Dolce313 said:
    @Dolce313 - Seriously? You're going to be that poster? No one was mean. If you think anyone was, your a little too sensitive for the internet hon. There is literally an entire board for posting proposal stories so it's a little odd when someone chooses to post their story here who isn't really an active member of the board - that's why posters are asking who is she, why did she post this here.
    I think a friendly reminder would have sufficed. 
    Well lucky for us, you don't get to decide how people choose to respond.
    File:I love you!.gif


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @BriSox - I love that we agree on things all of a sudden!

  • BriSox81 said:
    Well I think that is great you found people on here. I didn't care to use this as that sort of thing. I used it as a resource and nothing more. I respect what you all do on here. I just wasn't interested in the knot to be anything more than a resource for the future so that is why for me I didn't stick around.
    So then why even enter the forum community? 

    And you're welcome for all the awesome advice. I'm glad we could be your resources. Please cite us properly. 

    And now:

    So us sad, unengaged, "waiting for the ring" old maids can get back to our pathetic little lives.
    Thanks for reminding me.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @BriSox - I love that we agree on things all of a sudden!
    Seriously, I don't know what's going on, but I LIKE it! :)
    Jimmy Fallon


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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