My older sister is my MOH and just found out she's prego and due about 10 days after the wedding. I'm really concerned for her health and safety and I don't want her to be stressed out and go into an early labor. It's already stressing me out that she's pregnant and due so close to the wedding and I don't want her to have any problems. She still seems confident about being in the wedding party and being able to stand up, but at almost 9 months (at the time of the wedding) I don't think it's necessarily a great idea. It's a summer wedding and will be hot and she has expressed a little concern in needing to be able to use the bathroom whenever during the ceremony. I'm concerned that since this is her first baby she doesn't quite understand how taxing it is to be pregnant and thinks she will be Wonder Woman.
I've talked with her about this and she understands that I am concerned, but doesn't think it will be a big deal.
So...ladies in a similar situation - pregnant bridesmaids, MOHs, or if you were pregnant yourself when you got married. How did you do it? What would you have done differently? I know everyone is different, but I need to talk to real people about this.
"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale."