I just asked this in a response to another thread but don't know if it will get seen there. I see a lot of posts here complaining that a bridesmaid is not "helping with the wedding" or something like that. Can someone give me actual specific examples of things they ask bridesmaids to help with? Like are you having them address the invitations with you? Do they make phone calls and set up appointments for you?? What do you really NEED them to help you with?
I asked my bridesmaids (there are three of them) to pick out their dresses. Obviously I needed their help with that because they were the ones wearing the dresses. But I don't really fee like that was helping me out really, I mean I guess I could have just picked a dress and demanded they wear it but I think that's not really cool anyway. So besides having them decide on a dress, what are people so upset about when they say the bridesmaids aren't helping?