Destination Weddings Discussions

What to do?

So we live in Georgia near the beach and are planning on having our wedding here, on the beach. We have a few friends here, but not that many as we have only lived her almost two years and aren't really social people. Our families and close friends live in Texas a good 24 hour drive away. Fiance and I have agreed that we only want our parents at the ceremony as we don't feel any of our friends here are close enough to want to have just them and our parents at the ceremony without also having our other close family members and friends there that can't be because of distance. How do we send out invites or announcements without actually inviting people to the wedding? Is that even possible? Should we just wait until after the wedding and send out a wedding announcement then?

On another note, a work friend has decided that I need a bridal shower even though Fiance and I weren't planning on registering and there would be a whole 5 people at the shower... maybe. It is rude to have people to your shower that you don't invite to the wedding, although all of the girls that would be invited already know we are only having our parents there. Is it still rude?

And one more thing... with only 6 people what do we do after the ceremony? Any suggestions?? I was thinking going to eat a restaurant but the fiance is just ready to go to the courthouse if we are going to go this small and not even do the ceremony. I really want a ceremony on the beach with me in a pretty wedding dress though.

Thoughts anyone?? I know this is kinda scattered... just how my thought are right now!! Lol

Re: What to do?

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    We are doing something similar, although a little (just a little) bigger. We are going to have our ceremony at one of our favorite places about 3.5 hours away. We invited only close friends and family (about 15-20 people total), and it will be in the spring. 

    We are then planning to have an 'At Home Reception' but more like a celebration with friends and extended family that couldn't join us, in TX in the fall. We sent out invites for the ceremony, and then more laid back invites for the celebration in Dallas. We're not doing a 'PPD" though, just a laid back get together at a cute restaurant, followed by drinks and spending time with those we love. 
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    I'm only having family at my wedding, 10 guests, we were going to go to a restaurant afterwards but then we decided to go to this Luau haha so its kinda like just going for dinner still... it just seemed more fun than a restaurant haha
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    I don't think there is any polite way to send out announcements prior to the wedding, without inviting the people you send them to.  So, I would wait until after the wedding and send out an announcement, maybe with a wedding photo of you guys on the beach.

    I really like your beach wedding idea.  And it doesn't have to be anything extravagant.  You could just go down there with your parents & officiant, stand on the beach, say vows and leave. Its such a nice setting that you don't need any decorations or anything... just a few people standing on the beach. We actually debated doing courthouse wedding with just immediate family then going out to a decent restaurant afterward.  And I know that as been done before and worked out fine for other people.  Well, I shouldn't say "we" debated... I liked the idea but my FI wanted a more "traditional looking" wedding (so we are getting married on a cruse ship with 30 guests instead, still small & easy but he gets a real ceremony & reception).  But I think doing a simple beach wedding with dinner at a decent restaurant afterward is a great idea.

    And if you really want the beach wedding and FI doesn't really care, fight for it so you don't regret it later.  As soon as I knew that my FI wanted a more "traditional" wedding, I gave in right away, because it was important to him.  It didn't really matter to me where we did it... as long as it was small and simple. Besides, the beach is a much better setting for wedding photos than a courthouse.


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