Snarky Brides

Lamest wedding pins

Came across this engagement photo gem on Pinterest, along with multicolor, glitter covered liquor bottles as a "Centerpiece Idea."  Sometimes I'm just blown away with how terrible some of these ideas are.

Re: Lamest wedding pins

  • Hmm. I'm getting married in Mexico, maybe I need glitter tequilla bottles! They'd look super cool, right?

    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • And I bet these were pinned by the "someday" 16 year old future brides. Or women that are prob too immature for marriage!
  • Damn it now I have to toss my glitter wine bottles :( Or is wine classier than JD so it cancels out the glitter? 
  • PDKH said:
    Amyzen83 said:
    And I bet these were pinned by the "someday" 16 year old future brides. Or women that are prob too immature for marriage!
    My favorite is when they post a ginormous 6 carat ring with a caption "THIS ONE!" Sweetheart, you better get off pintrest and start worming your way into some very wealthy circles or it's not going to happen. 
    hahahah I think the same thing about the ring ones!! Like yea bitch, let's see what your future husband can afford after you buy a home. I still have broke ass friends who say "ew yours is only half carat, I need a full carat" and I'm rolling my eyes like my FI makes more than yours so maybe you need to come out of LALA Land! 
    That Twilight thing is frigen hilarious though! 
  • I hate all of the ones that are overly suggestive wedding photos -- like the groom undressing the bride in the field or with his hands up her dress up against a wall. No one needs to see that.
    Those photos always give me the impression that the bride is just REALLY narcissistic.  I mean, why else would you be so unable to resist flashing your butt to everyone who sees your wedding album, and then post it online for everyone to see?  (Never mention that on one of those pins, though, I personally haven't commented, but anyone who does gets yelled out by a bunch of single 16 year olds in the wedding section who think confidence means imitating Miley Cyrus)  Which is bulls--t, btw, I am happy with my butt, doesn't mean I have to show the whole internet XD
  • OMG! I hate the giant rock pinterest photos too! I love my engagement ring because it is simple yet elegant and it's actually more of a band with the diamonds embedded. Best part about it, I don't get it caught on anything! I mean seriously! We do so much with our hands, I would think it would get annoying having to mend holes or tears from the ring catching on things, or having to take it off just to do normal household things.
  • I almost spit my tea out all over my keyboard at those. YUCK!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Oh wow...thanks for the laugh! Definitely needed that this morning! :)
  • Fi and I haven't taken our engagement photos yet I'm seriously thinking of showing him those as a practical joke and see how he reacts!
  • I just hate all of the poor etiquette being perpetuated.  Ideas such as:

    1. Honeymoon jar- "Great way to get extra cash for the honeymoon"
    2. Unrealistic expectations for how much bullshit your bridesmaid/ parents/ siblings/ friends/ groom can deal with before starting to figure out ways to kill you and get away with it (I lump engagement rings/ pre-wedding parties into this)
    3. Self addressed envelopes at the reception- You should have people's addresses because you invited them to the wedding FFS.

    There are more; really just anything where it validates SSS.  

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • *Squeal* I need to have PPD so I can have a twilight themed photo shoot and glitterize everything. Why did I not think about this glorious idea before I got married? <--- 100% sarcasm
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • The one pic that doesn't make me think of twilight when I see it (OP's post) is the one of the two sitting in the field together. Yes put with all the obvious twilight pics and you can see it's a twilight inspired pic but if it were standing alone I wouldn't think of twilight at all.

    Anyways, >.> this is just way too much. I love HP but not that much haha
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I love hp too! Fortunately I limited my geekdom with the slytherin color scheme but it's not obvious because green and silver works well together.
  • CLI242009CLI242009 member
    250 Love Its 500 Comments First Answer Name Dropper
    edited December 2013
    Amyzen83 said:
    Hahaha thanks. Never been called that before so thank you very much ^_^

    The only people who kind of put two and two together are FI and his sisters because they are fans too. So it's kind of like an inside joke between the 4 of us. Especially when the whole "NO HP" ranting starts, the 4 of us look at each other and share this sneaky look >:-)

    Oh my FI and I are doing table names instead of numbers (we will have a map, no worries) of places that either mean something to us or we would like to go. (Alaska, Hawaii, NYC *FI proposed here just to give examples.) Well our sweetheart table, I know it doesn't need a name but we're naming it Hogwarts Castle haha. No one will see it, just us.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • elBecko said:
    One of my fb friends has her pins show up in her news feed, and this pretty much summarizes her wedding pins. She actually wants to do this instead of a groom's cake.


    It's all glittery camo, blaze orange, and cowboy boots. Funny thing is, she's from a major city in SoCal so I'm not sure when she turned into a country princess. She is also WAY into anything that has the word "Bride" or "Mrs." bedazzled on it. 
    Wow that summary just combined pretty much every pin that makes me gag into one big tacky blob XD
  • I actually created a Pinterest board for just such tacky/rude wedding ideas and failures of etiquette. Looking forward to the hate mail that generates...
  • RebeccaB88RebeccaB88 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited December 2013
    Double post
  • I actually created a Pinterest board for just such tacky/rude wedding ideas and failures of etiquette. Looking forward to the hate mail that generates…
    Me too.  The ones I posted are on my board, along with the "6 rules for the proposal" and "If he doesn't cry when I walk down the aisle I'm turning around and doing it again" pins and a few other tacky things.
  • elBecko said:
    One of my fb friends has her pins show up in her news feed, and this pretty much summarizes her wedding pins. She actually wants to do this instead of a groom's cake.


    It's all glittery camo, blaze orange, and cowboy boots. Funny thing is, she's from a major city in SoCal so I'm not sure when she turned into a country princess. She is also WAY into anything that has the word "Bride" or "Mrs." bedazzled on it. 
    Wow that summary just combined pretty much every pin that makes me gag into one big tacky blob XD
    I'm not a big drinker, nor am I a party person. So for me...that just looks like trouble waiting to happen lol.

    Although your description of what she wants just well....huh??? Cowboy boots, I have seen done and can be quite cute if you pull it off correctly for the couple or bridal party. Glittery camo....umm doesn't make sense at all and what the hell does Blaze orange look like? When I read that I think of prison inmate attire o.O
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Am I the only one that doesn't get the point of a groom cake? I saw a picture on Pinterest the other day of a Batman themed groom cake. The wedding industry is after my wallet.... lol

    Whatever happened to the wedding cake is for everyone to eat? Including Bride and Groom. 

    ay ay ay

    I have heard of some brides doing it to surprise their guys. Kind of like their wedding gift (those are the ones that are usually themed aka batman, halo, baseball team, etc.). Others use a groom's cake when they can't agree on flavor of the cake. i know sometimes a cake has 2 or 3 layers but sometimes they want variety and go with a groom's cake to add more selection. I know it's a waste but these are the only reasons I know of and thought to share/answer your question. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @musikalbunni I'm doing a groom's cake for my FI at our rehearsal dinner... he is a diehard racecar driver so I am having a cake made that looks just like his race car. I don't think a groom's cake is entirely necessary but can be a sweet gesture if you choose to do one:)

    I have a friend who had taken to etsy and gotten the "Future Mr and Mrs" christmas ornaments... the embroidered pillows... monogrammed BM robes... I just can't.
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