I'm going dress shopping for the first time with one of my best friends, who is visiting from Australia, next week. I'm psyched even though it's probably too early to actually buy the dress, so this is really the very first "just looking" kind of situation. We're going quite early in the process because she only visits once a year.
What should I know before I go? Should I feel bad about not intending to walk out with a dress the same day? For anybody who is married or already found their dress, did it take you a lot of visits or did you find The One right away? I'm not even sure what kind of store to start with: I live in the NYC area, so the world is pretty much my oyster, but it's a little overwhelming. I was thinking to start at DB, but I've heard about a lot of negative experiences on these boards.
"I'm not a rude bitch. I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."