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Funny at the bridal salon

Last night, I went to the bridal salon (where I bought my dress) with my mother and FMIL so they can pick out dresses. Side note: I have a great relationship with my mother. I adore my FMIL. And they both get along famously. I'm lucky. Of course, it seemed only natural for all three of us to go together. 

So we got there, they picked out dresses and started trying them on. While I was sitting, a woman that works there came over to me and said, "You either must be really crazy or drunk. Coming with both of them the same time!?!? Good luck, honey!" 

Re: Funny at the bridal salon

  • Oh my! You are lucky :) Mine have never met, but I'm sure they'd get along great. I guess I'll see when it comes time for my 1st bridal shower.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I love it!  My mom and FMIL have almost identical personalities.  They have met a few times (we live near FI's parents but mine are about 2000 miles away) and they get along great.  They are even Facebook friends now.  Honestly, if they lived near each other, I could see them being really good friends.  We have been extremely lucky to have very little family drama and families that like both of us and each other, which is surprising during wedding planning.


  • nicoann said:
    I love it!  My mom and FMIL have almost identical personalities.  They have met a few times (we live near FI's parents but mine are about 2000 miles away) and they get along great.  They are even Facebook friends now.  Honestly, if they lived near each other, I could see them being really good friends.  We have been extremely lucky to have very little family drama and families that like both of us and each other, which is surprising during wedding planning.
    Same with my mom and FMIL! They are so similar. I could see them being really great friends if they lived closer - my mom is in PA and FMIL is in FL. They already have plans to visit each other though. How cute is that? 
  • I love it! My mom and FMIL get along great too! Actually our whole families get along. It sure makes the holidays easier for us. My FI has a very small family. It is only him, his parents, and brother. Both of his parents are only children and his grandparents died when he was young. My family is huge because everyone from my great grandma down gets together for family things. Well the first year we were engaged my aunt invited his family to our Christmas Eve thing so they could all get to know each other. It is now tradition. His family comes to my family's holiday get togethers. It wasn't even me and my FI's idea! They just all get along so great that his family wants to do the family things with my family and my family wants them there. I really have no idea how we got so lucky.
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