Hey ladies.
I haven't been on here for quite some time. I'm throwing a shower for one of my friends and I was wondering if any of you had any advice as to where I could get polka dot, chevron, or striped plates, cups napkins ect. I wanted to get purple and then gray. There will only be about 20 people at the party but I really don't want to spend $40 on paper products. I found some good websites but I don't really like the shipping price. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Re: Bridal shower paper products
You should XP (cross post) this on your local board. Answers may depend on where you live.
For example, I know that near Flint, MI they have a dollar party store that is great for this stuff. But chances are you don't live in Flint so this won't apply.
Purple and gray are my wedding colors
Hobby Lobby may have them - if you have one near you.
I found these at oriental trading http://www.orientaltrading.com/purple-tableware-a2-OTCG1231.fltr?prodCatId=551221
there are some etsy stores that carry them, but they are pricey https://www.etsy.com/shop/angelwingsparty?ga_search_query=chevron+paper+plates&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_ref=auto3&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade&ref=sr_gallery_27
Some may oppose to this idea, but you can also find some nice (and inexpensive!) stuff at dollar stores. And of course, there's always the big box stores and hobby/art supply places.
Hello...I would recommend Hobby Lobby, Party City,and Oriental Trading. Favors and Flowers is good website too.
Hope that helps!