I woke up this morning around 5 and haven't been able to fall back asleep. I'm working from home today so at least I have that going for me. I just have a case of the Tuesday blahs. I have three meetings today and I'm really dreading two of them. The first one is a meeting with our client. I'm really feeling frustrated with them because they are constantly demanding data from me and my boss....and honestly we don't know anything about it but somehow we're the responsible ones for figuring out how to collect it all. Basically I'm a contract manager and they are asking me for lists of call tickets, product roadmaps, things that sales and IT would know about...not me. I've set up reminders in my outlook calendar to provide them with certain data for certain software packages we provide and I've been trying to pull together what they're asking for but apparently it isn't happening fast enough for them. I can't force my contacts to respond to me or provide me the information I'm requesting any faster and I'm the one on the hook for it. I'm trying not to take it personally but it just gets super frustrating some days when we get emails questioning why we haven't given them x information. I'm also not looking forward to my team meeting this afternoon. I always feel completely out of my league because the other three people on my team have been doing this for years. They're able to go on and on about whatever they're working on and I'm just like...oh well here's this one thing I've got that takes up most of my time. oh and this other small thing and 30 seconds later I'm done.
What's going on with everyone else today? I know a bunch of you had yesterday off for MLK Day. My mom and I met with our florist yesterday. I was having trouble coming up with a really defined idea of what I wanted to do and she helped me out a lot. So now I'm waiting on a proposal from her to see what the damages are. We basically decided to just go with "in an ideal world what do we want" and then pare it down from there. My BM's dresses are going to be in a burnt orange color but I didn't want to have that color all over the place so we discussed doing a bunch of neutrals and greenery instead and I think the effect is going to be really beautiful.