March 2014 Weddings

RSVP update thread!


Re: RSVP update thread!

  • OH! Duh!  I forgot to update.  we got 8 accepts and 1 no yesterday.  Here's hoping we get more.  We're almost 1/2 way through the rsvps!!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • Only 34 invitations, 75 people.  Got two more from the FI's side.  I spoke with a few from my side yesterday and they said the "Please Name a Song that Will Get you Dancing" question is stumping them.  They want it to be "special."  So I guess that's good since they are thinking so hard about it, lol.
  • 60 yes, 11 no, and 77 more to go! We have about 4 weeks before our deadline, and FI is already worrying about people who haven't RSVPed yet. I told him he can start panicking on March 1. 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • 74 yes and 1 no as of today. Waiting on 84. We also have about 4 weeks left til the deadline.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Our RSVP deadline is 2/20.  That way we have a week or so of time to hunt down the RSVP's that didn't show up.  We had one RSVP that was a note (got it the other day), and we're having the # of people confirmed over the weekend.  We didn't get any RSVP's yesterday.  I'm sure we'll get some today...and if not, I won't worry about it. :o)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • We sent ours out on January 13 and have surprisingly had a steady stream of responses at first, but it has begun to slow down now. We invited 277 and so far have 51 yes's and 11 no's. It's so exciting to see the little envelopes in the mail box daily!

    We are really curious to see what the totals end up being, we have chosen to get married where we live, which is 5 hours from each of our families (it's in the middle between the two). And honestly, I'd love to have a minimum of 66 more no's. We did a big NO NO and over invited at the insistence of both families because "so many people won't make the drive" argument. My fiance and I both fought hard to bring the list down, but our families are generously covering the wedding, so we lost. While it is probably a very true statement, I don't like banking on 30% no's. The guest list has been my only stress in an otherwise stress free wedding planning process. Sigh. Anyone else in this boat?

    Sorry about the vent :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We sent ours out on January 13 and have surprisingly had a steady stream of responses at first, but it has begun to slow down now. We invited 277 and so far have 51 yes's and 11 no's. It's so exciting to see the little envelopes in the mail box daily!

    We are really curious to see what the totals end up being, we have chosen to get married where we live, which is 5 hours from each of our families (it's in the middle between the two). And honestly, I'd love to have a minimum of 66 more no's. We did a big NO NO and over invited at the insistence of both families because "so many people won't make the drive" argument. My fiance and I both fought hard to bring the list down, but our families are generously covering the wedding, so we lost. While it is probably a very true statement, I don't like banking on 30% no's. The guest list has been my only stress in an otherwise stress free wedding planning process. Sigh. Anyone else in this boat?

    Sorry about the vent :)
    Yes and no.  It's more along the lines of my FI being very informative about the status of RSVP's to his mother.  Every time he talks with her, she asks and he tells her how many no's.  She automatically says "oh can I invite so & so?"  Of course FI tells her no as I sit there shaking my head furiously.  FMIL is the only one asking if she can replace a no with a possible yes...uh NO. sorry.  I seriously can't wait to get the final count and have her be like well, i want to invite so & so...sorry FMIL NO!  UGH!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • I would think that no's come more towards the end. We have only 1 no now, and it's a plus 1. We need about 10 more as my mom is paying for the reception and she put a 150 limit
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Bah.  Only one came on Saturday.  Thankfully the yes's are outnumbering the no's.  We only need about 5 more no's to be "ok" with the minimum.  If we have more no's that gives us a little cushion. 

    Here's hoping the snow doesn't stop the RSVP's from coming in....

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • We had 18 RSVP cards in the mail today!
  • edited February 2014

    We had 18 RSVP cards in the mail today!

    I can only hope we start getting crazy amounts in the mail now. There is 16 days until rsvp due date. Come on crazy amounts of rsvps. I have alot to do with them so comeon!!!!!

    Eta: no rsvps yesterday. Boo
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • We're up to 65 yes, 11 no. We didn't get any mail yesterday, which I'm assuming was because of the weather.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Boo.  Only one came in the mail today.  :(  Hopefully more will come tomorrow!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • @soontobemrsbuccheri, how did you add your rsvp counter to your signature?
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • 87 accepted and 1 decline as of today, 71 to go!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yay....5 yes's and 1 no.  SO far so good!!!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • I'm starting to panic. Our RSVPs are due back in 1 week....and we've received less than half!
  • RJD5 said:
    I'm starting to panic. Our RSVPs are due back in 1 week....and we've received less than half!
    We have until the 20th, and I"m starting to freak as well.  We have a little over half our RSVP's but need all in for final head count.  As it is right now, we need 10 more knows to be comfortable with our minimum (with room for a few people i.e. bridal party dates - they weren't invited with plus 1 unless they had significant others at the time the invites went out).  We received 3 yes's yesterday.  There hasn't been many in the mail the past week.  I don't know if it is because of snow or because of people just not wanting to RSVP.  It's mostly my side of the family that is taking it's sweet old time.  heh.  

    I'm hoping things go great for us. Fingers crossed.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • 47 confirmed attending (out of 86 invited, includes FI and Me). Have 4 invites where I have verbal yeses, waiting on actual cards. 1 on FI's side was invited as a single, he's apparently bringing his son (FI tells me last night). 1 on my side is husband and wife, but I've met their girls, and I'm ok with it if the girls come too.
  • All but two are in. 

    108 invited, 102 yes, 4 no, 2 left hanging out.  

    Holy crap.  So much for 15% no rate.
    image 108 invited.
    image 95 will be celebrating with us.
    image 13 will be there in spirit...
    (including the uninvited cousins who
    RSVP-ed and then cancelled after 
    realizing that it wasn't a great time
    to travel to our city....) 
    image 0 are keeping us guessing!

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • 249 invited, 183 yes, 64 no, 2 unsure yet.  (want to strangle these people that are still not sure).

  • All but two are in. 

    108 invited, 102 yes, 4 no, 2 left hanging out.  

    Holy crap.  So much for 15% no rate.

    I agree the 15% is not applicable! We are at 99 accepted, 2 declines. Both declines are plus ones.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We did online RSVPing & I totally thought this would be way more convenient for people , I think I was wrong .... We have just over three weeks till the wedding & only like a quarter RSVPed . Ahhh ! Nightmare .
  • I'm having issues with those of the "older" generation.  They have been verbally telling our mothers that they are coming and no matter how many times we tell them to send the card in, they refuse.  Thankfully a few of them have been convinced with in the last couple of days to send them in.  I'm not even going to update my RSVP ticker because I don't want to have to do it, EVERY single day.  LOL.  Yesterday, we got none.  Monday we got 1.  Saturday we got 3.  We're "almost" there.  We're missing a good handful, but I'm sure they're the last minute people.  LOL.  

    Just looking at my chart, I think I can safely say we'll be OK # wise.  But I can't quote myself on that. LOL.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • Coalette2013Coalette2013 member
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited February 2014
    Mine have been trickling in since we sent ours out. We still have just over 2 weeks to go until the RSVP deadline. We have 80 "yes" and 24 "no." Thankfully so far our prediction of who will come and who won't has been dead on. So hoping this continues!!! We are still waiting to hear back from over 60% of the people we invited, so that's a bit stressful. Also, (so far) I haven't had really any issues with people not following the RSVP cards, which is so nice!! I've only had to make two phone calls about no children and both conversations went really well. So that's a plus :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • 124 invited. 61 accepted. 24 declined. Still waiting on 39 RSVPs - and they're due tomorrow. I'm getting frustrated with the lack of responses.
  • We are up to 73 yes and 14 no. We still have 15 more days before our RSVP deadline, but I wish people would put them in the mail already!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Whoop whoop  107 yes and 30 no.  We're waiting on 32 more to rsvp and only a small handful are my side! The rest is all HIS side.  Hahaha.  Before he was saying my side was being slow - now  

    Can not wait!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • We're almost done with our RSVP count.  We're waiting on 10 people to respond with whether or not they're coming.  Looks like we will have enough wiggle room to allow some people to bring guests and be able to flip flop stuff so that our minimum is met.  It's a bit sad that we have so many no's but I was kind of expecting that.  Our deadline is tomorrow, however I'm giving until Saturday to get all the responses in.  I have a feeling that we will be tracking down a couple down, but that's ok. Now, it's time to check on my hotel block and see if I can extend it another week (I doubt that I can).

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • So a small RSVP vent.....

    Why is it so HARD for people to figure out RSVPs? If your name is the only name on the envelope and there is no "& Guest" why do you assume you can bring someone? And it's coming from truly single people with no SO (so it's not a case of us being rude and not inviting a SO). 

    Example: FI's friend has been on a couple of dates with a girl in the past week, invited her to our wedding yesterday, mentioned it today, FI reminded him that he didn't have a +1, and the response he got was "well your RSVP card was confusing. Can't you just squeeze her in so I don't look like a jerk?" FI firmly told him "No"  and now the friend is pretty upset. 

    I don't understand what is confusing about your name being the only name on the invite, writing your name on the RSVP card, and stating whether you are coming or not.

    I really hate that his friend is upset, and it makes both of us feel terrible because want to say yes b/c we are happy he has met someone. But you can't invite everyone, especially additional people 5 weeks out from the wedding, and the RSVP date is next Friday. And we really can't squeeze her in, we are already at the max limit of the venue.

    End vent. I already feel better getting this off my chest.

    In the end, I know none of this will matter and the only important thing is that FI and I are getting married and it is going to be a day filled with love and happiness.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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