March 2014 Weddings

RSVP update thread!


Re: RSVP update thread!

  • I'm at 45 Yes and 27 No's since most of our guests are from out of town.  I'm still waiting on a bunch of RSVPs.  Lots have said they are coming but won't send in the freaking RSVP!  It's working out to be a smaller wedding than the planned 75 (what we wanted from the beginning but pressured into inviting more) so now I'm thinking we might not make the minimum food and beverage cost.  I emailed the venue to possibly add more food.  If the ones I think will RSVP in the positive come, we'll be right at the minimum.  But judging how I thought some people were definitely coming and RSVP'd no, I'm not counting on it.  (Sick relatives, cousin got laid off so family he can't bring his family down for obvious reasons, others that pressured us into inviting them now said No, etc.).
  • We are at 131 yes, 40 no and 1 outstanding.  So, in other words, we are short by 8 people.  My FI is going to ask a few people that we originally on the list but had to cut.  I'm sure that some of the people we ask will come.  Fingers crossed but if not, I'm sure that we'll get some kind of credit for it. :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • We are up to 89 yes, 21 no, and still waiting on 38! FMIL texted me this morning to find out if invites were ever went to two cousins... That I've never heard of! FI also has no idea who these people are, so I'm assuming they're cousins of FFIL. FMIL and I will chat tomorrow when we go for our fittings.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I'm at the end of the month and so far, officially, there will be three guests.  I've let them know that the five of us can have a wonderful evening sitting around staring at each other.  :)
    Granted, we didn't invite too many people, but I'm hoping there will be more than 5 of us...

    My MOH lives several states away, and last I heard, she hadn't even received hers yet.  eek.
  • We are up to 89 yes, 21 no, and still waiting on 38! FMIL texted me this morning to find out if invites were ever went to two cousins... That I've never heard of! FI also has no idea who these people are, so I'm assuming they're cousins of FFIL. FMIL and I will chat tomorrow when we go for our fittings.
    Don't you LOVE when FMIL asks if invites went out to so and so?  My FMIL has been doing that since we sent out the invites.  We've told her what ever names were on the list when we finalized it the end of November, is those that were sent out.  NOW, we are making up #'s because we didn't realize the kids weren't counted in the minimum and we're short 8 people.  Well, it'll be 6 people if my friends from DE come up.  :) 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • Update!  I'm at 40 now.  People are coming.  This is actually happening.  Squee.
  • I am up to 75 yeses, 75no, and 60 undecided. My guest list is 210.
  • All of our RSVP's are in.  We are praying that we can adjust our minimum and not eat the cost of the extra 8 adults that we don't have.  We certainly weren't expecting 40 no's.  It's crazy to say that while I'm excited my day is almost here (17 days EEEK!) I just want it to get here NOW so I can live and experience it. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • @soontobemrsbruccheri, if you end up not meeting your minimum, is there anyway you can get 8 meals boxed up for you to take home? That way you're at least getting what you paid for. 

    We are currently at 96 yes and 30 no. We need 4 more to meet our minimum! 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @silver0319, sadly no.  If I had a outside caterer doing my reception, I'd be able to.  However, since the venue is in a hotel, they feel that it's a liability to allow food to be boxed up, etc because what if someone gets sick after bringing home food to re-heat it, etc.  I get where they're coming from with that too.  

    What we did was we rolled the 3 children and 3 vendors into our minimum at the young adult price so we are only short by 2.  FI and I can always ask for a second plate to be sent to our hotel room after the reception should we not finish our meals (which I have a feeling is going to happen) during the reception, sooooo that's good. :  

    Good luck with your minimum!!! 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • I've been soon busy, I haven't even been able to check in. We are at 131 accepted and 14 declines. We have 15 no responses and deadline is tomorrow. Most of the ones we are waiting for are coming but Are just slackers! Just a few question marks! 3 weeks and one day to go!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Today was our RSVP deadline. We have 139 who have accepted, 71 declines, and 69 who we need to hear from. I'm going to give it a couple days before calling in hopes that a few more trickle in.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Today was our RSVP deadline. We have 139 who have accepted, 71 declines, and 69 who we need to hear from. I'm going to give it a couple days before calling in hopes that a few more trickle in.
    @Coalette2013:  I would say that you should give them until this Friday - just in case the weather in parts of the country holds up any mail.  Our deadline was the 20th and we managed to get all of our RSVP's in by the 26th.  We got a few "no's" back the last couple of days, but we already knew that due to age/health/travel distance.  Still bums me out that the people that I thought would come, aren't. But what matters is those that ARE coming are going to be there!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • have to say my coworkers have been by far the worst about RSVPing. We are all special ed teachers with our own unique sets of struggles (time management is a common one), and I guess putting an RSVP in the mail requires a certain set of skills? Idk. 

    Today I received an RSVP on my desk at work... In the form of a pink post-it! My grade partner left a note asking for me to email him a file, with a PS of "I'm coming to your wedding!"

    So counting all official and verbal RSVPs, we are up to 108 yes, 38 no, and 4 no-response. I'm giving the non-responders until this Saturday's mail delivery before I call them. 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @silver0319 - I would push that deadline to Monday when you get home from work.  That way, if you do need to call people, you'll be calling them after work on a Monday, rather than on a Sunday.  The worst that could happen is they say that the put it in the mail on x date (lets just say the RSVP deadline date) and you should have it by whenever.  I made a few calls and 2 days later I had their RSVP.  Sorry about the lack of mailing skills. LOL.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Michelle & Ronald

    image172 Invites sent
    image 132 adults and 3 kids are party animals
    image 40 are party poopers
    image 0 awaiting reply
    Need 8 adults to make minimum.  Eek.
  • Only 2 more to hear from! It's a friend and her bf, so calling on a Saturday or Sunday isn't out of the norm.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Woohoo we have our final head count!!! We ended up with 165 yes and 115 no. We are at the exact number predicted! Lol but definitely got some people flip flopped on predictions. We are very happy with the number considering it is a 5 hour drive for a majority of the guests. Now to start all the things that revolve around the final number. Only 19 more days!! So excited!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • happymellowhappymellow member
    100 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited March 2014
    Well, our deadline has passed and I'm still missing several.  The soul crusher was from my (honorary) aunt and uncle that can't make it.  They're older and having health problems.  My uncle is having trouble walking now, and they would have to travel in from out of state. I adore them and would love to have them there.  In fact, I'd happily trade in almost any of my guests if they could be there.  That said, I understand completely that they can't make it.  Just bummed since I love them.
  • We have our final count!  107 yes, 43 no.  Once I add in our vendors, we're up to 111.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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