We are having a backyard/barn wedding at the end of the summer. It will be catered by a restaurant but just to the point that they will set up a buffet, and we will be renting our own tables/chairs/china etc. I am having some difficulty figuring out the logistics surrounding clearing the tables after dinner. Do we just have everyone scrape their plate off and place them in a bin? That doesn't seem too classy to me. Any suggestions?
Re: have guests bus their own tables?
Agree that you need to avoid that.
When one of our girls is getting married we rent a venue where we have to do the set up and can bring in our caterer of choice and our own alcohol and hired bartender. That means there is a lot of extra work to do.
My SIL is the varsity cheerleading coach at the HS where she teaches. For the past 3 DDs' weddings and for the last one coming up in June we will hire a few of her girls to help with whatever it is we need. We pay them 8-10 bucks an hour (can't remember!) and that money goes directly into their cheerleading camp fund. Win/win for all of us.
Hire some high schoolers or college kids to give you a hand. You will be happy to have the extra help!
You should never ask your guests to work. You invited them to the reception to THANK them for coming to your wedding so that would not be a good idea.
I'm with PPs and say to hire some high school or college students to serve and bus tables for the night. I used to waitress and we had people calling offering waitress jobs and we readily accepted them for some extra cash.
Talk to your caterer about having servers who will do this.