Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

What did you get for your FI as a wedding gift?


Re: What did you get for your FI as a wedding gift?

  • tegannietegannie member
    edited April 2014

    Both me and my FI are into table-top rpgs (like Dungeons and Dragons) and he's is really into Steampunk, so I got him a custom-made dice bag that had a steampunk design on it in addition to his ring.

  • Nothing, besides getting married. I graduated from college two days before the wedding, DH had one more  semester in college, & we were going to be living in my parent's basement for the next 15 months.  There was no extra money for anything.  We exchanged wedding rings, so I guess those were the gifts.  I never knew you were "supposed to" exchange gifts before coming to these boards.

  • My fiance looooves golf and collecting putters so I got him a golf putter he's been admiring for a long time now. He can use it on our honeymoon, too! :)
  • We weren't planning on doing gifts.  We never do gifts for birthdays or holidays  But, if we find something the other wants or would like, we may buy gifts for each other just because from time to time.  But, FI decided that he wanted to buy me wedding jewelry (his first big gift to me ever, besides my e-ring).  So, he did.  And I ended up buying him cufflinks because I saw some I knew he would really like.


  • I am going to Hermès to get FI a pair of cufflinks and a pocket square. I've gotten him a very nice watch and cologne for an anniversary before, and he'd mentioned wanting to round out a set of nice accessories for when he has to dress up.

    I'm the fuck

  • We got each other (or, are getting) wedding bands. 
  • lc07lc07 member
    Tenth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    My virginity. Kidding. I gave that away a long time ago. We didn't exchange gifts.
  • For an engagement present I got Fi a pocket watch/ compass. We probably won't exchange wedding presents.
  • We bought each other bikes.  In our city, there are kiosks of rental bikes.  You swipe your card, and it releases a bike you can use for minutes, hours, or the whole day.  Some of our favorite dates were riding places in the evening after work.  So we bought each other nice bikes from Public so we can go on our city dates anytime we want now.
  • No gifts. We're paying for a wedding. That's enough.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I mentioned how people will give each other gifts and my fiancé laughed at me. It was pretty much him saying, you'll be marrying me, isn't that a gift enough lol
  • FI has been wanting a new watch for a long time but doesn't want to spend the money on himself so I plan on getting him a really nice one for a wedding gift
  • H and I got each other tickets to see Aerosmith and slash perform. i cant wait for the concert.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Visit The Knot!
  • A nice dinner at a restaurant, beautiful pictures, and a kick-ass honeymoon !
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