Wedding Woes

My pothead husband is annoying

Dear Prudie, 
I am at an impasse with my husband over his recreational pot use. We are in our late 30s and I have no moral objection to occasional pot use. I did a bit of when I was younger, but have outgrown it. But he's a frequent user and becomes a different person when he's high—he acts unintelligent and clueless. The other problem is that when he has it, he can’t keep his hands off it, so there can be days on end when I only see him high. I end up going to bed alone while he stays up late playing video games and eating all the snack food! Then he runs out and we’re back to normal for a few weeks. When I tell him this is undermining our marriage, he says I'm overreacting. A few months ago he seemed to take my concerns more seriously and agreed not to keep pot around the house. He's broken this promise several times, and now I feel betrayed in addition to everything else. Am I overreacting? Is he underreacting? How do we move past this?

—Feeling Low

Re: My pothead husband is annoying

  •  "But he's a frequent user and becomes a different person when he's high—he acts unintelligent and clueless."

    I doubt you've ever been high, MrsConn. Because as far as I can tell, that's the point. 

    I used to do this with cookies when I was little. I wasn't allowed to have any, so when I got some (also applies to any sweets, really), I would shove all those little fuckers in my mouth at once and then have no cookies. It's a deprivation mindset, and I find it really odd for an adult to apply to drugs, but I don't enjoy being high in the first place, so there you go.

     I wonder if they worked out a one-joint-a-day policy or something if he might be better. Like, since I know I can have cookies any time I want, I don't so much want them anymore. 
  • baconsmom said:
     "But he's a frequent user and becomes a different person when he's high—he acts unintelligent and clueless."

    I doubt you've ever been high, MrsConn. Because as far as I can tell, that's the point. 

    I know you're responding to the letter, but this made me laugh...hard.  

    Confession: I was a daily pot smoker back in my eaaaarrrrllly 20's.  My hippie stoner co-worker told me that I needed to knock off the daily pot smoking because he hated having conversations with me because I couldn't remember shit.  
  • I feel like if this were replaced with alcohol, i.e., he's drunk for days on end, there'd be a different response.  While I have no issue with marijuana use, it is a drug that people can abuse just like alcohol.  And I think this guy is doing that.  He needs to see an addiction counselor.
  • Yeah, I'm super pro pot but if anything's disrupting your life, that's no good whatever it may be. Plus there comes a time when it's not cool to get stoned and play MarioKart all night anymore. Curious if this guy works, and if so how that's going?
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