Chit Chat

Happy National Margarita Day!!!!!!!!!

As some of you may or may not know, margaritas are my absolute favorite drink!

I took advantage of the great weather we are having, and went for a run earlier. Afterwards, FI and I went to Costco to stock up on stuff. I usually hate going there, but I got back from my run kinda late, so we were cutting it close. We pretty much went through the place getting what we needed and made it out in less than an hour.

I'm pretty tired so I don't think we will be doing much, but I will be making some yummy margaritas later on! What is everyone else up to on this fabulous Saturday?



Re: Happy National Margarita Day!!!!!!!!!

  • Now I want one. Darn it.
  • It's too cold here still to drink margaritas. What damn fool put a holiday involving warm-weather drinks in February?!

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • It's too cold here still to drink margaritas. What damn fool put a holiday involving warm-weather drinks in February?!

    Someone who lives in a place where they don't have cold weather. H
  • jdluvr06 said:

    It's too cold here still to drink margaritas. What damn fool put a holiday involving warm-weather drinks in February?!

    Someone who lives in a place where they don't have cold weather. H

    Clearly! :)

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • For me, it's never too cold for margaritas @hisgirlfriday13 ;)


  • Ugh! Now I want a margarita!!

    .. and I have no margarita fixings :(
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  • StephJean83StephJean83 member
    500 Comments 100 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited February 2014
    FH and I just got home from having one. We shared a very delish half gallon watermelon margarita on the rocks!

    We hit above 32° today so it was short and flip flop weather here ;-)

    Edit spelling error... guess that margarita got to me ;-)
    You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back. - Barbara DeAngelis
  • Man, I wish I thought to have a margarita today. I sure needed one after my craptastic afternoon. They are repaving one of the big roads by us because there were potholes in it that were bigger than my car (seriously, I feel like I know some of them biblically). I didn't know they were doing it, and the Asian market I go to is on that road (it's all strip malls). Normally, it's about 12 minutes for me to get there. Today took 1.5 hours since the road was shut down to 1 lane (from 3). I sure could have used some tequila to make the trip more tolerable!

  • I want a margarita....

    I can't complain though. FI made me a mudslide. :)

  • I had a pretty weird day today.  Finished up the stuff I had to do for my PT job this morning, then met girlfriends for brunch in the city with LOTS of sangria.  After brunch we were hanging at the bar and my friends started talking to another group-- turns out one of the guys is a professor at our law school.  It was so random and weird.  We are all about to graduate, never were in his class, and never will be, but it was actually pretty fun chatting him up.  He bought us a round.

    Walking to the train on a mildly sprained ankle was not smart.  I ended up paying for two taxis on the way home because my phone died and I couldn't call Fi to pick me up when I got back to Jersey.  First thing tomorrow, we're going to Target and buying an ankle brace and ice pack.  The bags of frozen beans are just not cutting it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • @cookiepusher- what's up with this pothole problem in the area?? Does it have anything to do with the weather? There was a whole section in the news on Friday about the pothole issue.

    @jcbride2014- where did you brunch? I'm going to brunch tomorrow myself at Kittichai in Soho. That's pretty random and funny, running into a law professor from your school at the bar. Isn't it fun this big this city is, but still so small? Yes, def get an icepack and brace for that ankle, you don't want it to get any worse. Especially in this soon to be crappy again weather.

    @chibiyui- mudslides are awesome!! I was craving one last night lol


  • @Pinkcow13, we went to Calle Ocho on 81st.  My friend had to wait months to get a reservation!  I guess the free sangria makes them a popular spot.

    I feel like I actually run into people constantly.  It's a big/small world.  And really, running into a professor on the Upper West Side is not that weird when you think about it.... but the fact that our two groups ended up chatting at the bar and getting a table together is a pretty strange coincidence.  And then, it turns out said professor is from the same neighborhood in the Bronx where I did my TFA student teaching!  Small world indeed.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • pinkcow13 said:
    @cookiepusher- what's up with this pothole problem in the area?? Does it have anything to do with the weather? There was a whole section in the news on Friday about the pothole issue. 
    The road is heavily used (Route 22), and hasn't been repaved in a really, really long time. The weather just exacerbated the issue. There were several intersections that were just completely broken apart and you'd have to slow to 5 mph to cross safely. I work near the mall in Willowbrook, and all the main roads around the area are covered in potholes. I have to slalom my way home every day!

  • pinkcow13 said:
    @cookiepusher- what's up with this pothole problem in the area?? Does it have anything to do with the weather? There was a whole section in the news on Friday about the pothole issue. @jcbride2014- where did you brunch? I'm going to brunch tomorrow myself at Kittichai in Soho. That's pretty random and funny, running into a law professor from your school at the bar. Isn't it fun this big this city is, but still so small? Yes, def get an icepack and brace for that ankle, you don't want it to get any worse. Especially in this soon to be crappy again weather. @chibiyui- mudslides are awesome!! I was craving one last night lol
    Yes. Water from snow/ice/whatever gets in cracks in the roadway, then freezes, and water expands as it freezes, further cracking and damaging the pavement, then it melts and the hole is bigger, then it snows again and the process repeats.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • I knew what national day it was yesterday and I celebrated it!!  Margs are my favorite drink and I felt it was my duty to celebrate it as such.

    Don't even get me started on potholes - Oh holy crap, it is only February and one tried to eat my car on the way home from work last week.  Construction Season is gonna suck.
  • I missed Margarita Day!
  • @JCBride2014 - I LOVE Calle Ocho!!!! I went there a few months ago with my Best Friend - I had to make reservations well in advance. I love the potato biscuit things they give you. We were thinking of going there today, but she had just been there last weekend so we chose Thai instead. 

    I feel that I constantly run into people myself. Usually it happens at pretty random places for me lol.

    kmmssg - I think I celebrated too hard with my margaritas. I was paying for it this morning lol. But I was a trooper and somehow made it out to brunch lol. 


  • Fi and I had 7 margaritas at On The Border - they were only a dollar each!! :) (He had 4, I had 3!)

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